


AMV and GMV contests at Connichi 2019 Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Connichi contest, the biggest and longest running AMV-contest in Germany is looking for entries! This year videos can compete in up to three categories. You may send up to four videos (three AMVs and one GMV). Prizes are waiting for the winners. Deadline for submitting entries is August 4th, 2019.

Contest thread at AMVNews forum
Full rules (English)
Full rules (German)


Winners of CreaCon 2019 Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Лучший клип конкурса
1 place - Илья Чижов - Natural Shot (77 points)
2 place - UFец - Fractured (74 points)
3 place - Leberate - Critical Chance (57 points)
4 place - Dima Zhovtiak - Конг: Остров Черепа FanMade Trailer (47 points)
5 place - D0SKA - ballerina (45 points)
6 place - Fatal Frame - Hospitality (43 points)
6 place - Freeman-47 - Tom & Jerry VS System of a Down (part 3) (43 points)
8 place - Dеath_Kn1ght - Welcome to MEGACITY (37 points)
9 place - Uk@R - Just Mars (24 points)
10 place - Mark&Trailer - Marvel Studios' Ӏ Infinity Saga (21 points)
11 place - Apologet - Turn off after watching (18 points)
12 place - SandY - Это всё (Ретроспектива) (15 points)
13 place - HungryBobo - Leap of Faith (3 points)


TOS Contest 2019 Thursday, 06 June 2019


TOS MAD Club studio (China) invites everyone to participate in a huge online event - TOS Contest 2019. You can submit AMVs, MAD, original animation or motion graphics, your entry must be exclusive - no publications online before the results of TOS Contest 2019 are released. Prize fund of more than $8700 is reserved for winners. Submission deadline is August 15th, 2019.

Detailed rules at our forum
Registration of participants


Winners of Big Contest 2019 Saturday, 01 June 2019

The annual AMVNews contest is over. 49 persons took part in the second round voting and here's the final result: 

Best video overall
1 place - S†eelshine - TROUBLE (400 points)
2 place - AntaresHeart07 - Anime World Cup (295 points)
3 place - seriy - Excited schoolgirls (232 points)
4 place - ZarakiJA - 2028 (231 points)
5 place - Xophilarus - Weaving Wounds (154 points)
6 place - miso - Succubus (150 points)
7 place - Ellafaessa - SHades of void (126 points)
8 place - VideoBeats - Love Overdrive (104 points)
9 place - Oscar - Fireflowers (99 points)
10 place - Padre - Booze (90 points)
11 place - Airone - Kartel (85 points (Penalty: 100 - 15))
12 place - Alina Vega - #басякабася (83 points)
13 place - Dm1try[A] - Scaffold (79 points)
14 place - bbsnypur - Before Midnight (76 points)
15 place - DrPenguin - Banana Smoothie (71 points)
16 place - ybStar - Lovely Drama (67 points)
17 place - UnluckyArtist - Horses (52 points)
18 place - PikaPika, Zerowy - Heartless (52 points)
19 place - MapleMAD - « MIRAGE » (50 points)
20 place - IceMoon - Masters Of Destiny (48 points)
21 place - BioticAMVs - Parallel (48 points (Penalty: 63 - 15))
22 place - Hungry Bobo - Forever Dance (44 points)
23 place - Fobos - Triumph Of Evil (43 points)
24 place - Nooria - Wrong Dreams (41 points)
25 place - Strat - Beyond Mob (39 points)
26 place - MesoGear - be[key]ming (31 points)
27 place - Cegan - Dissociate (28 points)
28 place - tanott - Downfall (28 points)
29 place - Chaiberry - Flowers in a Desolate World (25 points)
30 place - SylverZ - METALIK (19 points (Penalty: 34 - 15))
31 place - Sonicfreak, AnimeTwins - Written Memories (12 points (Penalty: 27 - 15))
32 place - Illuminated Studios - Fractures (0 points (Penalty: 5 - 15))


Results of AMV & V-MIX contests at MomoCon 2019 Thursday, 30 May 2019

Read more about MomoCon contests here.

AMV Contest

1st Place Trailer: PaNTSU oF d00m - Fullmetal Alchemist: Endgame
1st Place Drama / Serious: NATALEO - You Know How I Feel
1st Place Action: Elixir - Survival League
1st Place Romance / Sentimental: Glitzer - Happy Little Clouds
1st Place Fun / UpbeatPaNTSU oF d00m - Undeadman Zombieland
1st Place Comedy / Parody: Angelic Daze - Technically, They're Kappa 
Judges ChoiceRider4Z - Off The Ceiling
Editors' Choice: Glitzer - Happy Little Clouds
Coordinator's Choice: Ileia - Old Toy Road
Director's Choice: shorisquared - Circuit Tree


CreaCon 2019: looking for judges! Sunday, 26 May 2019


Annual contest CreaCon is currently looking for jugdes! To join the jury you must comply with one of the three requirements below:

- You must have an account at registered not later than December 1st, 2018 and have no less than 50 comments at
- You must be a winner of any CreaSpace contest in any nomination or a winner of any joint event held together with CreaSpace (like Real Contest),AKROSS Con, Big Contest и других конкурсов от
 - You must be one of Top-30 CreaSpace commentators.

If you want to join the jury and fit at least one of these reauirements, leave the message in this thread.
Your message must be: "Please consider me as a judge for CreaCon 2019"

Second round voting of Big Contest 2019 Monday, 20 May 2019

34 contest participants whose videos are nominated in at least one category and 21 members of specially selected jury are eligible for voting in the finals. Voting in second round is obligatory for contestants. If a contestant fails to vote in the category where his/her video is nominated, then the total amount of points that this video gets shall be decreased by a maximum number of points possible for this category. It can affect final rating substantially. You must fill in all slots when filling in the voting form. Voting deadline is May 25th, 20.00 Moscow time (UTC+4)

Finalists of Big Contest 2019 Monday, 20 May 2019

Big Contest 2019 first round voting is over. 59 persons took part in the voting, 32 videos passed to the second round in main nomination. To pass to the finals a video should have gathered no less than 11 votes. Details about second tour voting will be availabale soon. This year all finalists must vote in second round to avoid penalty points! See below the list of finalists in all nominations, ranged by publication date.

Best video overall [32 videos]



First round voting of Big Contest 2019 Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Big contest 2019

We begin first round voting of AMVNews: Big Contest 2019. 75 videos took part in the contest. 10 contest videos rated lower than 2.6 points were excluded from voting. All 64 contest participants whose AMVs are eligible for the first round can take part in the voting now, as well as 27 jury members (Turbo, denismax, redbull, David Heli, kemaxto, g4nzo, Leberate, iris-am, Sempai3607, Arrow, DispariesTL, Kuichi, Ridiculous_CHAN, Qple, FT, Noss, JadeCharm, Lion0608, Tesc, pic4arts, AngrySmile, Kroner -AMV-, slavarussko, J03, EtoJeSpitFire, Letal, Shinzui). Voting in first round is totally voluntary.
There are 14 contest nominations to vote in. Some of those include all videos, others include only the videos which match the nomination thematically. Finalists in each nomination will be chosen during first round voting. First round voting ends May 20th, 20-00 Moscow time (UTC+4). Link for voting form can be found in "Authorization" block, right upper corner of the webpage. You can fill in the form, add and change anything as much as you want till the end of voting period. Contest participants do not see their own videos in the list and can't vote for them.

If you have any questions concerning voting procedure please contact site administrator via private message


NCS AMV Contest 2019 -Summer Edition- Tuesday, 16 April 2019


The NCS AMV CONTEST is back once again and this time we will host the contest on the main stage at NCS! The contest will also be streamed so make sure to tell your friends to both watch and vote for the best amv! Everyone will be able to participate and compete against each other to win awesome prizes and glory. So be sure to be there!
Exclusive entries only. Submission deadline is July 5th, 2019.

Detailed contest rules at our forum


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