

Winners of VCA 2022

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Official results

Video of the Year:
Zero To Hero: - by veraveroAMV
Action: Abyssal Grail: - by Sean.PNG
Artistic: Different Light: - by VideoBeats
Character Profile: Invisible: - by NekoKitkat25hug
Comedy: Truck-kun x Train-chan: Get Wrecked: - by TheLazyDaze
Drama: The Rift: - by Rider4Z
Fun: Into the Madness: - by Kireblue
Instrumental: My Everyday Vibes: - by Synæsthesia Productions
Live Action: Cutthroat: - by MinetChan
Multiple Source: Weebstagram: - by l33tmeatwad, pwcagal
Original: My Everyday Vibes: - by Synæsthesia Productions
Parody/ Commercial: Sk8 but it's a 2000s Mcdonalds ad: - by TheLazyDaze
Romance: Relationship_Final.MP4: - by TroubleClef
Rhythm & Dance: DRUM GO DUM: - by Zelda
Sentimental: Quarantine Dreams: - by AllyKatAVR
Short: Truck-kun x Train-chan: Get Wrecked: - by TheLazyDaze
Special Effects: Ace of Hearts: - by lokkiclu
Story: Relationship_Final.MP4: - by TroubleClef
Thriller: Hex: - by Farrix, Luna, JazzsVids
Trailer: Sukuna: - by BecauseImBored1
Editor of the Year: TroubleClef



Source: A-M-V.ORG | Новость добавил: Turbo Views: 1163 times
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ProSetup   User profile
  28.03.2022 19:38
Субъективно. Впрочем напиши список - узнаем совпадают ли вкусы.
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2022 23:58
I would be ashamed being on this award list knowing at least 10 greater videos than yours in this year...

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