

Winners and Finalists of of Japan Expo 2019

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


All Japan Expo top-23 videos has been released online, so we invite everyone to check the AMVs that made it to the finals of Europe's biggest anime convent. May every of them find its viewer! 

1) ShinRyu - Legacy 
2) JazzsVids - Toxic 
3) Luciole - B.L.M 
4) Airone - Nightmare 
5) Zuuki - Go Insane 
6) MagicDarkLight - Closing the Distance 
7) Sakki - JudG;Ment 
8) Skydean - Kingslayers 
9) SachaValentine - Line 2 
10) Kroner - The Game

11) iKuZze - Samurai Spirit
12) keks503 and Ye Mi - The Ascension of Arslan
13) Elixir - DEATHBLOW
14) SylverZ - IRON BEAST
15) Brenda Hikaru - Get Loud For Me
16) DaRyu - Causality
17) _FT - Queen
18) VHenrik - Electricity
19) Jinzo - Mercy 2
20) Menshen - Honest
21) NinoNO - Dancing Carnival
22) Melo - sunshine
23) Zoreys - N.M.D

Author: Minstrel Views: 1649 time
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