

Announcing AKROSS Con 2018

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Good news everyone! AKROSS Con, the oldest AMV contest in is back despite all financial difficulties. Many thanks to everyone who supported the contest. Don't miss the chance to participate in a historic event!
Registration begins on October 1st. Approximate deadline for entries - December 15th. Join this thread at AKROSS forum to discuss the contest.


Author: Minstrel Views: 893 times
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Comments (4)
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ClaiN   User profile  Video channel
  01.10.2018 02:13
Stayin' alive, staylin' alive

ah ha ha ha

Stayin' alive, stayin alive
HikanAMV   User profile
  30.09.2018 15:55
EVOsvik   User profile
  29.09.2018 18:04
Акросс kон живи! Были бы деньги задонатил бы всю сумму но сейчас и сам ели концы с концами свожу
Enigmo   User profile  Video channel
  29.09.2018 15:36
I mean......can someone tell EvilSpider that nobody will mind if Akross doesn't have its own server...we'll all be happy uploading our AMVs to ^_^

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