

Display period of AKROSS Con 2017

Monday, 23 October 2017

 Display period of AKROSS Con 2017 contest has started and will last until the end of the year. Every few days new contest videos will be premiered. Please watch and don't forget to leave your comments!
Also, let us remind you that you still have time to enter this contest! Registration deadline is December 10th, submission deadline is December 15th. Nobody knows what fate awaits AKROSS Con in the future and it's quite possible that it's your last chance to take part in the contest as we know it. Don't miss this opportunity!


Author: Minstrel Views: 1392 times
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Comments (6)
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EVOsvik   User profile
  25.10.2017 17:44
Ура я в деле...
Muntoro   User profile
  24.10.2017 21:50
dumtumdum   User profile
  24.10.2017 17:51
в этом году китайцы победят)
bobo203   User profile  Video channel
  24.10.2017 14:06
Первый и последний раз для меня. Знают как заманить :D
kemaxto   User profile
  24.10.2017 08:08
S.A. Robert, решил поучаствовать ?
S.A. Robert   User profile
  24.10.2017 01:25
Тряхнём стариной.

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