

AMV, GMV and CV contests at Connichi 2016

Thursday, 19 May 2016


Connichi contest, the biggest and longest running AMV-contest in Germany is looking for entries! This year videos can compete in up to four categories. You may send up to five videos (three AMVs, one GMV and one Cosplay Video). Numerous valuable prizes and certificates are waiting for the winners. Deadline for submitting entries is August 2nd, 2016.

Contest thread at AMVNews forum
Full rules (English)
Full rules (German)


Author: Minstrel Views: 1466 time
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Lucifer de Voland   User profile  Video channel
  19.05.2016 23:23
уейй, вот и фесты пошли)
MIBIHA   User profile
  19.05.2016 22:33
Das ist sehr interessant ) Viel Gluck!)
Cenit   User profile
  19.05.2016 21:13
Thank you based admins!

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