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Interview with Umika for

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Umika interview for (China). February 11, 2016.

Original interview here.

We thank Bilibili administration for providing interview materials.

Interviewers: Yume & LaeVa

Art credits: Umika, Bilibili Art Group


What led you to become an AMV maker and a Cross-over master? 

Love for anime and desire to express myself with drawing or video. To show this or that character from another side, not like in the anime. Desire to tell the story in my own way and so on. I'm one of these people who think that if you start something, then you got to finish it, put heart and soul into it, to love your creation, don't be limited by dry cover. Need to be some filling in the clip, which won't  appear just like that.
You were named Editor of the year at VCA 2013. And year 2012 was called the year of Umika. How did you compose the plot of Metamorphose
The main role always is given to music. When I am listening to it, some images or parts of the story instantly come to my mind. That's a start and I add details from here on. It was like that with Metamorphose. I really love Hurts. When I was listening to the song " Illuminated", I clearly saw an image of a dancing girl wearing kimono. That's how the concept appeared.

Which is your favorite part of creative process?

Probably, the whole process from idea to final render. I'll answer this question the other way. I really don't like cutting clips for further editing (it feels like falling into black hole).
Some think that Steel Fenders is the best of your solo videos, and it was only ranked third at Big Contest. What do you think about it? And what do to think about queer love between cute girls?
The video is about deep devotion of servant to master. Deep devotion consists of respect, admiration and in some sense love. I mean, there's no reason to stuck to just one idea lying on surface, you have to go deeper, throiugh the layers of plot. Everyone can find something special in my work. 
Who are your favorite AMV creators? 
The ones who feel how to create and keep necessary atmosphere in their work. In general I'm omnivorous - my favorites are many. Usually I divide videos in two categories: inspiring and motivating.
What do you think of Chinese award-winning creators Cheeseharry, Oneways, Tiny Poet?
Guys, you're awesome! ;"}
The music of your work sounds extraordinary, how do you find such music?
It finds me itself. For many it's not a secret that I love Hurts. I feel that with their music I can convey to viewer the emotions that can only be evoked by such music. I love Vocal Chillout, magical music of Yuki Kajiura. I have a big audio collection for inspiration.
How many steps does it take to create a Drama/Cross-over? 
At first, there must be inspiring music, which helps me to create a story concept,  heroes of my story are always the characters I really love and I want to express my love to them through AMV.
Only 3 steps: Favorite music + Favorite character = Drama/Crossover
What kind of software do you use?
Moviemaker. Seriously.
How do you get your ideas and inspirations? How do you work on colors and fonts? 
My work as an artist helped me to develop feel and understanding of colors. I really do not like to work with fonts. I think that work with fonts is boring and monotone.  But I like to enjoy cool typography.
Do you prepare some kind of a storyboard?
Earlier, I held everything in my head, I knew what and where I want to see and I seldom faced any problems in process (as it seemed to me).  But now I've taken a more serious approach, sometimes I not only decompose full story into scenes but also find various variants to make a single scene.
Is there any specific way to find among huge amount of animes good scenes or parts of scenes that would go well with the scenes of your own?
Fortunately, I have excellent visual memory and often other people ask me for help to find necessary scenes :3 Often I remember something from other AMVs, but when I need to find something specific, then it causes some trouble of course. When it happens I look for thematic gifs with similar moments and try to google what I need.
What do you think of the remarks in F.Y.C towards you? 
I love those hidden eastern eggs so much! Every timeI see something like that - I'm happy like a kid. Me and Dn@ have discussed this subject many times. And I even drew a thematic picture for him. We would sit together,  have a drink and chatter. That would be cool!
You haven't released a new video for a long time. It is said that you've been working on a new one for over 2 years. Any details?
Now I am working on a huge project, which will take a lot of time, not one or two months, but a lot more. That's why I can't spent all my time on projects of my own, although I want it very much. That's why there is such a delay.
I understand that many of you are waiting for my new work, I'm really grateful for your expectations and patience. I assure you that I won't stop until all of my ideas come to life.
So please believe in me, your belief and support give me strenght to carry on!
Do you have any interest of attending the Bilibili AMV match, if we have one?
Of course I have ;} But it would be great to have some time on realization and other stuff.
What other creators think of Umika?
She's a great editor one of the best and a good friend of me her work is most of the time realy amazing on the artisitic side with nice color correction and thoughtfull storytelling.
She enjoys terrific comprehensive abilities and has strong insight towards details. Her works indicate her high art accomplishments and hard practice. In addition, she has academic level of editing skills.
She is one of the best AMVer in this century from my point of view. Thanks to her “god-like” creativities, our teeny tiny little AMV world enjoys so many interesting stories, so much ground-breaking power, and a brand new fashion.
Umika is a master. Thanks to her female intuition on rhythm and atmosphere, she is able to express her feeling in detailed approaches. In addition, she is good at hand sketching, which enhanced her implementation capacity. As a result, she is always able to tell stories to audience clearly and deeply.
Needless to say about her skills. She renders the atmosphere perfectly, controls the color precisely, and utilizes the particles accurately. She is good at both imaging and mastering, which is why she is the pathfinder in this era. One of her video was on BILIBILI Weekly Chart for five weeks including three weeks of TOP 1. She deserves the title “God U”.
She is the goddess of numerous MAD/AMV fans.
She is the teacher of numerous MAD/AMV creators.
Her masterpieces are milestones in MAD/AMV production.
She represents an era in MAD/AMV.
She was so young, and it’s such a pity.
R.I.P. my friend,
Hope you can still find what you love to do and achieve what you have not achieved in heaven. 



Author: Minstrel Views: 5986 time
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Comments (42)
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MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2016 12:13
thanks for sharing this
Gigatless   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2016 09:32
Artofeel wrote:

Определенно не стоит давать интервью китайцам..

Покойся с миром Умика. Ты опять впереди нас всех. Но думаю русская АМВ-сцена скоро тут тебя догонит.

Малыш, с тобой всё в порядке?
Sutrue   User profile
  28.02.2016 06:02
the person leading the era
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2016 05:21
She really had a great love for her works. Will be ever the example for all drama and cross-over editors.
Spartanets   User profile
  28.02.2016 04:42
Один из немногих авторов, чьи работы всегда ждал, а тут такое...
нет слов
Dn@   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2016 03:37
Always in our mind
Sweet prince   User profile
  28.02.2016 03:18
Darksss 73 wrote:
Жалко что только чёрного лебедя не увидим

Darksss 73   User profile
  28.02.2016 05:12
Все там будем , и пиченки будем жамкать .
Жалко что только чёрного лебедя не увидим .
Нечего, скоро и я к ней присоединюсь .
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2016 23:09
Да уж... живёт-живёт человек...
потом бац - и нету...
Artofeel   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2016 22:52
Интервью, данное ... 11 февраля 2016 года.

Определенно не стоит давать интервью китайцам..

Покойся с миром Умика. Ты опять впереди нас всех. Но думаю русская АМВ-сцена скоро тут тебя догонит.
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  27.02.2016 21:28
опять ком в горле) Но таки да, этому интервью тут самое место.
Minstrel   User profile
  27.02.2016 20:42
Когда я впервые узнала об этом интервью и задумала перенести его на ньюс, мне и в голову не могло прийти, при каких обстоятельствах я буду его в итоге публиковать.
Но теперь, как бы ни было грустно, это тоже - память. Пусть будет здесь.

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