

Big Contest 2016 announcement

Monday, 18 January 2016

 Big Contest 2016 announces the annual spring AMV competition - Big Contest 2016. We welcome creators from all over the world to join us with any kind of AMVs. Remember that contest entries should be exclusive, i.e the contest video can't be released online before the premiere at AMVNews. Participants can register via on-line form, registration is opened till the submission deadline for those who have the site account. Videos can be submitted from March 15th till April 15th, 2016.

Prize fund
1 place – 5000 roubles + statuette
2 place – 4000 roubles + statuette
3 place – 3000 roubles + statuette
4 place – 2000 roubles + statuette
5 place – 1000 roubles + statuette

This year we have the contest rules translated to several languages. We used last year translations made by community volunteers with some minor changes so if you find any mistakes in any of the rules please let us know. Also, if you are a foreign creator and are willing to help us with more translations please write a PM to Turbo or Minstrel. AMVNews won't forget you! )

UPD: Rules in Italian added. Many thanks to MatthewRoy.


-Registration for Big Contest 2016
-Apply as jury for Big Contest 2016
-List of registered jury and participants of Big Contest 2016



Author: Turbo Views: 2540 time
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Comments (22)
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D_Legolas   User profile  Video channel
  28.03.2016 13:47
В этом году дедлайн до июня дотянете?
immikun   User profile
  01.02.2016 23:37
Кастую Умику на кон!
Weestwoood   User profile  Video channel
  31.01.2016 01:47
Отлично!! Еще один биг кон порадует мою душу!! Обожаю.
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  26.01.2016 13:20
Hikado95 wrote:
If presented with a good original animation i will have the sure victory?

Do you expect the juries to drop by and say,

" What? D-Did you just say you're making an original animation?! G-Guys. Guys! We have a winner, let's just cancel the whole thing and mail him the prize funds.
BUT wait, chill guys, I didn't even get to the best part... there's NO COPYRIGHT! How much better can things get?! Our prayers have finally been answered, you sir changed AMV's as we know it, let a new era begin. "

I don't know if it's lack of self confidence, or just the thirst to win that led you into making such a mockworthy comment, but that's not the right mindset to have when you're partaking in any competition.
MangaLub   User profile  Video channel
  23.01.2016 18:01
Hikado95 wrote:
If presented with a good original animation ( anime of course) i will have the sure victory?

Well, when we are talking about BC, there is no "sure" of anything. It would be better for you if you work not for the winnig, but for the self-satisfaction.
Hikado95   User profile  Video channel
  21.01.2016 07:44
If presented with a good original animation ( anime of course) i will have the sure victory?I for my part it would be better to give more credit to the good original animation ,because it encompasses the entire creativity more than a AMV, in that the animation is taken without copyright.

It is more than just say, because that would be supporting the creative and the community of AMV (ANIME music videos)would be otherwise.
seshka   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 22:17
Its time - to hunt
aryaford   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 21:27
let's do this xdxd
Lucifer de Voland   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 18:38
Эхх... этот бк я не пропущу)
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 18:32
Трамплер каждый год регится, я жду клип, а его нет ((
mn_casper   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 18:11
удачи всем
padre   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 09:21
БК,БК... БК?!
Cmoididi   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 05:33
pas mal
lokkiclu   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 03:27
It's already the time for BC?! time flies
MangaLub   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 03:14
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 01:23
Let run and participate ! :3
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  19.01.2016 01:13
Только сегодня о БК задумался, вот и он. Участники, преподнесите хотя бы хороший монтаж, желаю удачи.
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 01:00
It's showtime
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 00:16
запилю нарезочку под музычку, нет, под рэпчик
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  19.01.2016 00:12
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  18.01.2016 23:18
Sweet! The time has come
S.A. Robert   User profile
  18.01.2016 23:02
Удачи участникам, буду ждать хороших работ.

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