

Concerning AKROSS Con 2015

Saturday, 19 September 2015

It's that time of the year when we usually announce preparations period for another AKROSS Con, the oldest of russian online AMV contests. This year however, the situation is somewhat different.  It's very important for AKROSS administration to know whether anyone needs this year's contest at all, so it's quite possible that the fate of AKROSS Con 2015 is in your hands now. So if you have waited for AKROSS Con 2015, if you want it to be and want to be part of it - have your say in the thread of last year's contest.


Author: Minstrel Views: 3119 time
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slimed   User profile  Video channel
  20.09.2015 12:07
Serrry   User profile
  20.09.2015 10:31
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You don't need contests to release amv...just release them?...
Hikado95   User profile  Video channel
  20.09.2015 07:39
But why wait for someone need from a contest that is already a tradition?

i do not know very well what is happening... but i have always liked that the community of AKROSS change its way to advertise and to implement another way such as to be known, not only in this community of AMV but in other communities.
i know that it is not easy to make a good presentation of the contest as it was in the year 2012 in the Big ConTest, but is that a submission of that caliber to attract the masses; because AKROSS is an international competition and the methods, so that other editors are encouraged to make an AMV, should be different.
Vipper   User profile
  20.09.2015 07:37
2 года пропускал, а в этом году решился там поучаствовать, а тут на тебе...
Gigatless   User profile  Video channel
  20.09.2015 07:38
Спайдер заболел чтоль?
Окрошке не нужно чье-либо мнение, окрошке нужен пиар и привлечение большего количества мейкеров. А для этого надо постоянно держать людей в курсе: создать и обновлять раздел на орге, на ньюсе, на фб, в твиттере, на том же, который держит Спайдер. А кто кроме него будет этим заниматься?
Это здорово, что в конкурсных клипах есть лого проэкта, но как по мне, то этого не достаточно для существенного увеличения аудитории конкурса.
Avient   User profile  Video channel
  20.09.2015 05:55
did i ruin it too much for you guys? shame
TheNedits   User profile  Video channel
  20.09.2015 02:11
How do i russian ?
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  19.09.2015 23:52
This year we depend on you. Unfortunately things doesnt work as we expect. Any help that comes is welcome

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