

Project Org Editor 2015

Wednesday, 01 July 2015


A fifth installment of  Project Org Editor contest is about to begin!  Project Org Editor is a widely known and extremely popular AMV event that has produced many outstanding videos throughout the previous years. It's a video editing contest that puts editors against each other in a weekly competition for the span of several months. Each week’s competition has a unique “theme” on how editors should edit their video. This year the contest consists of 8 rounds (6 preliminaries, semifinals and finals) without registration deadline - anyone can enter the competition at any point during the preliminary rounds.
Prize support for the competition is provided by MomoCon.
Round 1 begins July 6th, the contest will last till the middle of September.

Rules and Information at AMVNews forum (English)
Contest forum at


Author: Minstrel Views: 1222 times
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redbull   User profile
  01.07.2015 21:55
клёвый кон, в этом году снова жду эпиков )

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