

Prize fund of Big Contest 2015 increased

Thursday, 07 May 2015

Great news for all Big Contest 2015 participants. Our prize fund tripled thanks to a generous sponsor and now our winners can count on the following prizes:

1 place - 17000 roubles (~300 Euro)
place - 13000 roubles (~225 Euro)
place - 10000 roubles (~175 Euro)
place - 3000 roubles (~50 Euro)
place - 2000 roubles (~35 Euro)

Main sponsor commentary: "AMV means a lot of work, and when I see somebody doing it just for the sake of it, out of interest and to show others one's skill and emotions, I want to support this person immediately, because the future belongs to such people. Not to the audience, no. The audience must strive to become creators"





Author: Turbo Views: 2762 times
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Comments (44)
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NakkiD   User profile  Video channel
  08.05.2015 03:00
я хз, но думаю можно было бы для BC сделать платную регу
100р к примеру

Профит на лицо.
p/s хз почему до сих пор не ввели
Crookz   User profile  Video channel
  08.05.2015 01:07
Death_Kn1ght   User profile
  08.05.2015 00:59
45 кусков... Не слабо
Deviant   User profile  Video channel
  08.05.2015 00:54
Nikola wrote:
А кто спонсор?

andrewbee   User profile  Video channel
  08.05.2015 00:37
Wonderful news and thanks to the sponsor(s). Wish I wasnt so busy on to next year I suppose
Uniquevil   User profile  Video channel
  08.05.2015 00:28
— поздравляю, у вас увеличился призовой фонд.
— всё на красное.

мб Трампуля что запилит? мб восстанут папики и мамики всея ньюс, а? ну пожалуйста((9
Chono   User profile
  07.05.2015 23:58
Яise   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2015 23:49
Extend the deadline please
Elixir   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2015 23:13
Dayum, son
Enigmo   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2015 22:52
nigga should have just sent me that shit through PayPal
Nikola   User profile
  07.05.2015 22:49
А кто спонсор?
Gidra   User profile
  07.05.2015 22:45
когда там дедлайн?
L33tamv   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2015 22:31
glad to see more value given to the amvs makers its not exactly about the money but the understanding that even if its just a hobby it still takes a lot of time and effort to create a good amv.


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