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AMVpack - all the tools in one package!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Creator l33tmeatwad, well known in AMV community, prepared a special pack of programs for clipmakers. AMVpack is an installer package for all the tools commonly used for handling and preparing footage for use in making AMVs. Installer translated in several languages: English, French, Italian, and Russian.

Download (~180 MB)

Software Included: AviSynth 2.6 MT (RC1), AviSynth Plugins, AvsPmod 2.5.1 (English/Français/Русский), DGMPGDec 1.5.8 (English Only), MkvToMp4 0.223 (English/Русский), MPC-HC 1.7.8 (English/Français/Italiana/Русский), tsMuxeR 2.6.12 (English Only), Ut Video Codec Suite 15.0.2, VirtualDub 1.10.4 (English/Français/Русский), AMVsimple 4.0 (English/Русский), Zarx264gui 3.0 (English Only).



Source: A-M-V.ORG | Новость добавил: Turbo Views: 5093 times
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Comments (20)
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Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  23.02.2015 10:13
Actually, we had a problem with 10-bit videos before made an server based encoder. Now we reencode these videos for online playback. Note for everyone: don't ever use 10bit for online. )
Access denied   User profile
  23.02.2015 08:38
ОкОкей как на счёт.

"Сборник козявок известного мэйкера Усики(хихи андроид доставляет)"
"Коллекция старых трусов известного мэйкера Трамплера"
И "Антология горьких слёз Артофила"

Мдя... Сделай товарищ программный модуль, как совокупность функционала данных программ, с постоянным онлайн мониторингом,обновлением до актуальных версий - цены бы ему не было.

А так типа известный автор, господин ПервыйРаз Слышу , сделал инсталлятор... Просто золото... Онли платина.
kyle_m   User profile
  23.02.2015 03:37
me likes much options
l33tmeatwad   User profile  Video channel
  23.02.2015 03:44
To summarize the replies below, yes there are tools that not everyone will need and there are guides available and mentioned during the install process with links provided to said guides. As for the tools you don't like, as shown in the image above they are all optional. Is that really that complicated of a concept to understand?

I was just explaining why some would consider Zarx264gui better and it is a good tool for making that step from one click encoding interfaces to more advanced ones by narrowing it down to the more critical options that are most often needed to adjust for quality. Being the FFMPEG executables are included, any advanced user can feel free to use the CLI if they so prefer. As for MeGUI, while I like that it shows all the possible options and is a powerful tool for encoding video, how it handles muxing and audio delay is another subject entirely. Don't forget, I did choose to include AMVsimple as well and it is the default option for Russian installs. When it comes to MkvToMp4, the name is actually rather deceiving as it will recontainer not just MKVs but also M2TS files and several other containers to MP4, which many find useful.

Funny you should mention mirkosp as he is one of the people I contacted for suggestions when I decided to create an all in one pack for footage handling and he made some good recommendations on things to include (and he also provided the Italian translation). This pack was created to centralize current footage handling tools for a variety of different sources that most AMV editors tend to come across. If you aren't seeing the usefulness of some of the tools perhaps you should go do a bit of research to find out what current methods are for handling footage acquired from different types of sources. Yes, some people may not ever use certain types of sources, but the tools are included and available in case they are needed, as opposed to NOT being included. As for tools like delogo...well...if your are choosing to use footage with logos...
Cenit   User profile
  23.02.2015 02:12
AMVapp is outdated but the reason why it worked so well was because it was accompanied by the AV guide. Now, if there's a guide to this pack then i suppose that's a good thing, but where is the link? The pack was posted here stand alone.

There might still be people using DVDs but those 2% should just read your guide and procede with MakeMKV, not download DGMPGDec, then read your guide to learn how to use it, only to delete it again and install MakeMKV.

This pack has really no advantage for an experienced editor. It might be good for a novice but only with a accompanying guide, which is missing here. And it lacks any advanced tools to clean up footage, like delogo stuff, something mirkosp and Shui can probably tell you more about but that imho is useful even to experienced editors.

So in conclusion, like this it's made for no one. I don't use AMVapp anymore and a new pack app/pack/whatever would certainly be great, but only as an extension to a full fledged guide, not stand alone. And maybe some more advanced tools. And Lagarith. And cake. And free beer.
Lirinis   User profile  Video channel
  23.02.2015 02:12
Zarx264gui always felt as neither fish nor fowl for me. Why would it throw quantizers into a novice's face? Why would a video geek prefer it to CLIs or MeGUI? Hmm...

l33tmeatwad wrote:
It basically has more options and the defaults

(Unlike this package) AMVSimple has a clear positioning as a one-green-button software. Less is more. I doubt those additional options really help anybody to get a noticeably better video anyway.

l33tmeatwad wrote:
more optimized for quality rather than size or speed of the encoding

Deluxe mode of AMVSimple is quality-optimized.

l33tmeatwad wrote:
It also uses FFMPEG for encoding, which uses a different containering method for MP4s to compensate for audio delay from priming. With the audio delay compensation this reduces the audio offset historically know for causing sync issues when uploading a MP4 to YouTube.

I'm sure KG7x looked into sync problems and made an educated decision. Not sure if he considered Youtube uploads though.

l33tmeatwad wrote:
it recently added x64 support

AMVSimple added x64 support in 2013.

l33tmeatwad wrote:
the ability to encode 10-bit video

Ok, good.

Things below look kind of polluting. If I recommended this pack to a beginner and then he asked me "why do I neeed these?" I would have to answer "Well, actually, you don't. Throw them away." Don't want to waste time for such conversations.

l33tmeatwad wrote:

DGMPGDec 1.5.8 (English Only),
tsMuxeR 2.6.12 (English Only),

No Russian support is no problem since nobody ever works with any disks around here. :-)

l33tmeatwad wrote:

MkvToMp4 0.223 (English/Русский),

What kind of source comes exclusively in mkvs? Can be useful at times but generally it's easier to go and get an mp4.

l33tmeatwad wrote:

MPC-HC 1.7.8 (English/Français/Italiana/Русский),

This belongs to a playback/codec pack.

Anyway, it's always good to have another option to choose from.
l33tmeatwad   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 23:49
I can probably chime in on this. It basically has more options and the defaults are more optimized for quality rather than size or speed of the encoding. It also uses FFMPEG for encoding, which uses a different containering method for MP4s to compensate for audio delay from priming. With the audio delay compensation this reduces the audio offset historically know for causing sync issues when uploading a MP4 to YouTube. In addition to this, it recently added x64 support and the ability to encode 10-bit video.
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 22:09
Cenit, why is ZarxGUI better than AMVSimple? It's serious question I never used ZarxGUI before, probably we should make a page about this encoder.
l33tmeatwad   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 23:57
This was created to accompany the English tutorials I wrote for and, but I decided to go ahead and expand to other languages just to make this simple installer more accessible. As for your commentary:

AviSynth 2.6 - It's well know that the coders for AviSynth said that 2.6 is actually more stable than 2.5.8 and the only reason it was still in Alpha was the NEW features (mostly new colorspace support) were not fully ironed out yet. The one included is RC1, which stands for release candidate 1, meaning they are nearing the official release and if there are no errors found in this version it will be the official 2.6 release. All this information can be found in the official release threads for AviSynth on the forums.
AviSynth Plugins - the ones included are the ones used in the tutorials I wrote, each is optional and you can pick and choose which to install. The documentation for AviSynth in this package includes the documentation for how to use these. I conferred with other editors experienced with AviSynth to narrow down the plugins to the essentials of what people will need, much like what AMVapp did when it was current.
DGMPGDec - People still use DVDs as some stuff has never been released on Blu-ray anywhere in the world. As for MakeMKV, it is mentioned in my guides as to where and how to get the newest version of that and where to get the key codes. It was not included as including software for decrypting things could put the package in a legal gray area for some areas of the world and it's easier just to run the original installer instead of beefing up the size of a tools package.
MkvToMp4 - Useful for re-containering 8-bit h.264 footage so it can be directly used with most NLE software. Some people prefer to do this so it was included.
MPC-HC 1.7.8 - CCCP actually doesn't include any "codecs", it only includes decoders...the same ones that are now built into MPC-HC. The only advantage of installing CCCP is the ability to use those decoders in other media players as they will not work with NLE software. If you already have CCCP installed it will simply update MPC-HC for you so I see no reason why including this hurts anything.
tsMuxeR - Yes, few people will, however for the few that do want to process 3D Blu-ray footage, this tool was included as an OPTIONAL extra.
Ut Video Codec Suite - Ut is the better option as it has support for HD color matrix natively, that which Lagarith lacks. That said, I have been requested to add Lagarith as an option for a later version. As mentioned before, there are tutorials available.
VirtualDub - Glad we agree on something?
AMVSimple - Was a requested addition, is optional in the installer, did you even look at the defaults?
Zarx264gui - Awesome, we agree on something else!

As for your commentary as to it being made for no one, I'm sorry you feel this way, but I have received many comments on how this package helped them to easily get these software installed without the trouble they had doing so before manually. Additionally, it also makes it easier to setup for Mac users with PlayOnMac. I actually use this myself and plan to continue updating everything included on a regular basis, which is probably going to be yearly or whenever a major AviSynth update comes out. Not all of the software listed is installed by default and there are different install options.

I will agree AMVapp WAS great...when it wasn't so outdated that it was counter productive as it is now. I will point out it ALSO included optional things that most people will not use so your criticism on that doesn't make any sense to me if you are going to praise AMVapp.
Cenit   User profile
  22.02.2015 19:28
A lot of pointless stuff in this package but also totally useless without a accompanying tutorial. AMVApp is great and makes sense because the AV guide explains every piece of software and how to use it but wtf is this? Let's go through this bit by bit.

AviSynth 2.6 - Cool, although i would not force a incomplete beta on people.
AviSynth Plugins - Cool, but pretty sure it's incomplete so why bother?
AvsPmod 2.5.1 - Cool, very useful.
DGMPGDec 1.5.8 - Why? You want to work with DVDs again? Use MakeMKV - best software out there for DVDs/BDs.
MkvToMp4 0.223 - Why would you ever want this?!?
MPC-HC 1.7.8 - Who in there right mind would ever download this seperately. Every editor should have CCCP installed which automatically gives you MPC along with a bunch of useful codecs.
tsMuxeR 2.6.12 - Once again a totally pointless piece of software that 90% of AMV editors will never ever use.
Ut Video Codec Suite 15.0.2 - Cool - great codec for lossless clips (though most AMV editors will still continue using Lagarith unless getting told why UT is better -> Tutorial!
VirtualDub 1.10.4 - Cool!
AMVsimple 4.0 - Effin pointless programm when you have Zarx. I suppose it's good for uploading to AMVNews or Akross but that's it.
Zarx264gui 3.0 - Cool! The only encode software you really need and need to master!

So, all you need from this is AVS(but rather 2.5 for now), AvsP, Ut Video, Vitrual Dub and Zarx. Not included is MakeMKV, CCCP and advanced software to delogo TV footage. All useful programs in this in this pointless suite can be found by simply google searching them. If you're an experienced editor you will know what software to work with and do not require this suite! If you're a novice you will never ever get into this suite without an accompanying tutorial that tells you how.

This suite is made for no one!
Darksss 73   User profile
  22.02.2015 10:16
Dm1try[A] wrote:

И еще:

А,га.а.а.а.а.а.l33tmeatwad решил всех хакнуть .
Всё есть,не-нуждаюсь,но для юных голов сойдёт .
Deviant wrote:
а где же After Effects?

У меня на винде,вот где.
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 10:05
Поменяли ссылку что бы Chrome не ругался.
kemaxto   User profile
  22.02.2015 09:59
Что то программ много.
slimed   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 06:35
nice job with this
l33tmeatwad   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 03:12
Chrome likes to give false positives for all EXE files from sites that are flagged as "not trusted", I'm guessing mega's status recently changed. Here's a link for chrome users:

I only included free software that does not require a license to install and mainly tools used for footage handling and not for actual editing.
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  22.02.2015 00:14
excellent dude, so proud of you
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  21.02.2015 23:54
Thanks! very cool
VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  21.02.2015 23:43
Прикольно, о половине прог даже не слышал, спасибо
Deviant   User profile  Video channel
  21.02.2015 23:34
а где же After Effects?
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  21.02.2015 23:36
а вот это круто. Рискнуть что ли установить...

Просто у меня порой шутки какие-то происходят. Вот раньше, например ( на икс пи винде ), в дабе можно было поставить директ шоу и без скриптов закидывать в него серию. А теперь только скрипты принимает, что меня очень печалит, ибо гораздо больше действий приходится выполнять. Сейчас винда 7.

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