

Новые клипы

Celles et Ceux des Cimes et Cieux Понедельник, 13 Февраль 2017

Короткометражка выпускника французской школы анимации Créapole, созданная под впечатлением от работ Миядзаки. По словам автора это трейлер будущего полнометражного мультфильма.

Автор: Gwenn Germain
Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Joe Hisaishi - Hana-Bi

Celles et Ceux des Cimes et Cieux


V Воскресенье, 12 Февраль 2017

Комментарий автора: A very simple video, and a simple concept. The violent scenes are just exasperation of what I meant. There is no story, and no connection between anime, only free thoughts. "V" is the symbol of vanadium, but it's a bit long to explain why I chose it.

Автор: KazKon
Аниме: 5 Centimeters Per Second (Movie), Another (TV), Black Lagoon (TV), Blood-C: The Last Dark (Movie), Death Parade (TV), Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (Movie), Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (Movie), Gangsta, Garden Of Words, The (Movie), Harmony (Movie), Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu (Movie), Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu (Movie), Last Exile: Fam, The Silver Wing - Over The Wishes (Movie), Nagi-Asu: A Lull In The Sea (TV), Patema Inverted (Movie), Planet ES, The Garden Of Words, Tokyo Ghoul (TV), Typhoon Noruda
Музыка: Moby - Be The One



Flipping Illusion Суббота, 11 Февраль 2017

Комментарий автора: I really loved this anime so I wanted to make a fun AMV showing the different styles and stuff that are in the show. So basically just a standard action AMV. I was going to do more things with it, but I lost motivation since I started a big project I'm pretty excited for xD. Also, sorry for the super derpy ending, I honestly had no idea what to do there xD.

Автор: Xophilarus
Аниме: Flip Flappers
Музыка: Gain - Paradise Lost

Flipping Illusion


The Twist Четверг, 09 Февраль 2017

Внимание, ретро-AMV
Премьера клипа состоялась 4 июня 1999 года

Классика жанра от Kevin Caldwell'а. Премьера состоялась на конкурсе Project A-kon X (04.06.1999).
Несмотря на хорошие отзывы о самом аниме, клипов на него совсем немного - видимо, ввиду его "возраста", и малой (?) известности. А одна из особенностей amv Caldwell'а, по-моему, это то, что после них хочется смотреть аниме, по которому оно сделано. Наслаждайтесь.)

Автор: Kevin Caldwell
Аниме: Kimagure Orange Road (TV), Kimagure Orange Road (OVA)
Музыка: Chubby Checker - The Twist

The Twist


Honeymoon Среда, 08 Февраль 2017

很久前就想试试一些有ษ 9;的想法,这个坑开始于12年左 右,陆陆续续这么多下来终 110;把她做完了
没有别的想法,仅仅只是为 维包子祝福,动画的结局有 857;太过残忍,头发都白了,心 疼
我的维多利加永远是那个在 神秘之塔中的金色妖精
Just for Victoria buns blessing, animation ending a bit too cruel. My Victoria is with golden elf forever

Автор: Canbyaboy
Аниме: Gosick
Музыка: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Around the Bend



Feelings in between days Вторник, 07 Февраль 2017

Победитель AKROSS Con 2012 в номинации "Лучший профиль персонажа", тем не менее до сих пор не представленный на ньюсе. Имхо, одна из лучших работ Кайто и, наверное, одно из самых атмосферных AMV по гатарям.

Автор: Kaito
Аниме: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari
Музыка: Akira Yamaoka - Maria
Награды: Призер AKROSS Con 2012 в номинации "Лучший профиль персонажа"

Feelings in between days


Frozen Dreams Вторник, 07 Февраль 2017

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2016 

This was the first time I participated in Akross. Having had most of the video done already, I decided to enter in the contest. Though, I knew it wouldn't match up to other entries. I'm just happy to have been apart of it all.
After discovering the song I used, Yuri on Ice kept popping into mind. I felt the two could work really well together, so I set out to do just that. I'm happy with how it all came together and am glad that I was able to find a song that worked well with the show.

Автор: bbsnypur
Аниме: Yuri!!! on Ice
Музыка: The Naked and Famous - I Kill Giants

Frozen Dreams


Requiem Понедельник, 06 Февраль 2017

Hello! This is my first time posting here. I made this amv for ENP Wildfire IC. I wanted to edit mob psycho and i finally did it and im satisfied with the result, i know some things could be better like coloring, etc but i didn't have more time to edit. Hope you like it =)

Автор: iKuro
Аниме: Mob Psycho 100
Музыка: The Qemist - Requiem



I knew you were Psycho Воскресенье, 05 Февраль 2017

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2016 

Sup sons of Pepes.
In the past I found hilarious some memes about Taylor specially after watching the official Blank Space video. But never found the inspiration of making a parody about her until I met Bart Baker... channel. Which can be found here.
Ironically I discarded this idea before taking a look to his channel, then found myself with a Taylor Swift Parodies PlayList. Another funny fact is that this one wasnt originally chosen to be edited, but after watching all of them, I liked the concept of this one.
Back to the video. I wouldnt call this a 'Crossover' since it wasnt intended to be that in the first place. But you cant make a parody like this with just one serie using an anime with only 3 characters, so I had to mix with other sources. You'll notice the amv isnt 100% anime, but it also features many guests. One of them is Chabelo.
This is the first time that a video takes me more than 5 months to finish since this video started back in july, 2016, but due many personal experiences, I couldnt save time until october-december, 2016. This video includes several references to memes and situations, so if you're new to Internet I dont recommend you watching this video
Special thanks to Ikore, VovanKoperativ, MrGafudo, kireblue and Reyzen for the help in this video.
Me quedare esperando a ver como reacciona la audiencia
Pd. I wanted to make one of the Justin Bieber videos, probably when I quit editing I will.
Pd2. I will take a rest now so it's all up to the rest of ZonaAMV and Iron Team
Pd.3 Leolide brought the weed to make this video, rumors said he draw the AMVNews poster
Pd.4 Copy Paste FTW
Pd.5 Eat it nerds

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Автор: TritioAFB
Аниме: Plastic Nee-san, Dagashi Kashi, Nisekoi, Fairy Tail, Gekkan Nozaki-kun, Seto no Hayaname, Beelzebub, JoJo Bizarre Adventures, Good Luck Girl!, Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Carnival Phantasm, Yondemasu yo! Azasel san, B Gata H Kei
Музыка: Bart Baker - I knew you were trouble PARODY

I knew you were Psycho


Outcast Суббота, 04 Февраль 2017

''A human being that is cornered has no choice but to be strong.''

I've had this idea to make an AMV about bullying for over 2 years, but I never really started it before because I never really knew where to start (also because I had no clue how to alter scenes) even though I knew which song to use all this time. Two years later I finally gave it a go. I had a clear idea in my mind of how I wanted this AMV to turn out and I was able to finish it within a month. I decided to participate in the Animecon 2016 AMV competition with this AMV and I ended up 3th place in the editors choice and 10th in the audience choice. It wasn't an easy AMV to make because it's a very tough topic (especially if you have gotten through bullying yourself), but in the end I am glad I did make it and I hope you will enjoy this AMV :)

Картинка Making Of (~0.21 MB)

Автор: MarikoAMV
Аниме: Bungaku Shoujo, Bungaku Shoujo Memoire, Elfen Lied, Ijime, Inu x Boku SS, Little Busters! Refrain, Sukitte Ii Na Yo, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Музыка: The Moth And The Mirror - Everyone I Know
Награды: Animecon 2016 3th place (editors choice)



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