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Evil Island Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Пародийный трейлер к фильму "Остров проклятых". Для лучшего понимания происходящего к клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author's comment: One night in the summer of 2011 I randomly decided to watch the movie Shutter Island. In short, it really blew me away. I loved it in every shape and form. I saw a few vague similarities between the movie and Resident Evil 4 and so a few hours after finishing it I wondered what the trailer was like. Let me just say the trailer portrays the movie quite differently than what it actually is supposed to be about. After viewing the trailer though my thoughts were already running wild with ideas. Never did I think I'd be creating another AMV trailer so soon after A Walk To Remember but I loved Shutter Island so much and the idea fit so I couldn't refuse it.

Author: Melichan923
Anime: Resident Evil 4
Music: Shutter Island - Movie Trailer Audio

Evil Island


inside Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Contest video of AKROSS CON 2008

Author's comment: целый мир в одном сиянии... в одном твоем сознании.

Author: Fusion Z
Anime: Mizu no Kotoba, Kikumana, Noisy Birth
Music: School of Emotional Engineering - Slicing the Skin Between My Toes



Forever Monday, 25 June 2012

Well this is a video a finished for madaraxd´s birthday, so happy birthday Miguel. Its a sentimental amv about the relationship of the main characters of the anime "Ga-rei zero". Hope you to enjoy it

Author: xDieguitoAMV
Anime: Ga-Rei Zero
Music: Incubus - Dig



Carnage Sunday, 24 June 2012

Contest video of AKROSS CON 2011

Незатейливый экшн с акрошки, изначально планировавшийся ещё под другой трек как нечто идейное и эпичное. Увы с обоими пунктами мы пролетели, но надеюсь клип найдёт своего зрителя.

"Человек создан для действия. Не действовать и не существовать для человека — одно и то же. © Вольтер"

Author: Br0m, ScrnShot
Anime: Mardock Scramble: The First Compression, Towa no Quon 1 Utakata no Kaben, Batman Gotham Knight, Super Street Fighter IV OVA-2, Real Drive, The Animatrix, Innocence: Ghost in the Shell, Ergo Proxy, Guilty Crown
Music: Pendulum - The Vulture



iBebop Saturday, 23 June 2012

Author's comment (перевод): Помню, как я впервые увидел титры Amv Hell 5, и мне очень понравился аудиотрек, микс из голосов. Я стал искать информацию про такой тип музыки, заодно посмотрел, как некоторые авторы делают миксы на основе аудио из голливудских фильмов и диснеевских мультфильмов. Меня это воодушевило, и появилась мысль сделать ремикс из фрагментов аудиоряда одного из моих любимых сериалов, Cowboy Bebop.

Author: Oro$hi
Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Cowboy Bebop - The Movie: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Music: Richard Lewis - Hip Funk Legends (Oro$Hi Remix)



Scars of Romance Friday, 22 June 2012

Author's comment: Nothing much i have to say about this right now. I am overall pleased with the outcome of the final video. This wasn't made to be a spectacular amv or anything like that, it was to challange myself and for once edit something i liked. If you would think i should of done otherwise, i highly suggest you think twice before watching this video. So, this was, afterall, made for a very special person in my life, so please dont go hatin' on the amv -wink-
I appreciate any kind of criticism you guys are willing to offer me. And thanks for reading this and watching my video (if you did <3)

Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Parallel Works: The Sense of Wonder
Music: My Favorite Highway - Bigger than Love

Scars of Romance


Echoes of Redemption Thursday, 21 June 2012

Author's comment: For the first round of the Project Org Editor. GIGA SLAVVVVEE |:>

Anime: Slayers Evolution-R, Slayers Revolution
Music: Nobuo Uematsu - Liberi Fatali

Echoes of Redemption


Once Upon a Time in Russia Wednesday, 20 June 2012

This song has been stuck in my head for probably the most longest time... Finally got a idea worth for the use of this song and here it is

Concept: The Concept basically parodies the story as told in the video in a unique way. I wanted to kind of have the feel that all anime characters exist in a sort of a Russian perspective. Hence I used well over 250 photos of Russian Landscapes, buildings and landmarks with a large array of anime characters posing in front of. Since the song is from the 70s, I also kind of wanted to give it that retro feel and hence the use of the “Viewmaster” dices (who those who actually know what a Viewmaster was!

Upon watching Fullmetal Alchemist, the story seemed to have that Euro Asian look and thus I used it as the background from the story. The shoe in character to parody and twist the meaning of the story as told in the song was no other than Louis Armstrong as he fits the role perfectly. Other characters inlcude the “queen” as taken from Code Guess.

I wanted to showcase the actual singers and characters from both Azumanga Dio and Haruhi Suzumiya fit well.

Anime: Ah! My Goddess (Movie), Ah! My Goddess (OVA), Air, Angel Beats (TV), Azumanga Daioh, Black Lagoon (TV), Bleach, CANAAN (TV , Chobits, Chrono Crusade (TV), Clannad (TV), Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV), Cowboy Bebop, Death Note (TV), El Hazard: The Magnificent World (1st OVA), Fate/stay night (TV), Fruits Basket, Full Metal Panic, Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Fushigi Yuugi, Hellsing, Hetalia: Axis Powers (TV), High School of the Dead (TV), Inu Yasha (TV), Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Kiki's Delivery Service, Laputa, Castle in the Sky, Last Exile, Love Hina (TV), Lucky Star (TV), Macross Plus, Martian Successor Nadesico, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV), My Neighbor Totoro, Naruto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club (TV), Please Teacher (TV), Pokemon (TV), Project A-ko, Rurouni Kenshin (TV), Sailor Moon, Sgt. Frog (TV), Slayers (OVA), Slayers (TV), Toradora! (TV), Trigun
Music: Boney M. - Rasputin
Awards: Best Concept на Anime Boston 2012, Judges’ Choice Award на Anime North 2012, Master Fan Favorite на A-Kon 23, Upbeat/Dance и Coordinator's Choice на Anime Mid Atlantic 12

Once Upon a Time in Russia


PaperHeart Sunday, 17 June 2012

Самая серьёзная студийная работа Q&A. А также, вероятно, последнее для меня AMV. Резать чужие исходники стало сложновато, мало простора для фантазии. Попробую создавать свои. Спасибо всем, кто со мной играл, было весело. Да и вообще всем спасибо.

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Q

Anime: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Genius Party Beyound, Paprika, Original animation
Music: James Newton Howard - Baby Monitor, James Newton Howard - Hand of Fate, Pt.I



The Yin, The Yang, and The Girl Thursday, 14 June 2012

Работа делалась для участия в конкурсе Quickening, проходящем на А (по условиям конкурса на создание клипа под заранее заданную музыку участникам отводится неделя). 

Author's comment (перевод): Мне не слишком понравилась эта песня. Нет, в ней нет ничего плохого, но ее уже не раз использовали в других неплохих АМВ, а я обычно стараюсь не брать для своих работ подобные треки. Поэтому, чтобы работа выглядела посвежее, я выбрала относительно новое аниме. Обратите внимание, что значимых спойлеров здесь нет, поскольку это своего рода альтернативный сюжет.

Anime: Aquarion Evol (TV)
Music: Imogen Heap - The Walk

The Yin, The Yang, and The Girl


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