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Himitsu Saturday, 05 December 2015

Официальный клип на песню Himitsu группы A Crow is White (カラスは真っ白). Режиссер и аниматор - Wataru Uekusa, студент школы анимации Geidai (Токийский университет искусств).

Author: Wataru Uekusa
Anime: Original animation
Music: カラスは真っ白 - Himitsu



Strong Willed Saturday, 05 December 2015

Комментарий авторов: Merci Ruben for poster! Yo! Finally we decide to upload our work for speedproof ic. We didn't upload it before because we have problems with it, but now it's okay. Enjoy ^^

Author: Agito, Fobos
Anime: Haikyuu, Kuroko no Baske
Music: Rayden – aLIEz



Liar Friday, 04 December 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2015

Author's comment: I am glad i have time to make an amv for akrosscon2015, I'm tried to make this story as clear as possible, hope you enjoy it.

Anime: Kyoukai no Kanata, Zetsuen no Tempest, Hamatora, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Music: Hurts - Mercy



Last Chance Thursday, 03 December 2015

About the video: Kou and Futaba being friends since childhood they began to have feelings towards each other.
Futaba seeing Yuuri so close to Kou made her to become extremely jealous of her and when something happens to her she began to be in an emotional state and regrets the things she thought of Yuuri and wanted to remember the happy things they did with each other. As Futaba starts pushing Kou away because of her feelings of regret he then becomes a bit depressed and tries to still be by her side. Soon Futaba realizes that she has to make a choice and it is her last chance to do so.

Personal Comment: I started this in July and had to keep pushing back when I will finish it. Since the anime is so short with only 12 episodes it made it a bit hard for me to think of how I will get my ideas through. In the end I have accomplished what I wanted to do, but I had no other choice but to leave some things out and had to make a decision on how I wanted some parts to play out. I have to thank xGeminii, ZEVS1993, and BeautyxPain102 for helping me throughout the video and especially UnlastingDreams for giving me this song so I can edit to it. In the end I enjoyed the turnout of this and I hope everyone does as well.

Author: -Kisagi-
Anime: Ao Haru Ride, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, Grisaia no Meikyuu
Music: Britt Nicole - Safe

Last Chance


I Hate Boys Tuesday, 01 December 2015

Привет всем! Давненько я не садился за amv (примерно месяца 2), как вдруг посмотрел на новоиспечённую "Animegraphy 2015", и услышал эту песню, сразу вдохновение пришло (вдохновения, правда, хватило только на минуту >_<. Концовку слил). Приятного всем просмотра! Надеюсь, всем понравится!

Author: stels145
Anime: Eiga K-On!, K-On!, Nisekoi, Kore wa Zombie Desuka, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Himouto! Umaru-chan Bakemonogatari, Mayo Chiki, Sword Art Online, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kyoukai no Kanata Movie: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen, Black Rock Shooter, Astarotte no Omocha!, THE iDOLM@STER, Love Live!, School Idol Project, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Black Bullet
Music: Victorious - Take A Hint (Nightcore Edition)

I Hate Boys


Crimson Iris Tuesday, 01 December 2015

Author's comment: Heyyy donc voilà mon clip Online Contest, j'ai terminé 5ème! C'était aussi mon IC pour le Aeon Studio où j'ai terminé 1er Horror et 8ème Overall. Je savais pas trop quoi faire pour cet IC et on m'a dit de faire un clip Horror comme je fais jamais ça, j'suis tombé sur cette zik, kiff instantané voilà. C'est un peu la suite spirituelle d'Endless mon clip Haruhi, un clip psyche avec un anime à moitié psyche sur des glitchs! Bref moi j'kiffe bien, j'ai tenté un autre style, si ça avait été un clip sérieux y aurait eu plus de trucs à faire mais c'était un IC et j'aime pas revenir sur mes projets finis bounce
EDIT: Et je voulais rajouter que je me suis un peu inspiré de Corrupted by a Pure Rain de KxS! Enjoy!

Author: MagicDarkLight
Anime: Noragami
Music: Olafur - Til Enda
Awards: Best Psycho/Horror на Aeon Speedproof IC

Crimson Iris


Yakoi Monday, 30 November 2015

Author's comment: Pas vraiment grand chose à dire sur le clip. C'était fun à faire parce que c'est une musique assez tripante à clipper. Merci à Fadoo et MDL pour avoir vaguement suivi le projet, sinon merci à tout ceux qui on aimé mon clip !

Author: Sephi
Anime: Mix
Music: DJ Shimamura feat. MC STONE - VIBES!
Awards: 1 place and Public Choice at Online Contest: Rebirth (2015)



Boys'Life Sunday, 29 November 2015

Финалист AKROSS Con 2009. Хотя после премьеры прошло уже шесть лет, клипу все равно есть чем удивить зрителя: тут и нестандартный взгляд на исходник, и приятная атмосфера легкой иронии.

Author: gangrell
Anime: Devil May Cry 4
Music: Palast Orchester - Sex Bomb



Keep Drawing Friday, 27 November 2015

В ожидании новых AMV посмотрим немного оригинальной анимации. Короткометражка Keep Drawing от независимой корейской анимационной студии Shelter Studio посвящена, как и следует из названия, рисованию - вдохновению, творческим порывам, взлетам и падениям. Для создания видеоряда были ротоскопированы движения живых актеров, при этом каждый кадр представляет собой уникальную картинку с новым персонажем. Хотя продолжительность работы всего-то чуть более минуты, покадрово ее можно рассматривать куда дольше.

Author: Shelter Studio
Anime: Original animation
Music: Park Taejoon - Keep Drawing

Keep Drawing


Shuryo Thursday, 26 November 2015

Author's comment: I'm really attached to this project. I started it 2 years ago (October 2013) with Okill for a contest but I didn't manage to end it 'cause I found it too difficult for me. I'm glad I didn't finish it at that time because I don't think it could've been as good as now. Special thanks to my uaz friends, Nagi for the epic poster and to MysticBeard whom motivated me until the very end of it. Enjoy it if you can. Thanks ^^

Author: Riku'
Anime: Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Music: Onlap - Whisper in my head



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