

New videos

Aurora Borealis Thursday, 03 May 2012

Author's comment: Весь этот мир в тебе, но и он может оказаться лишь сном.

Author: Tayo
Anime: Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Heaven and Earth
Music: Thursday - In Silence

Aurora Borealis


Time Out Wednesday, 02 May 2012

A MEP made in 3 days for Iron Chef Stylize 4th Impact , hosted by Eden Team.

track 1: Kyros - Steins Gate
track 2: diegao94 - Nisemonogatari
track 3: gabber1991md - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
track 4: [madaraxD] - Chaos Head
track 5: xDreww - Macross Frontier
track 6: xDieguitoAMV - Freezing
track 7: [key]Scarlet - Black Rock Shooter
track 8: riccardocasu - One Piece
Outro: OversoulZero

Author: [madaraxD]
Anime: Steins Gate, Nisemonogatari, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Chaos Head, Macross Frontier, Freezing, Black Rock Shooter, One Piece
Music: Feint & Boyinaband feat. Veela - Time Bomb
Awards: 1st place in Free for all and Mep category at IC Stylize 4th Impact

Time Out


Mirror Lady Bitch Monday, 30 April 2012

Author's comment: It was not very successful at the contest and the audience didn't like it very much either (no wonder after seeing 3-4 "cute-girls-dance-and-oh-yeah-K-ON!-is-in-it" - AMVs out of 13 AMVs). But I do still like it. And I think I should get the "shortest-video-that-ever-participated"-award :D

Author: JadeCharm
Anime: Bakemonogatari, Clannad, Familiar of Zero, Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu, Idolmaster, K-ON!, Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Lucky Star (OVA), Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Michiko to Hatchin, My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, Ouran High School Host Club, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Princess Lover!, Rosario + Vampire Capu2, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Kirameki Youko Box (Promo), To Love-Ru, Toradora!
Music: Ke$ha - Princess Ke$ha

Mirror Lady Bitch


Abduction Saturday, 28 April 2012

Author's comment: So this one was a really complicated and experimental video to conjure up. I always had this funny idea of Erio being kidnapped by Niwa in the back of my head while I was watching this anime. So, I sat down, tried to make a storyboard, and see if I had a good concept and enough footage to accomplish this. And I did. I tried to use a lot of effects that I never used before, most of it being experimenting with color curves and the like.

Video Breakdown: The story starts out with an ordinary intro. Scenes of fish and a bike underwater give a sense of foreshadowing for what's to come. I introduce the male antagonist, who has this girl kidnapped and trapped inside his home. During the breakdown of the song, you learn more of how twisted and evil the male is. Then at one point, the female tries to escape. She leaves her wrappings (a symbol of her ties to her kidnapper) at the door and leaves. The male quickly notices she has left and goes on a frantic search for her. He eventually finds her in an alley, and she is now shown back in her wrappings being led to the prison of his home. Her life as a prisoner is back, but she does some thinking. The male also contemplates things, wondering if he should continue what he is doing. But it's too late. The girl has made her decision. They pull up to a dark and empty parking lot, and she attacks him. She ends up killing him and then throws him into the ocean. She is finally free. She returns home and passes out right when she enters her home. Next scene, she's in the hospital rehabilitating, but she has a bad feeling in the back of her mind. Low and behold, the male appears stumbling from out of the ocean, alive.

Author: Pacotacoshell
Anime: Denpa Onna Seishun Otoko
Music: Noisia - Tommy's Theme
Awards: AMV France Online Contest - Best Story



Street Step Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Author's comment: Начал делать клип довольно поздно, поэтому получилось как в "Год АМВ": забыл про сон, лень, часами резал маски, в школу ходил через день (мне можно ^_^), короче, я очень старался.

Также хочу выразить огромную благодарность моему учителю Darmax'у, без него я бы не смог сделать клип на Akross Con.
P.S. До конца конкурса не хотел говорить, но теперь скажу "Это мой первый клип, не судите строго" :D

Author: Bubusiateenka
Anime: Durarara!!, Toradora!
Music: The Fratellis - Creepin Up the Backstairs

Street Step


Jailbreak Saturday, 21 April 2012

Author's comment: Делался клип на ВКшный Level Up в одной группе. Но как истинный слоупок возился я с ним только последние 2 недели. Собственно, мой второй клип, судите строго, лол. Попробовал выжать что-то оригинальное из наруты.
ЗЫ: сакура краб.

Author: Bubusiateenka
Anime: Naruto TV, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto: Blood Prison, Naruto: Konoha sport festival, The Real Ghostbusters
Music: Henry Mancini - The Pink Panther



Welcome To Aperture Thursday, 19 April 2012

I'm a fan of Portal, and when I heard the music of Victim of science, made ​​from the sounds of a Portal, I wanted to make a video using this music. So I used the trailers for Portal 2 make a video only Portal! Because Portal is the best ! 8D
Good Video !

Author: KuroUnmei
Anime: Portal 2 Trailer
Music: Victim Of Science - The Device Has Been Modified

Welcome To Aperture


Exploder Evacuator: Part II Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Данное АМВ представляет из себя пародийный трейлер... на пародийный трейлер из Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Трешак получился ещё тот, зато легко, смешно и непринуждённо. В общем, это лучше один раз увидеть, тем более что авторы веников не вяжут. Русские субтитры прилагаются.

Author: Fall_Child42, ZephyrStar
Anime: Excel Saga, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Read Or Die - The TV
Music: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Exploder: Evacuator Part II

Exploder Evacuator: Part II


Pursuit of love Monday, 16 April 2012

Author's comment: Ох устал я делать этот клип, думаю единственный клип над которым я так долго потел. Огромное спасибо Elia, очень мне помогла при создание данного клипа, и много чему меня научила. Желаю приятного просмотра.

Author: Rustem95
Anime: Higashi no eden
Music: David Archuleta - Crush

Pursuit of love


Synthetic Heroine Sunday, 15 April 2012

Author's comment: I made this AMV for Anime North's AMV Contest, which is still a month or so away, but I got antsy and wanted the hdd space, so I decided to go ahead and release it. I tried to use mostly android/cyborg anime, but there's some filler here and there that isn't. There's no real story or anything, it's more of a theme/atmospheric AMV. I hope you guys like it!

Author: Ileia
Anime: Angelic Layer, Animatrix, Casshern Sins, Chobits, Divergence Eve, Dr. (PV), Five Star Stories, Ghost in the Shell, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society, Je T'aime, King of Thorn, Mardock Scramble, Metropolis, Ray, Senki Zesshou Symphogear, Steins;Gate, Tiger & Bunny, Vexille
Music: David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj - Turn Me On

Synthetic Heroine


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