Index > Sentimental
Where'd you go... 27.04.2017

Fun fact:
>This song was mine and my ex's song;
>The first anime I watched (per say) was Gosick, with her, and since then it was always one of my favorites.
>Hope you enjoy it, as it was made with a lot of heart! :)

Аниме: Gosick
Музыка: Where'd you go? - Fort Minor

Where'd you go...

Comments: 24 |  Rating: 2.842.84
Author: b3ko1722

Hurricane 08.04.2017

Комментарий автора: Yo, encore un ic. Je devais le faire avec Death K mais on a mis 10 ans à s'organiser pour la zik du coup on a drop. J'ai quand même voulu clipper donc j'ai commencé ce clip samedi et voila. Rien de spécial mis à part que j'ai bien kiffé refaire un solo en ic, c'est détente. Merci le fréro Zuuki pour l'outro

Аниме: To Aru Series
Музыка: Fat Prop - Stop the Time


Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.113.11
Author: Akuzo

AFFECTION 08.04.2017

В делюкс версии доступна французская вариация этой песни, а также русские и английские субтитры для каждой из них. (Или на YouTube канале).
Спасибо Minstrel за помощь в переводе на русский английских субтитров.

In the Deluxe version there is a French variation of this song, as well as Russian and English subtitles for each of them. (Or on the YouTube channel).

Аниме: Fuuka, One Room, Zetsuen no Tempest, Photo Kano, Nerawareta Gakuen, Musaigen no Phantom World, Ange Vierge, Grisaia no Kajitsu, White Album 2, Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai, Hanayamata
Музыка: Cœur de pirate - Carry On, Cœur de pirate - Oublie-moi


Comments: 71 |  Rating: 4.074.07
Author: S†eelshine

Muted 05.04.2017

Комментарий автора: This is a video I made for AWA Pro 2016. There's a long dramatic story behind why I made that, but I put it at the bottom for the people who care. xD I also have another Pro video I'm uploading in a few days, but people won't like that one as much so I decided to upload this first ^^

Ramble about video: 

I know a lot of people don't like it when someone's video comes with a monologue, and that's why I put it down here, and kind of out of the way. I just didn't feel right releasing this without talking about the subject. I'm going to go ahead and say, this is a very autobiographical video about a lot of my life and feelings. Not the specific events as much, but falling out with the parent, and the constant fear of how everyone thinks of you, regardless of how irrational the fear is. The core of the video is trying to focus on social anxiety, and the heavy weight of sadness and loneliness it brings. I have been having severe social anxiety issues most of my life, and I just wanted to capture the feeling and some of the thoughts as best as I could in the video. A lot of the abstract imagery even relates to how my personal state of mind feels when I'm having an episode, especially the clip with the thorns coming out of the girl's mouth. I will frequently try to talk, but suddenly find myself completely unable to, and it physically feels like there are thorns or other sharp objects clogging my throat, making it feel impossible to say the simplest of words. 

It also shows how feeling stuff like self doubt and anxiety doesn't only effect your mental state, but your physical one as well. The scenes of her clutching her stomach are a good representation of that. You get physically sick, and it feels awful. Now, I am a lot better than I used to be as far as my social anxiety goes, but there are still a lot of times it greatly impacts the way in which I go about doing the simplest of daily activities. However, the things that help me the most to get out of those states of mind are doing activities I love as well as the support of all the amazing friends I have, but yeah, this is how I made the video in relation to myself personally. 

I did, however, also want to make the video reach out to others as well, which is why I tried to tell the story in kind of a vague but consistent matter so it would be easier for other people to relate to it. Even though social anxiety and self doubt were the themes I was personally thinking of while I made this, it makes complete sense why someone may see it as something completely different. I didn't want to alienate anyone who couldn't personally relate to the themes that were in my head. 

I just wanted to do a write up of the social anxiety and self doubt themes because, for those of you who have these issues, a lot of people have them. You aren't alone in them, and you aren't some strange outcast who will never fit in anywhere because of them. For a long time, I just believed no one else thought that way, and there was just something really seriously wrong with me, and I do not want anyone else feeling that same way so if I can just help bring comfort to a single person, then this video was more than a success in my eyes.

Аниме: Kokoro no sakebitagatterunda
Музыка: Lauren Aquilina - Forest Fires
Награды: Best Sentimental, Best Character Profile на VCA 2017, Best Storytelling на AWA Pro 2016


Comments: 9 |  Rating: 4.044.04
Author: Xophilarus

The Daily Dance 02.04.2017

Клип делался для участия в третьем раунде орговского конкурса AMV Roulette 2017 и стал в этом раунде победителем. По условиям конкурса в каждом раунде определяется жанр клипа, тип музыки и некое особое требование к видеоряду, после чего участники в течение недели делают клип с учетом всех этих установок. В частности, в этом раунде задачей участников было сделать комедийный или фановый клип на кавер или ремикс какой-либо песни и обязательно включить в видеоряд три разных сцены с поцелуями.

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: Twenty One Two - Shake It Off

The Daily Dance

Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.573.57
Author: SpeedQueen GK

Thread of Fate 23.03.2017

Клип участник конкурса Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

Всем привет, не собирался я снова заливать что-то на ньюз, да и после результатов ST IC XIII (24 место в жанре романтика/драма), желание пропало совсем. Но, на удивление, людям, с которыми я общаюсь и к мнению которых я прислушиваюсь, амв понравилось, и вот я тут). В целом результатом доволен, но раз я 24 место, значитб далеко не все так хорошо. Одним словом, суждение об амв оставляю на вас, от себе только пожелаю, приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Kimi no Na wa.
Музыка: Aimer - Ninelie

Thread of Fate

Comments: 18 |  Rating: 3.483.48
Author: AngrySmile

Reminiscence 20.03.2017

Комментарий автора:  So, this is, sort of, my video for Crows #1 IC. I basically edited everyday, all day until the IC ended, and afterwards I was pretty unhappy about how it turned out in the end, so I changed some things I disliked about it before uploading it. So this isn't quite the IC version, I mainly changed things about the intro, the colouring, the film reel bit and minor glitch fixes. At first I tried to follow the lyrics but that idea got lost somewhere and it turned into a 'oh well i guess i'll just use this to try new things in AE' Shout-out to Airi, Cat and Avril for listening to my endless whining throughout that weekend, and special thanks to Avril for also helping me out with the video in various ways. I appreciate it thank you guys ¦

Аниме: Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Музыка: Aimer - Anata ni deawanakereba
Награды: 1st place in Drama/Romance and 3rd in Solo and Overall at Crows IC 2016


Comments: 4 |  Rating: 3.343.34
Author: xAlyzia

Artichoke Hearts 14.03.2017

Клип делался для участия в третьем раунде орговского конкурса AMV Roulette 2017. По условиям конкурса в каждом раунде определяется жанр клипа, тип музыки и некое особое требование к видеоряду, после чего участники в течение недели делают клип с учетом всех этих установок. В частности, в этом раунде задачей участников было сделать комедийный или фановый клип на кавер или ремикс какой-либо песни и обязательно включить в видеоряд три разных сцены с поцелуями.

Аниме: Tamako Market, Kyousougiga
Музыка: The Good Lovelies – Crabbuckit

Artichoke Hearts

Comments: 18 |  Rating: 4.054.05

Essentia 13.03.2017

Клип участник конкурса Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

"The legend says that the "Essentia" stone will reborn when a twin cosmos are born. Essentia has the power to guide and unify each others' hearts, independent of what happens."
Hello everyone! This is my first video for Soul's Team Iron Chef AMV Contest, it was really hard to do in three days but was fun too, this contest has the power to make you pass trought yourselfs limits.  Essentia has a different plot from anime, I was inspired with the filme itself, I really would like to see more connection between these two characters, I think Shin is a perfect partner for her :)

Making of video

Аниме: Hoshi wo ou kodomo
Музыка: Aimer - Ninelie


Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.443.44
Author: ThalesEditions

夢の降る街 10.03.2017

Комментарий автора: いつかの動画からやって来ました.

Аниме: Mahotsukai no Yoru
Музыка: Kanon Wakeshima(分島花音) - 「ツキナミ」


Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.263.26
Author: ぐんま

The Girl Walking In The Night 01.03.2017

Комментарий автора: 夜幕降临时,你可邂逅过一位喵小姐?
又一次和花近和萨玛的合作 这次能和大家一起参加拜年祭非常开心,感谢噩梦的邀请和羊桑的协力,希望曲子能让大家感受到夜晚的温暖 。
作词:林晓 作曲编曲:小野道 英文作词/演唱:花近 PV:青年萨玛

Аниме: Original Animation
Музыка: 夜行少女 - 花近

The Girl Walking In The Night

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.573.57
Author: 小野道ono

GEUM 01.03.2017

Комментарий автора:  I started this project randomly 3 months ago or more. just to try out new stuff and a different flow and genre than usual but after finishing half of the project I stopped it for a while but after online contest was announced I decided to just complete it to feel as if I accomplished something LOL. I kinda like how it turned out though because its different from what I usually edit. a nice change of pace. HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY IT TOO! Also special hug to Azexous for making me a super adorable outro!

Аниме: Akagami no Shirayukihime
Музыка: Imogen Heap - Tidal (Original & Royal Sapien Remix)


Comments: 16 |  Rating: 3.603.60
Author: Noor

FreeFall 27.02.2017

Клип участник конкурса Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

Комментарий автора: This is my entry for 2017 Soul's Team IC XIII for the Dance category.

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: Krewella - Live for the Night


Comments: 28 |  Rating: 3.873.87
Author: JazzsVids

Anchors 18.02.2017

Видеоряд из полнометражки "Со склонов Кокурико" очень классно сошелся с песней из "Моаны")

Комментарий автора: Hiya, this was originally gonna be a quick vid for the spring contests but it took 3x longer than it should have because I am an indecisive blob of a person. There are still parts that are a bit rough for my liking and I know you've seen this /style/ of vid from me before but i proooooomise it'll (probably) be the last.

Аниме: Kokuriko-zaka kara
Музыка: Auli'i Cravalho - How Far I'll Go


Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.513.51
Author: Pieandbeer

Hey Pa AMV (Dedicated to my Dad) 17.02.2017

Комментарий автора: Before anyone starts wondering, my dad did not die! My mom and I are obsessed with this song (and artist 8) so I made this to appreciate my dad. I didn't plan on uploading this for a few reasons: 1) The song is not in English and most people wouldn't be able to understand. 2) Some people thought it was too personal to upload 3) It's a fast edit, which was fun to make but it aint anything special & 4) This song is sung by a male perspective so the song is about a dad and his "son" so I changed the lyrics to daughter cuz it would make more sense from my perspective. A couple of people wanted to see it so I said fuck it, why not? The translation is really bad, I didn't know how to make it any better since the song is very beautiful but the translation is just ?? Either way, I hope it's enjoyable to some, my dad was very happy with it!

Аниме: Usagi Drop
Музыка: Niels Destadsbader - Hey Pa


Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.693.69
Author: iEmelien

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