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  Mr.Music! 16.04.2017

This is the first time for me to participate in Big Contest. This is also my first project in Dance genre, probably this won't be similar with others' work, but this is my take on the genre.

During the process of viewing and choosing my sources, I have seen a lot of stories that encouraged us to persuit our dreams. Even though there are pains and suffering in the way, but through courage and persistant, we will finally achieve success. In reality, we might be defeated and lost our interests to every other obstacles that life throw at us, but I still believe that everyone has their own stage in their hearts. Just like these heroines in the story, as long as we keep on believing in our dreams, we will continue to shine.

To, those who believe.

Аниме: The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Senki Zesshou Symphogear, Amagi Brilliant Park, LoveLive Sunshine, The iDOLM@STER, Gakkou Gurashi, Super Sonico, Charlotte, LoveLive, K-ON
Музыка: Mr.Music (ギガP REMIX)


Категории: Big Contest 2017 |  Скачали: 1407 |  Комментарии: 34 |  Рейтинг: 3.533.53

  Muted 05.04.2017

Комментарий автора: This is a video I made for AWA Pro 2016. There's a long dramatic story behind why I made that, but I put it at the bottom for the people who care. xD I also have another Pro video I'm uploading in a few days, but people won't like that one as much so I decided to upload this first ^^

Ramble about video: 

I know a lot of people don't like it when someone's video comes with a monologue, and that's why I put it down here, and kind of out of the way. I just didn't feel right releasing this without talking about the subject. I'm going to go ahead and say, this is a very autobiographical video about a lot of my life and feelings. Not the specific events as much, but falling out with the parent, and the constant fear of how everyone thinks of you, regardless of how irrational the fear is. The core of the video is trying to focus on social anxiety, and the heavy weight of sadness and loneliness it brings. I have been having severe social anxiety issues most of my life, and I just wanted to capture the feeling and some of the thoughts as best as I could in the video. A lot of the abstract imagery even relates to how my personal state of mind feels when I'm having an episode, especially the clip with the thorns coming out of the girl's mouth. I will frequently try to talk, but suddenly find myself completely unable to, and it physically feels like there are thorns or other sharp objects clogging my throat, making it feel impossible to say the simplest of words. 

It also shows how feeling stuff like self doubt and anxiety doesn't only effect your mental state, but your physical one as well. The scenes of her clutching her stomach are a good representation of that. You get physically sick, and it feels awful. Now, I am a lot better than I used to be as far as my social anxiety goes, but there are still a lot of times it greatly impacts the way in which I go about doing the simplest of daily activities. However, the things that help me the most to get out of those states of mind are doing activities I love as well as the support of all the amazing friends I have, but yeah, this is how I made the video in relation to myself personally. 

I did, however, also want to make the video reach out to others as well, which is why I tried to tell the story in kind of a vague but consistent matter so it would be easier for other people to relate to it. Even though social anxiety and self doubt were the themes I was personally thinking of while I made this, it makes complete sense why someone may see it as something completely different. I didn't want to alienate anyone who couldn't personally relate to the themes that were in my head. 

I just wanted to do a write up of the social anxiety and self doubt themes because, for those of you who have these issues, a lot of people have them. You aren't alone in them, and you aren't some strange outcast who will never fit in anywhere because of them. For a long time, I just believed no one else thought that way, and there was just something really seriously wrong with me, and I do not want anyone else feeling that same way so if I can just help bring comfort to a single person, then this video was more than a success in my eyes.

Аниме: Kokoro no sakebitagatterunda
Музыка: Lauren Aquilina - Forest Fires
Награды: Best Sentimental, Best Character Profile на VCA 2017, Best Storytelling на AWA Pro 2016


Категории: Sentimental |  Скачали: 733 |  Комментарии: 9 |  Рейтинг: 4.044.04

  My Crazy Yandere Girlfriend 30.03.2017

This one is a crazy one!!! Not a Song, naaaaaaw! The Worlds First Ever YANDERE Self help program for Physiologically traumatized Boy's and young men that either had or have a romantic relation with a YANDERE Girlfriend. It Displays the emotional Struggle as well as the Mental terror that such a relation can cause as it authentically portrays how it is to have a initially very cheerful, Extremely Kawaiii, kind and loving but later stubborn, bossy and mentally destructive, overprotective, violent, super brutal and insanely jealous stalker alert Girlfriend. A Girlfriend the likes of Yuno Gasai. Follow Narrator "ZERO portraying [Yukiteru "Yuki" Amano"] as he shares is views and experience of being under the influence of Girl that threatens to violently Murder any female individual that makes a attempt to flirt with him. "Eva01" [portraying Yuno Gasai] is....well...Yuno Gasai. you know: YOU KISSED MY YUKI? YOU WHOOOOORE!!!!!!! we hope you Enjoy This self help program (even if it doesn't help a single bit but only makes you realize that YANDERE girls are not to fuck with!) as much as we enjoied Mirai Nikki a.k.a Future Diary. GOOO SEE IT if you haven't. It's a awesome show :)

Музыка: Neotokio3 - Yuno Gasai

My Crazy Yandere Girlfriend

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 389 |  Комментарии: 10 |  Рейтинг: 3.343.34

  My Satellite 25.03.2017

So recently I have watched Kill La kill and were inspired. This is my 4th AMV of all time and as I think the best one. I'll be glad to hear my mistakes (already have understood some) and your advices. Let the judgement begins!

Аниме: Kill La Kill
Музыка: Horizons - Set Sail

My Satellite

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 348 |  Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 2.672.67

  Memories 22.03.2017

Well here it is my most recent AMV and the one i am most pleased so far. There is no story to it, just nice pictures sync'd to a beat. I used around 30 anime including the Op's. Most of these animes i have never watched, i just use first episode and OP/ED. I hope you can enjoy.

Аниме: Various
Музыка: Aly & Fila - Without you


Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 475 |  Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 3.143.14

  Move Your Body 18.03.2017

One of my videos, that I did, I'm still a layman in the edition, but I hope you like it, if possible give me some tips and constructive criticism I'll be very happy to read them.

Аниме: Kotonoha no Niwa
Музыка: Sia - Move Your Body

Garden Of Words - AMV - Move Your Body

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 544 |  Комментарии: 4 |  Рейтинг: 2.352.35

  Moonlight mile - Космодром 10.03.2017

Решил вот попробовать себя в создании AMV. Первый мой клип версии 1.1 (с небольшими правками после форума). Поскольку работа первая, в клипе много "пробных" моментов, с которыми я просто экспериментировал. Жду комментариев и критики.))
Attention! Сиськи!

Аниме: Moonlight mile
Музыка: Павел Пламенев - Космодром

Moonlight mile - Космодром

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 377 |  Комментарии: 7 |  Рейтинг: 2.892.89

  MISTAKES 01.03.2017

Клип участник конкурса Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

Всем привет, вот и очередной мой клип на конкурсе Soul's Team IC 13, как ни странно, но три дня - это что-то с чем-то, когда ты напрягаешься вовсю, то главное доделать, и доделать нормально.
Малый рассказ о клипе: Чувство безответной любви, чувство одиночества, смысл жизни и её ошибки, старание всё исправить но всё, что было, уже прошло, и ничего уже не изменить, ошибки останутся ошибками а будущее ты выбираешь сам.

Аниме: Kuzu no Honkai
Музыка: Chouchou - Teardrop


Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 483 |  Комментарии: 26 |  Рейтинг: 3.233.23

  Mr. Suave 24.02.2017

If I was you, I'd wanna be me, too.
Профиль главгероя аниме Sakamoto desu ga. Клип хорошо показал себя на ряде фестивалей и собрал коллекцию наград.

Аниме: Sakamoto desu ga
Музыка: Meghan Trainor - Me Too
Награды: AWA Pro 2016 - Best Character Profile, Another Anime Con 2016 - Best in Show, PMX 2016 - Best Comedy, Best in Show

Mr. Suave

Категории: Character Profile |  Скачали: 723 |  Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 3.313.31

  Music of the Heart 10.02.2017

Привет всем, итак, перейдем сразу к делу). Клип сделан для ENP IC Wildfire, в котором занял 10 место в общем зачете. Что хотелось бы сказать насчет клипа в целом, не все смог реализовать что хотел, ну и как всегда не обошлось без ошибок, тем не менее, итог мне очень понравился, давно не был так доволен, проделанной работой). Надеюсь и вам понравится, приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Музыка: Florence And The Machine - Cosmic Love (Seven Lions Remix)

Music of the Heart

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 540 |  Комментарии: 9 |  Рейтинг: 3.223.22

  Mi mi mi mi 03.02.2017

Ye Mad Team New year MEP(^・ω・^ )
p1 爱花 ( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p2 果羽( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p3 沉醉( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p4 潮流( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p5 喵帕斯( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p6 纯蓝( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p7 乖酱( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
p8 七海( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
outro 纯蓝( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ
I hope you like it any comments or feedback are welcome.
Thanks for your watching(/TДT)/

Аниме: Various
Музыка: Serebro - Mi Mi Mi

mi mi mi mi

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 583 |  Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 3.193.19

  Media Vita in Morte Sumus 03.02.2017

Помимо известного всем "Engel", у Kevin Caldwell'а есть ещё одно amv по Еве, созданное примерно годом ранее. В центре внимания тут сам сериал в целом, и, как всегда у Caldwell'а, суть схвачена прекрасно.
Премьера состоялась на "Project A-kon 9" (1998-05-29). А на Anime Expo 1998 Music Video Contest (1998-07-04) клип завоевал заслуженную награду.

Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Музыка: John Barry - Media Vita In Morte Sumus
Награды: Anime Expo 98 - Best Drama

Media Vita in Morte Sumus

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 513 |  Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 3.193.19

  Mindfield 01.02.2017

Клип участник конкурса ENP IC: Wildfire

Комментарий авторов: Mindfield is about the researches of a doctor interested in the power of mind, where people brain is stuck into short timeline, as result their brain starts to see reality differently each time it happens.

Аниме: Darker than Black, Zankyou no Terror, Fate/Zero, Psycho Pass, Ghost in the Shell: Arise
Музыка: Ruelle - Madness


Категории: MEP |  Скачали: 1146 |  Комментарии: 10 |  Рейтинг: 3.513.51

  Mr. Sphinx 31.01.2017

Комментарий автора: Mr.Sphinx is a project that I worked hard and got a satisfactory result and I'm really happy about it. I was inspired by the Mr.Robot series and the Watch Dogs game. My entry for Brazilian contest Nexteam 2016.

Аниме: Zankyou no terror, Kiseijuu sei no kakuritsu, Tokyo Ghoul, Watch Dogs, Mr.Robot, Aldnoah zero, X-men.
Музыка: Mr.Robot Main Theme, Uppermost - Mistakes
Награды: 4th Place at Nexteam 2016

AMV - Mr.Sphinx

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 365 |  Комментарии: 3 |  Рейтинг: 2.742.74

  Magia 27.01.2017

Hello everyone! We finished this amv for Crows IC 2 (in which we got 5th place overall), we were originally going to edit something psychedelic, but Haru suggested this song and we decided to edit it. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did editing it!

Аниме: Touhou Project, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Sailor Moon Crystal, Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou
Музыка: Draw The Emotional - Bad Apple!! , Apashe- No twerk


Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 506 |  Комментарии: 12 |  Рейтинг: 3.373.37

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