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  Suizou wo Tabetai / Løv li - I Miss You 19.05.2020

In this video I finally used typography and null + 3D camera movement. I tried to keep fragments in order, but this AMV is mostly for those who have seen the anime. If not, I hope that my work will motivate you to do so!

Аниме: Suizou wo Tabetai
Музыка: Løv li - I Miss You

Suizou wo Tabetai / Løv li - I Miss You

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 102 |  Comments: 0 |  Rating: 2.442.44

  Superposition 16.05.2020

Hello there! That's my entry for Big Contest 2020. This time I tried romance. It's a simple video, I hope you can feel the emotions I wanted to share!
The story is about two girls who fall in love; thier love's pre-written in fate, stars and superpositions.
Hope you like it!

Аниме: Bloom into you
Музыка: Young the Giant - Superposition


Categories: Big Contest 2020 |  Downloaded: 284 |  Comments: 24 |  Rating: 3.773.77

  Sea Spirit 15.05.2020

"My soul is full of longing
for the secret of the sea,
and the heart of the great
ocean sends a thrilling pulse
through me."

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

First time participating in Big Contest and I'm really happy I managed to make something for it! This anime was so much fun to edit. I wanted to make a video with it since it came out because I loved the animation and the stunning visuals and I'm glad I found this song which I think fits quite well. The whole concept isn't something unique or special, but I hope you all can enjoy it!

Аниме: Children of the Sea, Ef - A Fairy Tale Of The Two, 3-gatsu no Lion
Музыка: Flowen - Closure

Sea Spirit

Categories: Big Contest 2020 |  Downloaded: 468 |  Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.953.95

  Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai - Angus and Julia Stone 13.05.2020

See her come down, through the clouds
I feel like a fool

I ain't got nothing left to give
Nothing to lose
So come on Love, draw your swords
Shoot me to the ground
You are mine, I am yours
Lets not fuck around

Аниме: Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Музыка: Angus and Julia Stone - Draw Your Swords

Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai - Angus and Julia Stone

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 199 |  Comments: 12 |  Rating: 2.892.89

  SPECIAL - Koe no Katachi Cinematic Epic 12.05.2020

Koe no Katachi → A Silent Voice

As a wild youth, elementary school student Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her. With Shouko transferring out of the school, Shouya is left at the mercy of his classmates. He is heartlessly ostracized all throughout elementary and middle school, while teachers turn a blind eye.

Now in his third year of high school, Shouya is still plagued by his wrongdoings as a young boy. Sincerely regretting his past actions, he sets out on a journey of redemption: to meet Shouko once more and make amends.

Koe no Katachi tells the heartwarming tale of Shouya's reunion with Shouko and his honest attempts to redeem himself, all while being continually haunted by the shadows of his past.

Аниме: Koe no Katachi
Музыка: Generdyn - Ware Is Caleb (31955)-15738 ♫

SPECIAL 【 AMV】 - Koe no Katachi Cinematic Epic

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 114 |  Comments: 2 |  Rating: 2.702.70

  Simulation 11.05.2020

Прошло много времени, и я рада, что работа завершена.
Это история о психологических проблемах Окабе Ринтаро, связанных с трагическими событиями, в которые он был вынужден возвращаться снова и снова. Поэтому героя помещают в небольшую симуляцию, чтобы он смог разобраться с этим, и выйти из депрессии. Двое Окабе - это прошлый Окабе и нынешний.
Хочу сказать спасибо тестерам и всем, кто помогал, без поддержки никуда)
Приятного просмотра!

Картинка Making Of (~7.31 MB)

Аниме: Steins;Gate, Steins;Gate 0, Evangelion, Kaligula, Kimi no Na wa, Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, Zankyou no Terror, Youjo Senki, Btooom!
Музыка: The Best Pessimist - It's Only Words


Categories: Big Contest 2020 |  Downloaded: 391 |  Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.513.51

  Sayonara 09.05.2020

Забавно, проект начал своё существование еще пол года назад, если не больше, за этот промежуток времени
его состав поменялся трижды и результат справился с перво-задачей - случайное взаимодействие со следующей частью каждого участника МЕР'a, чтобы их связать пришлось немного по-химичить. Если говорите о жанре этого творения - я бы назвал это триллером.
Клип не претендует на чёткую сюжетную линию или чего-то в этом роде, но концепция переходов между партами всё же существует, если кому-то интересно что же связывает этих персонажей прошу:
1. Повествование ступенчато(идёт фрагментами).
2. 6 частей - 6 ступеней.
2.1 1-я ступень - город над которым нависла угроза (эдакий "Готэм сити нашего времени").
2.2 2-я ступень - политики и военные в сговоре с преступниками.
2.3 3-я ступень - добавляем немного фантастики, путешествия во времени, главный злодей находится во временном разломе.
2.4 4-я ступень - у главного злодея есть друг-сообщник который так же не против выколоть пару глаз молодой даме.
2.5 5-я ступень - сообщник доигрался.
2.6 6-я ступень - САЙОНАРА, время платить по-долгам.

Проект был не то что бы сложным или долгим, скорее - мозго*бательным, надеюсь найдёт своего зрителя, спасибо тем кто дошёл до конца и тем кто всё же смотрит это.

Аниме: Psycho-pass, Gyakusatsu Kikan, Ghost in the shell arise: border: 2 ghost whispers, Zankyou no terror, Steins:gate, Tamako love story, Tokyo ghoul, Mardock scramble the first comprression, Black lagoon, Sword art online 2
Музыка: Kongos - Repeat after me, Witt Lowry - The rise


Categories: Big Contest 2020 |  Downloaded: 549 |  Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.653.65

  Shattered Heaven - Reflection 25.04.2020

Хоп хей! Небольшая очередная работка по бличу, начатая давно и чуть не дропнутая. По факту делая вторую часть даж и не думал, что буду делать что-то вроде ее сюжетного продолжения, так сказать лул. Но что вышло, то вышло, во всяком случае это было интересно в связи с тем, что норм клипов на Нойтру по факту и нет. Так что энджой и спс за просмотр.

Аниме: Bleach
Музыка: Girugamesh - Reflection, Stereopony - Hitohira no Hanabira

Shattered Heaven - Reflection

Categories: Big Contest 2020 |  Downloaded: 227 |  Comments: 21 |  Rating: 3.463.46

  So am I - Ava Max 24.04.2020

I don't know why my software (premiere pro cc) crashed on export so this is all i got.
I have a lot of free time due to quarantine so I try making some amv.

Аниме: Kizumonogatari, Kuroinu, Denpa onna to seishun otoko, Iya na kao sare nagara
Музыка: Ava Max - So am I

So am I - Ava Max

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 100 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.702.70

  Sleepwalker 09.04.2020

Hello!!! we are the anime community of Keepers of Souls and this is our AMV. Have a nice viewing ^_^

Аниме: Kiznaiver, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, Code Geass, Shinchou Yuusha, Gakkougurashi!, Made in Abyss, Satsuriku no Enjeru, Guilty Crown
Музыка: AWAY - Sleepwalker (feat. London Thor)


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 140 |  Comments: 0 |  Rating: 2.452.45

  SPEAK 31.03.2020

I stopped making AMVs years ago but this movie really forced me to edit. I planned to use it as Japanese material but the animation was so godlike that I felt the need to edit this video.
You can say this was edited in the Russian style(raw, 0 effects, only cuts). It's also the first time I use adobe premiere for an AMV(with the trackpad of a MAC, no mouse).
This is not a comeback or anything, just a short fun project. I am uploading it here just in case someone finds it interesting.
Take care,

Аниме: Dragon Ball Super Broly Movie
Музыка: Coldrain - Speak


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 163 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.802.80

  Sennheiser 23.03.2020

Комментарий автора: "This is my entry for this year's cyberpunk edition of Polish B.A.K.A Y2k12 convention. Even though it placed 3rd, I'm really proud of the outcome as for a little bit more than 7 days of editing.
About footage, these are simply cyberpunk classics which were also basics for the Iron Chef taking place at the convention. Music is an awesome remix of the Prison Break Theme by Ferry Corsten.
It's one of those few videos that make me happy with being released. I somehow feel like a winner (I even got a first place prize for taking part in voting, so lucky!), despite the video placing 3rd. Special thanks goes to Sayco who enabled me to place both 1st and 3rd!"

Аниме: Armitage III OAV, Armitage III: Dual Matrix, Battle Ange,l Black Magic M66, Cyber City OEDO 808
Музыка: Ferry Corsten - Prison Break
Награды: B.A.K.A Y2k12 convention 3rd


Categories: Instrumental |  Downloaded: 307 |  Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.503.50

  S.V.M.M. (Slow Vetus Motion Memoria) 22.03.2020

Hello Guys! 
First attempt with action made for fun for the #SayonaraBoys IC (my italian buddies), I am not experienced for this kind of AMV but I wanted to try something different, So I am sorry for the many mistakes!
I still hope you will like it !

Аниме: Sword Art Online: Alicization
Музыка: Solence - Heaven

S.V.M.M. (Slow Vetus Motion Memoria)

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 251 |  Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.193.19

  Spill This Blood 13.03.2020

This is a collab video I did with my friend, Janikachan. We both had the idea to do afro samurai AMV using the song "Pray for Me" from the black panther album and decided to collab on it. We're both super happy and proud of the way it came out. I hope you all enjoy it and thanks for watching!

Аниме: Afro Samurai , Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Музыка: The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me , Kendrick Lamar, SZA - All The Stars
Награды: Coordinator's Choice at Anime Los Angeles 2019 , Best Epic at Anime Weekend Atlanta Expo 2018 , Best Draction at Momocon 2019 V-MIX Competition, Best Action at Anime California 2019

Spill This Blood

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 118 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.203.20

  Shattered Dreams 07.03.2020

Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef XVI: Public Enemy

Hi, this is my entry for STICXVI,
once again I had to change my original idea due to the song packs, but since I rewatched Perfect Blue recently I was inspired to make a video with it. What I tried to share is the deep sense of anxiety the movie gave it to me, with the main character always in that conflicted state of reaching her dreams and keeping her purity. I hope you guys could feel that anxiety I tried to recreate here, Yo

Картинка Making Of (~2.57 MB)

Аниме: Perfect Blue, Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Various
Музыка: void(0) - Overwhelmed

Shattered Dreams

Categories: Character Profile |  Downloaded: 375 |  Comments: 17 |  Rating: 4.144.14

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