
Beyond Your Bones

There are minor spoilers in video

One day I decided to make a birthday gift for someone. I started editing as I usually do, cut some scenes, and realized I'm unhappy with how it looks: I want it to look better. But where do I find inspiration for that?
Yes, right here! I told myself, I'll try a bit harder, and submit something for Big Contest for the first time, but also make the person I was making the video for proud! He probably wouldn't like it at all if I didn't tryhard, anyway.
Well then, happy late birthday Arrow, you know this AMV was for you all along! Oh and, thanks for the awesome "positive" reviews that I didn't ask for.

Now a few words about the AMV itself:
The song inspired me immensely when I first heard it. It was on a very nice afternoon, on a nice Dodecanese island - this should be published before the finals of Eurovision, so, you can do it, Equinox!
When i thought about making an AMV with it, this anime just flashed in front of my eyes. Some weeks and too many League games later, here it is!
Embark the journey of our dear Chise as she discovers a world beyond this one, and the love that, LITERALLY, goes beyond the bones. And because I am really bad at making happy endings, so have a sad ending as well. At least there's no major spoiler!

P.S. I like how I thought I might struggle writing 200 characters. As my teammate would say, that would require a lot of anime. Bless all of you that are actually reading this...
Also, I don't mind being called Michael Bay. I really like flares ("You don't say") and next year i'll make sure to bring some explosions to maximize the fun. Whoever got that reference from "Eurotrip", you are awesome!

Anime: Mahoutsukai no Yome
Music: EQUINOX - Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

Beyond Your Bones

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Author: (video created: 01.05.2018)
Submitted by: MissTitannia 27.05.2018 at 10:58
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Comments (33)
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Lion0608   User profile
  27.05.2018 12:03
Симпатичная и вполне ровная работа, вытянутая красивыми кадрами и достаточно аккуратным монтажом.

Сложно объяснить, в итоге не хватило какого-то развития, которое было в других работах на конкурсе на этот исходник, но которые были менее зрелищными. Зрелищным клип был в буквальном смысле, сцены, как на 1:25 шикарно вписались. И это мне понравилось, автор не побоялась уйти от сюжетности и просто выдала красивую визуализацию простой идеи. Чем-то напомнило старые работы-профили персонажей.

И синхронизация местами просилась четче. Вроде это веяние такое, чтобы видео отставало от звука, но некоторые моменты прямо просилось сдвинуть на таймлайне. Ой, ну цк совсем ен хочется комментировать, но местами он был ядерный и просилась какая-то общая более спокйная стилизация.

В целом достойная работа. Удачи на конкурсе.
iMCoach   User profile  Video channel
  27.05.2018 11:33
Was recently recommended to check your channel up and I'll just say this was for more than I expected from you seeing you in the contest. Tthe comps you did were very simple but get the job done. You let the clips speak for them self at times and are very light on when you alter them whilst still having powerful moments like at 1:20 to match the power of the strong vocals in the track. Much better than what I presented this con. Good job. PS your entry lacked guns and I hope you incorporate guns in future projects.
OldWaveRider   User profile
  27.05.2018 11:20

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