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There are minor spoilers in video

This is my entry for NexTEAM 2017. The history of this AMV was based on something that happens with many AMV creators, which is to have ideas but not to complete them. And I gave an example of this at the beginning of this AMV where the character Hashima Itsuki seeks a way, sees his last Video and tries to imagine his next project. Already the main idea of ​​the video itself is as if the planes were like shooting stars, symbolizing the desire of the people.
"What do you do for the contest? Ideas come and go, maybe the first did not work out so well, but in those moments you can look up to the sky and make a wish for the planes that they are like shooting stars, so make a wish now , a wish now ... And who knows, that might work. "
This was a project that was finalized on 10/12/2017, it was my second AMV contest and my first 1st place! As I did not have at least 1 year editing experience, I like to say that I was a beginner who first did something bold. I've learned a lot from my mistakes since then, and I've gained a lot of experience from it; but I want to keep evolving as much as I can!

Anime: Mix
Music: B.o.B - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore
Awards: 1st - NexTEAM 2017






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Author: (video created: 10.12.2017)
Studio: NL-TEAM
Submitted by: Levi edits 14.04.2018 at 08:22
3.41 3.41 (69 votes)
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Comments (16)
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Fenizx   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2018 00:08
Default Avatar
The masks are error of your project, the zooms too not is the best technical work but the concept is nice. 3
g4nzo   User profile  Video channel
  30.06.2018 00:54
mt bom meu brother , quase masterpiece
LovecraftDaniel   User profile
  08.05.2018 21:08
Мне тоже сразу на ум пришла пришла война Дурова с Роскомнадзором
trampler, мое почтение.
Levi edits   User profile
  28.04.2018 05:58
Lion0608 wrote:
Levi edits,
Now I see, sorry.

Wish you buying a new PC in the nearest future)

No need to apologize ^^ every tip is welcome!, thank you bro!
Lion0608 wrote:

No need to apologize every tip is welcome!, thank you bro!
Bigalaxy   User profile
  21.04.2018 20:02
Verry good ! 5
`ZeRO   User profile  Video channel
  17.04.2018 16:08
Словно в 100 раз пересмотрел. Сделано прикольно но от етих кадров воротит уже, ну а самолетик хз, вроде что то такое было уже много раз.
Lion0608   User profile
  17.04.2018 08:18
Levi edits,
Now I see, sorry.

Wish you buying a new PC in the nearest future)
Levi edits   User profile
  17.04.2018 01:50
[quote="Kroner -AMV-"]
To all comments thank you for the tips and points cited for improvement xD. as I said I did this amv a long time and a lot of my editing improved, but one thing did not change that in case it was my PC that is still very bad (so much that in that video all the airplanes were made with solid and the rederização in general delayed almost 5 hours ^^)[/quote]
AngrySmile   User profile  Video channel
  16.04.2018 18:18
Ну кстати трекинг и маски, можно было сделать и по лучше. Хотя в общем что то в этом есть, 4.
Cheis106   User profile  Video channel
  16.04.2018 15:18
Guarda che so fare aereoplanini di carta migliori, è inutile che fai lo sborone
Fobos   User profile
  16.04.2018 15:14
Блин, когда заиграла песня, вспомнил о
dayton   User profile
  16.04.2018 14:44
Ух ты, бразильский конкурс
Kroner -AMV-   User profile  Video channel
  16.04.2018 10:08
concept is really cool, execution not at all
Lion0608   User profile
  16.04.2018 15:19
Ну идея хорошая. Хотя уже была в паре дэнсов, но актулаьность, как мне кажется, всё еще есть.

остальное- на любителя. Кому-то абсолютно норм разношерстность аниме. У меня не коннектятся алхимик и синкаевский гипперреализм, если это не рандом-денс.

Как минусы - местами маски с фоном выглядели инородно,а маскопереходы слишком нарочито. Мне казалось что времена таких маскопереходов давно прошли. Ведь они, на самом деле, если не делать их по-умному, намного резче простых кроссфейдов, как-бы это кому-то не казалось. А грамотные склейки намного незаметней и лучше в 1000 раз любого маскоперехода. Вот и выглядит этот клип как привет из 2011, когда это было круто показать - а я вот маски умею резать.
neko lover   User profile
  14.04.2018 13:03
Levi edits wrote:
something that happens with many AMV creators, which is to have ideas but not to complete them
trampler   User profile
  14.04.2018 12:13
Это типа к блокировке Телеграма приурочено?

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