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Deepware 2

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

Победитель в категории Action.

Author's comment: "La vie est une course"- Alv' to the moon

Anime: Mob Psycho 100
Music: Excision & Pegboard Nerds - Bring The Madness (feat. Mayor Apeshit) (Noisestorm Remix)
Awards: Best Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

Deepware 2

Deepware 2

Deepware 2

Deepware 2

Deepware 2

Deepware 2

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480 x 270
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720 x 405
960 x 540
3.70 3.70 (139 votes)
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Author: (video created: 04.03.2018)
Studio: Soul's Team
Submitted by: Minstrel 10.03.2018 at 15:49
3.70 3.70 (139 votes)
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Page views: 6778 times
Views on-line: 2272 times
Downloaded: 956 times
Torrent downloads: 588 times

Comments (5)
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JestoChan   User profile
  10.05.2022 10:46
хотел бы я посмотреть на клип если б было потрачено больше времени
KAIRA   User profile
  29.04.2018 23:47
Очень даже . Мне понравилось.
Denn   User profile
  12.03.2018 12:34
Не знаю на счет клипа, а трек мне очень понравился :)
Lion0608   User profile
  11.03.2018 05:43
VideoBeats wrote:
The name is really fitting, as it's basically the same video as last year.

Насколько я помню, всех датских королей звали либо Карлами, либо Фредериками. Можно с точностью до 99% спрогнозировать сорц и название клипа следующего года. Стабильность.
VideoBeats   User profile  Video channel
  10.03.2018 16:19
The name is really fitting, as it's basically the same video as last year.
I guess he didn't preedit cause he just copied everything from last years entry xD At least this one has better sync and not such a bad combo of song and anime, so good job on that. The main problem for me is the audiocut though. Really destroyes the song for me.

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