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The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

There are minor spoilers in video

Originally, I would have contested with an other project to MondoCon, but I didn't have enough time to finish it, so I made this in 2 weeks. This was the first time for me even getting to top 3, and I'm really happy with the results, because I got first place!!! The song is in hungarian, and the plot of the AMV is based on the plot of the song, sorry for most of you not understanding it. (Basicallythe plot is that a woman has his husband and 2 sons dead in war, and her youngest son wants to go too, but she is against it. The boy goes, fights, and in the end, he dies.)

Anime: FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Music: Egészséges Fejbőr - A Legkisebb Fiú Balladája
Awards: 1st Place on 2017 MondoCon Autumn

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

The Ballad of the Youngest Boy

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Author: (video created: 24.09.2017)
Submitted by: GoldeNThundeR 14.10.2017 at 10:18
3.30 3.30 (30 votes)
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tic_tac_toei   User profile
  03.11.2017 03:48
Прекрасная драма! Только использование сюжета песенки на фоне сюжетных сцен Цельнометаллического Алхимика создаёт двоякое впечатление, так как между их сюжетами имеется определённая разница и не совсем понятно – где заканчивается одно и начинается другое? Стоило бы конечно снабдить и эту страницу ссылкой на скачивание файла с субтитрами, чтоб не приходилось для просмотра с ними идти на YouTube. Однако в любом случае, режиссура этой драмы очень красивая!
GoldeNThundeR   User profile  Video channel
  15.10.2017 09:23
Edit*: I added english lyrics to YouTube.

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