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A point of the light

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First of all i wanna say this movie must have the best animation ive seen in 5 years and its not all just animation. anyways about the amv i wanted to create a story as u can see i start with showing a event that will happen later.
Then i start from the beggining how the 2 characters met in middle school how they didnt get along and were always fighting then later they reunited in high school again they fall in love with each other and have some good time together but as always things dont usually go the way we want and the girl gets into a depression and she decides to go for the last resort wich is suiciding. As u can see he tried to help her but was too late. After him always missing her and remembering the good memories he had with her after some time he coudnt take it anymore and decided to follow her.  
Would you be able to follow your love?

Anime: Koe No Katachi
Music: Teflon Sega - FRZZN 2.0 (prod. by WAJU

A point of the light

A point of the light

A point of the light

A point of the light

A point of the light

A point of the light

A point of the light

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Author: (video created: 10.06.2017)
Studio: Nexus
Submitted by: L33tamv 14.06.2017 at 22:22
3.21 3.21 (33 votes)
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