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Speak Out!

Yo to everybody :D After I saw Ikuzze's edit from IC IOT and listened the song I wanted to edit it so badly and i started immediately as could xD. It took me 5 days tho T_T I tried to take the best looking scenes I could and to create an atmosphere . The last minute fucked my brain T_T .

Anime: Bleach, Fairy Tail, Shingeki no Bahamut, Blood Lad, Tales of ZestiriaXilliaXillia 2Berseria , Devil May Cry , Drifters, Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works , Fate Zero , Tokyo ESP, Kara no Kyoukai , Darker Than Black, Soul Eater
Music: Crown The Empire - Zero

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

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2.88 2.88 (33 votes)
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Author: (video created: 03.08.2016)
Studio: Kureiji Unit
Submitted by: DeyKira 12.09.2016 at 08:42
2.88 2.88 (33 votes)
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Comments (6)
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DiGiCyber011   User profile  Video channel
  24.11.2016 14:17
DeyKira wrote:
Hmm, I really mean that the Premiere was the cause for that ghosting. It was checked a box that is doing this. No idea how it got checked ...

premiere have ghosting ?? ................
okay okay i'm done with my life xD
DeyKira   User profile  Video channel
  16.09.2016 18:52
Hmm, I really mean that the Premiere was the cause for that ghosting. It was checked a box that is doing this. No idea how it got checked ...
Lion0608   User profile
  14.09.2016 15:13
DeyKira wrote:
Premiere does't have the resample option.

It could be heped with changes parametres in the interpret footage in AE)
DeyKira   User profile  Video channel
  14.09.2016 14:02
Premiere does't have the resample option. It was a problem with the rendering. Thanks for your opinions :3
Armresling   User profile
  12.09.2016 23:09
IdiAlex , +1
местами неплохо, единственное, что про прям совсем непонравилось то, что грязновато + ресемпл не отключен в некоторых местах
IdiAlex   User profile
  12.09.2016 19:46
Ну красивая полу-рандомная нарезочка, но не больше. На ютубе таких море, 3

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