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Monsters Fight!

Идея для создания этой работы появилась примерно 4 года назад после просмотра одного из эпизодов небезызвестного AVGN (эпизод про Годзиллу). По задумке, в ролике должны были появиться тоько мощные легендарные покемоны. Никаких людей и милых покемонов вроде Пикачу. (один всё же попал в работу, но считайте это пасхалкой). Процесс создания неоднократно откладывался, что имело свои минусы, но при этом имело намного больше плюсов. Затем были некоторые корректировки, и вот наконец работа готова! Огромное количество времени было потрачено не столько непосредственно на процесс создания, сколько на сбор исходников и их обработку. Сам же ролик создавался с душой. Надеюсь, он вам понравится.

На всякий случай добавлю и англоязычное описание.

Greetings, friends! Today I am presenting to you my newest full length AMV - “Monsters, Fight!” As if it wasn’t obvious enough to most of you at this point, it is a Pokemon AMV. The idea to make this video was born in my head after I had watched that AVGN Godzilla episode. It was probably somewhere in 2011, I think. The moment I heard that music, I realized I had a perfect idea for a Pokemon AMV! Back then, I had literally no scenes to use for the AMV, so I started collecting stuff from all over the Internet. Then in December 2012 the amazing Pokemon the Movie BluRay collection of remastered movies was released and I was lucky to find them all in perfect quality. It was awesome but a bit annoying at the same time because most of what I’d collected before that became useless and obsolete since the quality was not as nice as in those new remastered versions of the movies.
Then I made my Mewtwo AMV – “The Original”. It was sort of a test AMV and it was easier to make on my old PC. There was that Kyurem movie coming out, so I decided to wait for it. Then I decided to wait a bit more and they announced the Genesect VS Mewtwo movie…I had things to do and I was OK with waiting a bit more, even though it was already two years of waiting). Then Gen VI came out and I postponed the AMV making process yet again. Every year brought so much awesome stuff, it was like a never-ending cycle of delays). I don’t regret anything though, the last few years brought an insane amount of great scenes, which were just what my video needed!
Anyways, I have finally decided to make the darn thing, while I still have time for this kinda stuff. Took me a few weeks (and a few years to collect and edit the scenes) to make it. It looks fantastic in my opinion, exactly what I imagined it to be like! Initially the idea was to make a heavy metal video with only the Legendary Pokemon. No Ash/Satoshi, no other humans, no cute critters, no Pikachus, you get the idea. Then they introduced the concept of Mega Evolution and I decided to include some of them in the video. There are some normal forms too and some exceptions (like kind of an Easter Egg Sneasel or Greninja, who was not supposed to be in the AMV but was included anyway, because that scene looks so rad!)

This description is already long enough, if you’re still reading this, thank you! xD I hope you’re gonna enjoy the AMV. I would appreciate if you could share this video among your friends and on various Internet sites to make more people know about it.
I hope I will find time and ideas for more Pokemon AMVs in the future. Until the next time then). Have fun watching the vid! =^_^=”

Картинка Making Of (~1.36 MB)

Anime: Pocket Monsters the Movies, TV Episodes, Specials, Commercials, Trailers
Music: Godzilla Unleashed - Mecha King Ghidorah

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

Monsters Fight!

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Author: (video created: 15.08.2016)
Submitted by: ArtFenix 19.08.2016 at 19:10
3.17 3.17 (30 votes)
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Comments (3)
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Liik   User profile
  20.08.2016 07:59
1:17-1:18 идеальная синхра
Kvant   User profile
  20.08.2016 07:23
Не дотянул автор до эпичности, то ли м/в не вытянул, то ли подбор кадров... жаль.
Моему субъективному имхо ещё не хватало, конечно, повествовательности. Что-то типа того - "сказ о том как покемоны задумали мир извести".
По своему симпатичненько, но на один раз глянуть.
Пы. Сы. Когда-то давно, Я видел весьма посредственную в техническом плане амв-нарезочку, где покемоны, (не такие как тут, а милые-няшные, типа пикачу), уничтожали всех амв-героев начиная от Ев. Вот там был концепт.
EVOsvik   User profile
  19.08.2016 20:43
Фанатам покемон GO посвещается

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