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Anime: Sakurasou no pet na kanojo + others

AMV Polaris

AMV Polaris

AMV Polaris

AMV Polaris

AMV Polaris

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2.43 2.43 (21 vote)
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Author: (video created: 13.08.2016)
Submitted by: yatty 16.08.2016 at 21:43
2.43 2.43 (21 vote)
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Comments (6)
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yatty   User profile
  18.08.2016 00:42
Dark Side wrote:

Keep doing as a whole you're not bad, but finish the AMV in full, well thought through its concept and what you want us to show, then it will be something worthwhile. Good luck. ( ̄‿ ̄ )b

thanks really,
Dark Side   User profile  Video channel
  17.08.2016 23:29
yatty wrote:

i dont really know myself... just a change of style i guess... im more of a action amvs, and its short so yeah

Keep doing as a whole you're not bad, but finish the AMV in full, well thought through its concept and what you want us to show, then it will be something worthwhile. Good luck. ( ̄‿ ̄ )b
yatty   User profile
  17.08.2016 21:37
Dark Side wrote:

Ok, why would you upload this "slice" of clip? It doesn't look like complete AMV.

i dont really know myself... just a change of style i guess... im more of a action amvs, and its short so yeah
Dark Side   User profile  Video channel
  17.08.2016 20:31
yatty wrote:

yeah i dont really speak russia too much

Ok, why would you upload this "slice" of clip? It doesn't look like complete AMV.
yatty   User profile
  17.08.2016 17:59
Dark Side wrote:
Огрызочек... зачем спрашивается его было заливать сюда...

yeah i dont really speak russia too much
Dark Side   User profile  Video channel
  16.08.2016 22:35
Огрызочек... зачем спрашивается его было заливать сюда...

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