
Lost in memories

Sms43: First time actually edit crossover. try some just learned 3D technology, when pika ask me for this collab, is only ten days left, I don't know if I can finish it on time, but we did it in the end. When we started to edit this video, the first thought came to my mind was that besides the visual effects, we need to tell a good story. To be honest, we were so excited to decide our main story and bgm and we felt that this time we could do a great job XD Although due to limited time and experience, it did not reach to our ideal results, yet in all we are satisfied about it. ( my first part is somewhat bad haha).Hope you can insist on seeing the last, understand the whole story and be moved to the words.Thanks to my friend pikapika help me make some scene, and my friend works is a great thing. I m lucky I have a so good teammate > <.

PIKAPIKA:This is my first time edit crossover. I start this project a month ago and learned something during edit. I'm glad we can finish it on time.The inspiration for the story began with the manga Boku Dake ga inai Machi. And then I changed a lot to make it reasonable and more suitable for source. I try to set a suspense in the i use many flash back in my part. This is my third time choose hurts's song.I really enjoy editing with their song. Hope you can enjoy this amv.

Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu,The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kara no Kyoukai, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, Clannad, Steins;Gate, Boku Dake ga inai Machi, Kimi ni Todoke, Plastic Memories
Music: Hurts - Wonderwall

Lost in memories

Lost in memories

Lost in memories

Lost in memories

Lost in memories

Lost in memories

Lost in memories

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Author: (video created: 30.04.2016)
Studio: Crows AMVTeam
Submitted by: PIKAPIKA 06.05.2016 at 11:11
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Comments (82)
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MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2016 00:18
скандалы, интриги, расследования...
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2016 00:15
Origa, you're right, that might be the case! Masterpieces to take some extra time after all
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  07.05.2016 00:03
Weestwoood, самое смешное, что если бы не Акросс, Ньюз, Орг и иже с ними – мы бы зажирались куда медленнее и не в таких количествах...
dayton   User profile
  07.05.2016 00:00
MrNosec, Красный значит загружается быстрее)000

Origa wrote:
I believe it's a process or a way the Russian uses to get more time to edit their videos, notice only the Russians who their names are red in the list. They send videos not completely finished or bugged so they fail the check, purposely. Which grant them more time to edit their videos, even after the deadline. while their names still being marked as "Editors who sumbimmted their videos". No transparency.

Ну или так, да. У Деуса там синхродроч по моим источникам, так что наверняка какой то бит вспышечкой недосинхрил и щас переделывает все с нуля. И да, только русские настолько умные что делают плохие клипы нарочно и пинают хер до третьего дедлайна)0

Будет забавно если этот новичок с клипом под Drumcorps поднимется выше Деуса, хех.

Weestwoood wrote:
Что же вы хотели увидеть за место этого релиза?!

Не кроссовер.
Origa   User profile
  06.05.2016 23:52
Default Avatar
MrNosec, I believe it's a process or a way the Russian uses to get more time to edit their videos, notice only the Russians who their names are red in the list. They send videos not completely finished or bugged so they fail the check, purposely. Which grant them more time to edit their videos, even after the deadline. while their names still being marked as "Editors who sumbimmted their videos". No transparency.
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 23:47
Weestwoood wrote:
А работа в Этом АМВ трудоемкая и не сильно палевная.

к сожалению это не делает сам клип менее банальным
SWS   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 23:06
ThalesEditions, you are registered on ZonaAMV?
Weestwoood   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 23:52
Autors, sorry for my crazy mix... Its only for bored Persons.

"Скепсис"...И так... что тут стало мне забавно...
kebenaj wrote:
Опять этот тип сенхрирования и подзумливания, всем телом кричащий: «Так положено; мы не хотим, но нас заставили; мы не знаем, что такое монтаж по кайфу, а не по лекалам!..»

REVISiON wrote:
Скучный клип под скучную песню.

MesoGear wrote:
стандартная стори про эту девку, которая в очередной раз помирает. Кавер песни лол, ну и так активно синхрить под пианинку, сомнительное решение.

dayton wrote:
Это кроссовер про чайку в кадре, да? Прямо как водитель грузовика, чайка усердно работает ради того чтобы клип не выглядел мусорным. Хорошая чаечка.

> недавно перечитывал комменты в Our Tapes и наткнулся на твой восхищенный

Забей, это все синдром Вествуда.

Читаю все ваши комментарии... и удивляюсь... Что же вы хотели увидеть за место этого релиза?!
Даже нормально не откомментировали.. И еще ДАЙТОН мой ник упомянуло, аж захотелось развеять вашу тоску по Этому Клипцу... По вашим же сломанным стереотипам... И если что то не так, "ой простите" и ставьте лайки под видео и не нойте... Трещак вас должен обрадовать (за то вне стереотипов)

Мое имхо... "ЗАЖРАЛИСЬ"
А работа в Этом АМВ трудоемкая и не сильно палевная.

DamnKazu   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 22:01
The CC looks really odd at most of the places, I mean what concerns characters. Like for example the background has night scene and one of your character's is too light and doesnt match. Also, imo, when she speaks at 2:10 wasn't necessary. seems odd :s But either way, good job! Something not overwhored what concerns cross-overs
NakkiD   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 21:24
Axiles   User profile
  06.05.2016 21:00
не хочу спойлерить, но походу ето как минимум топ 3
HikanAMV   User profile
  06.05.2016 20:31
if I haven't seen kyon or oreki in a crossover I won't name it crossover
[Genetix] wrote:
so old taped lol i rather make some nardo amv than waste my time on something like this lol gl tho u may win with this shit cuz ppl like to watch basicly the same thing over and over again haha :))

if u want the win u have to folllow the eldest path if u haven't u r just noob
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 19:57
yellowcard wrote:
talent , work , motivation , originality and dedication

She really is a icon of amv community because of that.
I've been tried to follow her way, all that you said makes sense clearly, all of us have a lot to learn with her yet.
Ryuu-Dono   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 19:54
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 19:13
mwDeus wrote:
Дрова. 0/10. Kill it with groozovichok.

welivetoday   User profile
  06.05.2016 19:03
Драма без умирающей девочки - не драма.
Weestwoood   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 19:06
mwDeus, Вот тут вот дрова. 0/10:

А Я так верил в Тебя, после релиза работы Лоли на этом БК...
Ошибки... Серьезно?!!!!
gta_iv86   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 18:56
[Genetix] wrote:
so old taped lol i rather make some nardo amv than waste my time on something like this lol gl tho u may win with this shit cuz ppl like to watch basicly the same thing over and over again haha :))

GENETIX THE SAVAGE, tbh though i slightly agree good work if you really did this in 10 days good on you, i can appreciate the effort i see within that amount of time, BUT i didnt finish because ive seen it before aka every other amv, Slow meaningful cover of good song CHECK, Crossover CHECK, Drama CHECK, Story CHECK, The list goes on and on but yours at least was done nicely better then most, but as the ole sayin says history repeats itself if we all remember Akross a amv VERY similar won and i wouldnt doubt if this won So congrats on the victory just one tip though dont get a ego from this win try to be original next time ;).
Z0rek   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 18:50
kyon > oreki
[DisOrder]   User profile
  06.05.2016 18:47
amazing work
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 18:48
yellowcard, if you're not familiar with the expression, is a variant of brown nosing, like fawn, gush, and so on, not directly related to downgrading oneself.

And I wouldn't call
yellowcard wrote:

something no one had ever done in the amv community

yellowcard wrote:

all i said was that she used her vision and her techniques to make her own video

7asn   User profile
  06.05.2016 18:34
MrNosec wrote:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. but no need to be that obsequious about it.

i didnt say anything wrong to downgrade myself all i said was that she used her vision and her techniques to make her own video
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 18:24
All done in 10 days? Very impressive effort, hats off.
This video is very well made, no doubt about it, alas it feels like just another epic crossover... there are tons of them already so it's really hard for me to appreciate the work put into this, it also resonates with that " Oscar bait " feel.

yellowcard wrote:

talent , work , motivation , originality and dedication she've done something no one had ever done in the amv community

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. but no need to be that obsequious about it.
Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 17:59
Eazy wrote:
Poor Kyon, his girlfriends keep dying or killing him. : c

This! OK, can someone explain why Kyon is the timetraveling manwhore? I'm convinced that every time he gets tired of boning his girlfriend he traveled back in time to save, he just jumps to a new time and finds another girlfriend to bone and save.
7asn   User profile
  06.05.2016 17:29
ThalesEditions wrote:
I really don't know how Umika was so accurate in anime and scenes choices, doing a lot of montages in a year

talent , work , motivation , originality and dedication she've done something no one had ever done in the amv community , also the author took alot of other people work as inspiration which was clear in his video ( taking something as an inspiration is not a problem but in this case it was ) the edit simply lacks creativity and originality , with all my respect to the authors effort
mwDeus   User profile
  06.05.2016 16:54
Дрова. 0/10. Kill it with groozovichok.
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 16:39
TritioAFB, yeah, you are right. I really don't know how Umika was so accurate in anime and scenes choices, doing a lot of montages in a year.
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 16:32
ThalesEditions, it reminds me when I mentioned that the series chosen should have some similarity in crossovers but specially in the montage proyect. Some anime are nice but hard to mix with due lack of proper scenes
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  06.05.2016 16:29
The cross-over isn't bad, but, it has issues. Some masks are so much feathered, forced "puppet motions", and some color corrections.

The bad way for me is the story, he met Kaori, and Kaori dies :( End.
If you change the boy for the original anime character it won't have big difference with anime plot.

For first PIKAPIKA cross it isn't bad, I never did a cross but I've notion of a montage project.
REVISiON   User profile
  06.05.2016 15:57
Скучный клип под скучную песню.

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