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Deconstruction Star MEP

There are serious spoilers in video!


The theme of the MEP was "Destroy and Rebuild" (mecha), although the MEP turned out almost only to be destruction, but I'm still happy with the outcome! Thanks to everyone who participated! Hope you enjoy!

Track 1: Mally - Senki Zesshou Symphogear: Meteoroid-Falling Burning and Disappear Then...
Track 2: ManlyMango - Vividred Operation
Track 3: Hoshirogi - Eureka Seven AO
Track 4: Mystyk - Kakumeiki Valvrave
Track 5: xSnowflakes - Aldnoah Zero
Track 6: DamnKazu - Soukyuu no Fafner
Track 7: Magicflier - Schwarzesmarken
Track 8: Lussuriioso - Macross Delta

Special thanks for Slash and Hoshirogi!

Anime: Senki Zesshou Symphogear: Meteoroid-Falling Burning and Disappear Then..., Vividred Operation, Eureka Seven AO, Kakumeiki Valvrave, Aldnoah Zero, Soukyuu no Fafner, Schwarzesmarken, Macross Delta
Music: Halozy - Deconstruction Star, Halozy - Genryuu Kaiko

Deconstruction Star MEP

Deconstruction Star MEP

Deconstruction Star MEP

Deconstruction Star MEP

Deconstruction Star MEP

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Author: (video created: 27.04.2016)
Submitted by: Mystyk 01.05.2016 at 10:59
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MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 21:41
типичный меп без души
Яise   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 21:40
not bad at all ^^
xSnowflakes   User profile
  01.05.2016 21:20
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gta_iv86 wrote:
If you don't mind would you kindly point out where I said the video was shit, I don't recall doing so, and there is always truth in harshness, no need to sugarcoat it for the sensitive people that might get offended, I'm not saying effects are the main focus of every amv, but not adding any color grading for ambience or any changes at all just seems dull and honestly shows the little effort poured into this "MEP", you keep calling me a new editor or inexperienced, but I dont see you do any better which is rather ironic.

First of all, who are you to judge how much effort an editor put into an amv solely because there are no colour effects?
Do you know how much time and effort we put into making each part? Probably not right? The amount of time we beta tested each other, redid our parts, talked to each other about the themes we used, the anime we would edit to, I'd say we put a perfectly good amount of effort into it. The amount of fx we choose to edit with and colour scheme cannot be used as a scale for the effort we put in, it's completely subjective. I'm not saying that the mep doesn't have its flaws and I can accept constructive critique but to judge our effort against whether or not we used a colour scheme is a flawed way of judging, in my opinion.

Hoshirogi   User profile
  01.05.2016 21:11
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gta_iv86 wrote:
If you don't mind would you kindly point out where I said the video was shit, I don't recall doing so, and there is always truth in harshness, no need to sugarcoat it for the sensitive people that might get offended, I'm not saying effects are the main focus of every amv, but not adding any color grading for ambience or any changes at all just seems dull and honestly shows the little effort poured into this "MEP", you keep calling me a new editor or inexperienced, but I dont see you do any better which is rather ironic.

look at your first comment and since when cc shows effort ,i never said i am experienced myself but i think i am more than you,also hope you dont take anything offensive but not every person can accept harsh speech or offensive tongue
Hoshirogi   User profile
  01.05.2016 20:53
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gta_iv86 wrote:
If by respect you mean not speaking my mind then I'm afraid that's not a possibility, and I have every right to rate and say whatever I want about the video as you or any of the rest in this comment section, so if you don't like it all you can do is cry about it just like you just did, and speaking of experience I'd like to know where your went because I dont see any.

i didnt mean that you cant speak your mind just use logical explanations saying something is shit just because its raw isnt a much logical justification is it?,as for the experience part i meant it by how mostly new editors give more points to fx than the actual video
and by respect i meant you could say it in a less harsh way and discuss politely
Hoshirogi   User profile
  01.05.2016 20:41
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gta_iv86 wrote:
mycathatesyouamv, Nah buddy, your just afraid of hearing the truth and use shitty metaphors to try and make yourself feel better, its ok im sure markplier has some inspirational vids for the two of you. Good luck

yeah newgen editor that fx makes the video good,fx is just the tip of the iceberg as of the critisism she has point you could say i dont like the vid because of this or that reason,buttt ohhh i forgot you are a non experienced editor as it seems,and you could def show a bit more respect to people that talk nicely here
mycathatesyouamv   User profile
  01.05.2016 20:31
gta_iv86 wrote:
You enter this into the BIGgest contest of the year and expect ppl to suck your dick over it, im not gonna insult you or this piece of work thats making me consider suicide, oh no you wanted constructive criticism So lemme give you some, this amv is so raw its still screaming to die or it could be because the lack of sync, and you can tell the lack of communication between editors on this aswell, very unpleasing to the eye this whole MESS is dont get why you entered this into BC but hey your choice, Now there is some amazing constructive ciritsm on your youtube grade amv. Have a good one!

The fact that you said it being "raw" was worthy of it being bad, makes your opinion about as valid as someone's whom tries to tell me that shaped macaroni and regular macaroni taste the same
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 20:26
*Insert constructive criticism here*
Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 20:15
gta_iv86 wrote:
You enter this into the BIGgest contest of the year and expect ppl to suck your dick over it, im not gonna insult you or this piece of work thats making me consider suicide, oh no you wanted constructive criticism So lemme give you some, this amv is so raw its still screaming to die or it could be because the lack of sync, and you can tell the lack of communication between editors on this aswell, very unpleasing to the eye this whole MESS is dont get why you entered this into BC but hey your choice, Now there is some amazing constructive ciritsm on your youtube grade amv. Have a good one!
gta_iv86   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 19:28
You enter this into the BIGgest contest of the year and expect ppl to suck your dick over it, im not gonna insult you or this piece of work thats making me consider suicide, oh no you wanted constructive criticism So lemme give you some, this amv is so raw its still screaming to die or it could be because the lack of sync, and you can tell the lack of communication between editors on this aswell, very unpleasing to the eye this whole MESS is dont get why you entered this into BC but hey your choice, Now there is some amazing constructive ciritsm on your youtube grade amv. Have a good one!
Chono   User profile
  01.05.2016 19:38
kyle_m wrote:
нет, я говорю о множестве людей, считающих данный клип говном. и я один из них.

Эм.. Вообще сообщение твоего собеседника по сути, как раз относится к провакации со стороны той самой "личности". Твоего сообщения в стиле: "Говно. 1", я чот не вижу. Можешь написать, чтоб соотвествовать.

Не, если вам норм, когда из за одного.. кхм.. "умного человека" всё комьюнити считают хейтерами, ради бога. Я сюда раз в год захожу, хех.   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 17:40
В конце уже просто дослушивал трек не смотря на экран. Слишком все однообразно и затянуто.
Changelling   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 16:58
SWS wrote:
I like you, Heni ^///^

I'll just go ahead and ship this :D
kyle_m   User profile
  01.05.2016 16:44
TritioAFB, wrong. i do know exactly why i dont like this video, i just dont want to explain myself and do a critic review, cuz i really dont have to, and i have other business to get on. you re right there are guys who has motivation and give themselves a job to do that, but why have u decided that all people must do that too? thats pointless. and i dont give a shit about "pro" or "not enough pro", i'm simply outta of this system of values and so does Insanty. but we still have an opinion of our own and all the motherfucking rights to throw it in yr face, no matter what u think of this. this place aint an anonymous group for poor who suffer from getting abused by unabusable, here's no dem rule strictly guiding visitors to sprinkle rose petals over each one another...
dayton   User profile
  01.05.2016 16:17
Insanty wrote:
Все эти мипо одинаковы в своей структуре, их делает куча человек, но они одинаковы.

Это они ещё без аганима.

Трек плохой, поэтому и вышло все плохо. Не, ну сделано это не совсем уж плохо чтобы назвать клип мусором и выбросить его в ведро, просто трек убивает все труды авторов.

>Нормально вышла только спокойная часть трека.

TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 16:15
kyle_m, problem dude is when you cant exactly find what to say. There's a huge difference between doing a critic and just posting whatever comes to mind. You guys cant really say that are enough pro in giving criticism (excepting a few guys)
CapsLock   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 16:13
Insanty   User profile
  01.05.2016 15:56
DamnKazu wrote:
бессмысленных слов

Ну грубо говоря я не вижу здесь 8 человек. Я вижу одного мужика с волосатыми ляжками(фу) в миниюбке и каблуках с миниганом в руках, который из трупов обсосанных радиацией реднеков выкладывает слово FASHION POLICE.

Все эти мипо одинаковы в своей структуре, их делает куча человек, но они одинаковы.

Это ужасно.
Chono   User profile
  01.05.2016 15:45
kyle_m wrote:
learn that there is always a part of auditorium that won't just gladly consume every piece he's feeding them to.

Это ты говоришь о человеке, который 50ый раз создаёт фейк для того, чтоб показать что все вокруг говно, а только те кто с ним общается делает норм клипы
Chono   User profile
  01.05.2016 15:37
Всё что после середины неплохо. Особенно понравился парт по Фафниру(очень качественный обыгрыш трека).
Макросс и Эврика очень слабо вышли(первый зачем юзать с таким количеством сорса я вообще не понимаю).
Остальное средне.. Главная проблема этого мепа - м/в. Этот всё днб подобное очень слабо впринципе под экшен ложится. придавая ему жуткую однообразность(в цельном клипе на один сорс и то лучше бы смотрелось). Некоторые парты, даже на хорошие попытки соответствовать темпу трека, всё равно смотрелись жутко однообразно и прям хотелось уже вырубить.. Благо там трек сменился и немного интерес таки проснулся. Лучше выбирайте исходники, лучше выбирайте м/в и будет вам счастье. А автора с фафниром запомню, да.
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 15:10
Mystyk, unfortunately everyone gets hated here, some hated more than others. Will take a look to it
Mystyk   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 12:47
Insanty wrote:
Божественно. Это всё равно что убить проститутку в Fallout 4 ради красных туфель и платья...


This is NOT constructive criticism. If you dislike something, tell properly why you dislike it.

Thanks to everyone else for their opinions.
SWS   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 12:35
I like you, Heni ^///^
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 12:17
Смотреть ли мне мепчик? Не, не смотреть.
BacKSlash_L   User profile
  01.05.2016 12:10
песенка только для фанов!
Axiles   User profile
  01.05.2016 12:05
не знаю что поставить , вожможно и 4
Lion0608   User profile
  01.05.2016 11:47
Dm1try[A] wrote:
На анимешника.

Ну не, у анимешников же тоже есть чувство вкуса.
Согласна с Робом.
В принципе, поэтому и запомнились только Вальврейв и Алдноа, потому что один парт как раз закончился на медленной части, а второй начался. Фафнир вообще непонятно что забыл в этой подборке, это все равно что на Еву под такую музыку пилить.
В Евреке меньше годных кадров, но как раз тоже не так сильно мельтешил автор, понравилось.
Хотя если объективно, то как раз к лучшим частям по духу мв меньше всего соответствовало.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  01.05.2016 11:45
Excellent MEP
S.A. Robert   User profile
  01.05.2016 11:32
Слишком быстрая смена кадров, а так могло бы выйти смотрибельно. Нормально вышла только спокойная часть трека.
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  01.05.2016 11:14
Роботы, маленькие девочки, сомнительная японская песенка. На любителя клипец. На анимешника.

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