
Son of Man

The fact that I discovered the wonderful world of beautifully animated anime movies led me to gain the ability of creating totally new content. Thus, this AMV focuses on the story Mamoru Hosoda's 2016 movie "Bakemono no Ko" (The Boy And The Beast) is based on. This upload marks my debut in uploading videos on this website, participating in contests this large and editing this kind of movies... so I'm pretty excited about even telling you about it! :D

Now, for some details about the Kanji writing in the video...

At 0:53, it says "Do your best!" ("Ganbare!", in Romaji), at 1:10, "diligence" (or "kinben"), at 1:11, "responsibility" (or "sekinin"), at 1:29, "journey" ("ryoko"), at 1:30, "boy" ("shounen") and at 1:31, it says "man" ("otoko", in Romaji). These are all key words of Ren/Kyuta, the main character of the story 's evolution from a lonely boy whose mother had died and father had disappeared from his life to a strong teenager and soon to be man while spending time in the world of beasts, alongside the mighty Kumatetsu and his friends.

And without further ado, I recommend you to sit back and let the world of Juutengai surround you!

Anime: Bakemono no Ko
Music: Phil Collins - Son of Man (Radio Edit)

Son of Man

Son of Man

Son of Man

Son of Man

Son of Man

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3.11 3.11 (103 votes)
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Author: (video created: 16.04.2016)
Submitted by: cornmaniac 18.04.2016 at 21:45
3.11 3.11 (103 votes)
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Comments (38)
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Weestwoood   User profile  Video channel
  18.04.2016 23:52
Титры выглядели обещающе! А потом... потом все пошло под наклонную...

Разочарование !!!!!! , Хотя вроде как бы живенько на экране...

Чет очень быстро кадры передергиваются... Швыряет камеру в разные стороны, чуток не лишился равновесия лежа на диване...

И.... Все еще...
Предвкушение хорошего видео контента от Лоли! I wait your job , lolligerjoj !
cornmaniac   User profile  Video channel
  18.04.2016 23:38
Damn, I forgot to mention that the first song that plays in the intro is called Really Slow Motion - Suns And Stars. Apologies!
SWS   User profile  Video channel
  18.04.2016 23:33
cornmaniac, about different ways and different varieties of sync, you can read in this article:

(if necessary, using a translator)
Item number 4. Synchronization (visualization)
[DisOrder]   User profile
  18.04.2016 23:21
dude i love this ;-D
cornmaniac   User profile  Video channel
  18.04.2016 23:18
S.A. Robert wrote:
Наглядный пример того, почему не надо синхрить каждый бит в треке.

p.s. Опять этот исходник.

I know that's not that good in most of you guys' opinion. But what exactly does syncing do to the vid that makes it so ugly for you?
-Kisagi- wrote:
This video has some potential and nice transitions, but the way it's edited is not good. Not a good thing to cut on every single beat.

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind next time! (note: I actually went out of the way to be able to to what you said I shouldn't :P)
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  18.04.2016 23:12
This video has some potential and nice transitions, but the way it's edited is not good. Not a good thing to cut on every single beat.
S.A. Robert   User profile
  18.04.2016 22:27
Наглядный пример того, почему не надо синхрить каждый бит в треке.

p.s. Опять этот исходник.
mwDeus   User profile
  18.04.2016 21:58
Очень дёргающееся интро, надо бы выпиливать дубли в таких местах.

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