

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2015

Author's comment:   If you watch this and understand what the fuck's going on, then you may have given me a sort of validation I never thought I needed. THANKS.

Anime: Barakamon, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Free! Eternal Summer, Akatsuki no Yona, Hibike! Euphonium, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kara no Kyoukai, Fate Zero, Macross Delta Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai, Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo, Guilty Crown, Owari no Seraph
Music: Braids - Happy When







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3.50 3.50 (131 vote)
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Author: (video created: 14.01.2016)
Submitted by: Minstrel 31.01.2016 at 13:52
3.50 3.50 (131 vote)
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Comments (29)
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S.A. Robert   User profile
  12.04.2017 12:21
Трек очень классный и видеоряд атмосферный, но испорчен эффектами и цк.
DiGiCyber011   User profile  Video channel
  03.01.2017 12:36
Lion0608 wrote:

May be you should blame yourself in not participating in providing feedback here?

& why shall i do so when i get blamed for giving feedbacks for others & be the guilty guy either way ??
(Keep in mind : there's some guys that this prob doesn't concern them cuz they don't make any of these sort of probs such as u & other few persons , i was just talking about the majority of the guys who comments in the posted vids in this website & use that " this site is a russian one so we do as we please " , hope u get my point )
Lucifer@MV   User profile
  02.01.2017 15:26
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Lion0608, whatever, from what i understood the ratings,rankings and whatssoever is not to be taken seriously here, at least people give advices, and i appreciate how some people (like you) do it in english, thumbs up
Lion0608   User profile
  02.01.2017 14:40
DiGiCyber011 wrote:
u guys

Why blaming somebody in particular? It is a free international resource, everybody is wellcome (even you) to give their fair and useful advice. May be you should blame yourself in not participating in providing feedback here?

Lucifer@MV wrote:
and possibly 100/122 are editors as well, u have felt like that since u are an editor no?

I wouldn't say such optimistic things) Most of them are persons, which occassionally watch the vid, whith no "due taste for masterpieces" at all))
Lucifer@MV   User profile
  02.01.2017 12:53
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Lion0608, well if u say ratings are nothing then thats it,,,but they do have ratings, and iam pretty sure even you think that there were vids above it that were not better, and many if u wanna count,even if u didnt like it as much, am i wrong? thats what iam saying its unfair, and the rating system, just rating from 1 to 5 an amv wich u have to look at it from many different point of views,,,its not my place to say that but 122 people arent little, for an editor it means much what those 122 people think, and possibly 100/122 are editors as well, u have felt like that since u are an editor no?
DiGiCyber011   User profile  Video channel
  02.01.2017 12:52
Lion0608 wrote:
Self-publishing is more popular concerning exam -section, where beginners are searching for advice.

yeah clearly , the reason why everybody are complaining about the way u guys give advices , & when they ask for traductions they got bullied , gg
Lion0608   User profile
  02.01.2017 00:34
DiGiCyber011 wrote:
everyone are avoiding publishing their stuffs here

So what, in 90% admins initiate publishing, except for that rare cases, when authors personnaly are against of publishing. This has been taking place rather often since the database was established. Turbo and other admin staff searched for interesting content and published it. This is the main difference of this source, copared to AMVorg etc. Self-publishing is more popular concerning exam -section, where beginners are searching for advice.

Ratings are nothing. Especially when only 122 persons are woting)
It is just not representative at all (if have at least initial knowledge in maths and probabilities), compared to Azexous's youtube, where 10k are woting. This makes sense.

To add people are very different, in expectations, in culture, in background. Why , for gs, everybody should define this video as masterpiece, along with your opinion?

Besides, I should say tat I'm the Azexous great fan (even all videos issued under his previous nickname are among my favs, and I should define them as masterpieces). But... simply, I didn't like this particular video. And didn't rate it at all...

Besides, as for me this year great videos of other editors were even left in the examination section (Strat videos, Xophilarus videos), and I feel much more sorry for them)).
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  01.01.2017 19:52
Lucifer@MV, humiliation is the way to the hell.
Lucifer@MV   User profile
  01.01.2017 19:29
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kebenaj, humane like the rating of this vid...kay got it...iam going into Hiltler mode
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  01.01.2017 19:07
Fellows, please, cut it out. That's nasty. Be humane.
Lucifer@MV   User profile
  01.01.2017 18:26
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DiGiCyber011, i dont know in other countries but in greek schools the rating in tests started from ?/10 (in grade school), here its ?/5, what is this?bellow grade school? xD
DiGiCyber011   User profile  Video channel
  01.01.2017 18:24
Lucifer@MV, the reason why every true masterpiece get underrated in here xD that's why everyone are avoiding publishing their stuffs here XDD rofl
Lucifer@MV   User profile
  01.01.2017 18:20
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Cear, hahahha then their age explain why they dont talk english
Cear   User profile
  01.01.2017 18:08
Lucifer@MV wrote:
194..kek amv news, truly magnicifent rating for the top amvs of the year

That's because the average users of this site are kids with movie maker barely installed
Lucifer@MV   User profile
  01.01.2017 17:54
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194..kek amv news, truly magnicifent rating for the top amvs of the year
iiNoobAMVS   User profile
  04.02.2016 23:34
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Эвлора   User profile
  03.02.2016 21:19
Блин, вещь-то какая атмосферная, прям затягивает. По сюжету, правда, есть вопросики, но... С виду это история про психически неустойчивого болезненного человека, который в одном из приступов помешательства сжёг нафиг своих родных и друзей и теперь ходит, страдает. Ну, я художник, я так вижу
Короче, 5. Атмосфера проняла.
Azexous   User profile  Video channel
  02.02.2016 11:45
myNekoLover wrote:
крови много не бывает, да?

Of course ;DD
myNekoLover   User profile
  02.02.2016 03:22
крови много не бывает, да?
Akkuma   User profile
  01.02.2016 22:32
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звуковое не плохо
CoolYTVideos   User profile
  01.02.2016 11:01
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heey upload my video pls
[DisOrder]   User profile
  01.02.2016 10:58
-Kisagi- wrote:
This is pretty nice!

Not sure if anyone noticed, but there is a lot of saturation in the quality.

this is the first i agreed with you
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  01.02.2016 02:31
This is pretty nice!

Not sure if anyone noticed, but there is a lot of saturation in the quality.
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  31.01.2016 22:44
Anejo wrote:
Липсинк женского голоса на 3-43 это не смешно

а я поржал
Alina Vega   User profile
  31.01.2016 22:37
Сделано, конечно, не плохо, но скууучно, нет изюминки. Посредственностью эту работу называть не хочется, ну так....средненько, в общем.
K-I-L-L-E-R21   User profile
  31.01.2016 20:53
не обычный клип вышел 5
Anejo   User profile
  01.02.2016 07:41
несерьезно, мейкинг не спасает. Липсинк женского голоса на 3-43 это не смешно, если только я не в теме - просветите. Три только за то, что с музыкой вроде достаточно гармонично смотрится и очевидно, что автор делал ставку на эту гармонию и эмоции. Но эмоции слишком явные, интриги нет. Даже раскритикованный клип Дилеммы постом ниже - шедевр по части композиции и задумки. Кратко - весь клип человек ходит и страдает от потери близких. Мы это понимаем с первых и до последних кадров. Понятно, что это была какая-то трагедия. Идейно клип ничем не отличается от грузовиковой серии.Мы должны испытывать тонны эмпатии. Это ОЧЕНЬ скучно и не художественно)
Для справки, все можно было сделать менее растянуто и намного более цепляюще Behind
Magicflier   User profile  Video channel
  31.01.2016 18:55
DiGiCyber011   User profile  Video channel
  31.01.2016 17:22
nothing more to say

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