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The Experiment

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2015

Author's comment: Hi everyone.

Anime: Kuuchuu Buranko (Trapeze), Ergo Proxy, Corpse Party, Shiki, Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul A, Steins Gate, Kara no Kyoukai, Iseki Shuichi Yoshizaki Girl, Shikabane Hime Kuro, Garei Zero, Code Geass, Vampire Knight Guilty, Me Me Me, Prison School, Fate Stay Night, Zankyou no Terror, Tokyo Ravens, Log Horizon, Blood C, Blood C The Movie, Gangsta, Pyscho Pass, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Puella Madoka Magica, Another, Mirai Nikki
Music: Zack Hemsey - Nice to Meet Me (Instrumental), Percival & Marcin Przybyłowicz - Silver for Monsters

The Experiment

The Experiment

The Experiment

The Experiment

The Experiment

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3.51 3.51 (214 votes)
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Author: (video created: 06.12.2015)
Studio: Æon Studios
Submitted by: Minstrel 14.12.2015 at 20:37
3.51 3.51 (214 votes)
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Comments (48)
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IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  16.12.2015 09:34
Пожалуй отпишусь и тут - задумка интересная, атмосфера соответствует идее клипа, смена музыки меня лично очень даже убедила. Поменьше бы в таких клипах стандартно-топорной анимешной рисовки, как в отрезке 2:17-2:22 (вроде бы рожи из Токийского Гуля, если память не изменяет) и было бы вообще здорово. Согласна с Kvant-ом, пока что самая оригинальная работа на конкурсе.

Lear wrote:
Руки-то попрошу от Witcher-a... 1.

Кстати именно эта музыка тут пришлась очень даже к месту. Задала правильный тон, так сказать. А раз смотрится органично, то какая, к черту, разница откуда она и для чего изначально предусматривалась? Мыслить надо шире, господин фанат Witcher-а :)

fynjy wrote:

Ой, не могу
Kvant   User profile
  16.12.2015 05:47
По моему, очень классный клип. Может быть даже лучшее что пока появилось на текущем Акроссе. Мне вкатило)

Lear wrote:
Руки-то попрошу от Witcher-a

О чём речь? Что есть Witcher?
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  16.12.2015 11:31
MrNosec, What I wanted to know is what was the goal that the author wanted to achieve and the meaning to some things which is why I didn't say anything about the story or concept.

Fury, Thank you for explaining this, even though not all my questions are answered.
amv4ever   User profile  Video channel
  16.12.2015 00:09
it's amazing & very unique
Lear   User profile
  15.12.2015 23:59
Нет, просто Witcher - шедевр, а клип, скажем так, далеко не очень шедевр. Возникает диссонанс восприятия того, что ты видел под эту музыку, и что видишь сейчас. Тем более, что саундтрек Ведьмака - его крайне неотъемлемая часть. Причём настолько, что мало с чем сочетается вообще.
B@rs   User profile
  15.12.2015 22:03
first-person view is very original
NekoChu   User profile  Video channel
  15.12.2015 20:29
Вспомнила Аутласт
Занятная вещь,правда,и сделано хорошо.Мне понравилось
Pacific Prince   User profile
  15.12.2015 19:36
стрёмная вещь....задумка неплохая, но всё равно мне не понравилось... ну на вкус и цвет....2+
Fury   User profile  Video channel
  15.12.2015 16:59
-Kisagi- wrote:
Pretty interesting edit, but didn't really make sense to me. As of why was it happening?, what is the connection in some of the sources?, who is this person?, and what was the main goal of the video?.

I see this person is running and escaping through things, but I don't know the connection with anything. I don't know about anyone else, but it looked kind of random. Don't get me wrong, the idea is fresh and new but is that all there is to it?

I went for something different a bit more difficult as concept. I wanted something on a different level for a contest like Akross. The experience is not about a "chosen one" or about the main character of a experimental/ sci-fi story is about the experience of an "x" subject, i wanted something new and fresh. I also wanted the experience of the viewer to be strict into a timeline exactly as the charachter of my concept, the experience starts with him waking up being confused cuz "wtf is going on and why i am here" till the viewer realize he is not one of those "chosen ones" and dies in his excaping process. If u felt confused or u didnt got whats going on in the first part means i successfully did my job and you as viewer basically it put urself into my character shoes.
fynjy wrote:

HAHA thank you for making my day
MrNosec wrote:
Absolutely love this, masterfully edited, unique creativity and vision that allows you to picture and create something this enthralling.


I don't agree that every AMV needs a story, it's a music video after all, it's meant to be an experience more than anything, a visual representation of the song or just left for the viewers to try and figure out what's the meaning of all of it.

thank you for ur kind words
MrNosec   User profile  Video channel
  15.12.2015 16:20
Absolutely love this, masterfully edited, unique creativity and vision that allows you to picture and create something this enthralling.


-Kisagi- wrote:
Pretty interesting edit, but didn't really make sense to me. As of why was it happening?, what is the connection in some of the sources?, who is this person?, and what was the main goal of the video?.

I see this person is running and escaping through things, but I don't know the connection with anything. I don't know about anyone else, but it looked kind of random. Don't get me wrong, the idea is fresh and new but is that all there is to it?

I don't agree that every AMV needs a story, it's a music video after all, it's meant to be an experience more than anything, a visual representation of the song or just left for the viewers to try and figure out what's the meaning of all of it.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  15.12.2015 15:03
Pretty interesting edit, but didn't really make sense to me. As of why was it happening?, what is the connection in some of the sources?, who is this person?, and what was the main goal of the video?.

I see this person is running and escaping through things, but I don't know the connection with anything. I don't know about anyone else, but it looked kind of random. Don't get me wrong, the idea is fresh and new but is that all there is to it?
fynjy   User profile
  15.12.2015 23:35
Lear wrote:
Руки-то попрошу от Witcher-a... 1.

он твой парень? ревнуешь?
bobo203   User profile  Video channel
  15.12.2015 11:34
Lear wrote:
Руки-то попрошу от Witcher-a... 1.

вот это прижгло
nekroz98   User profile  Video channel
  15.12.2015 03:38
Your best project fury!
Congratulations for enter at Aeon Studios ^^
VasyaIvanov   User profile
  14.12.2015 22:28
Default Avatar
Lear   User profile
  14.12.2015 22:14
Руки-то попрошу от Witcher-a... 1.
NicoKun   User profile
  14.12.2015 21:47
Oshii phoned the community, he said it's too pretentious even for him
fynjy   User profile
  14.12.2015 21:15
хороший клип. заметен немного хаотичный моушен и слабенькая работа со звуком.
но, за эффортно реализованный, при этом оригинальный концепт, - 5

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