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Kingdom Of Filth

There are minor spoilers in video

I'm a big fan of manga Akame Ga Kiru, so when I heard that anime is going to be released, I immediately started to plan my AMV. I wanted to capture the features which captivated me the most while reading, such as dark atmosphere, sense of terror, anger towards oppressors amd lack of clear division between good and evil. Of course, I encourage everyone to read the original manga. I'm still a noob so I will appreciate every comment.

Anime: Akame Ga Kill
Music: Bring Me The Horizon - Empire (Let Them Sing)

Kingdom Of Filth

Kingdom Of Filth

Kingdom Of Filth

Kingdom Of Filth

Kingdom Of Filth

Kingdom Of Filth

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Author: (video created: 15.09.2015)
Submitted by: Tomixeh 25.09.2015 at 08:50
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Comments (2)
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Эль-тян   User profile
  09.10.2015 11:59
Потому, что местные оценочные тролли полны говна, трусости и зависти, я постоянно как пройдусь по оценочной мой общий рейтинг сильно падает
SpiritiX   User profile
  28.09.2015 17:23
Меня удивляет очень низкая оценка этого клипа, обьясните почему? как 3 балла минимум, но поставлю 4

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