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H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

Hello Guys. I hope you like this amv, highschool of the dead is amazing. I watched a long time ago but when I found this awsome song. I couldn't find anime to fit with the song better than HOTD. So i hope i did a good job with it & you enjoy it (;T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U V.E.R.Y M.U.C.H

Anime: Highschool of the dead
Music: Les Friction - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

H.O.T.D - Louder Than Words

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Author: (video created: 06.09.2015)
Submitted by: amv4ever 11.09.2015 at 07:50
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Comments (4)
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amv4ever   User profile  Video channel
  13.09.2015 13:57
Pushok   User profile
  11.09.2015 22:17
последний скрин с ломом шикарен.
А по треку вот Louder Than Words и Destruction если кому интересно
amv4ever wrote:
highschool of the dead is amazing

Не могу не согласиться. А клип так себе. -Kisagi-, +
amv4ever   User profile  Video channel
  11.09.2015 14:18
ok , i appreciated your advice , thank you very much
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  11.09.2015 11:14
This video was very boring and had some frameblending. You should look at Каталог типичных ошибок в клипах carefully so you won't have any problems in the future. For the video I couldn't watch 30secs of it.

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