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Project π

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This is my very first try to create an AMV; because of that, I have focused on learning the workflow of creating an AMV with the creation of Project π. Furthermore I have to thank lolligerjoj for sharing his workflow regarding to take usage from Twixtor to achieve fluid motions within the AMV. Nevertheless I have to admit that the 60fps-workflow was very confusing for the first time and as a consequence I was not able to use much 3D-transitions, because my AMV-structure inside of After Effects was in some kind of way a bit inverted, which caused me a lot of trouble. In the end I am still very pleased with my first result and have retrospectively learned much about working with After Effects.

I also hope that the coherence of the AMV is at least a bit understandable. The title is not a random one: The Archimedes' constant describes the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, also Mirai Kuriyama's life is not a simple line, which ends at some point; rather her life equals a circle in a metaphoric way. So she also have more than one chance to enjoy her life, even if she has at first the opinion that she would not be allowed to enjoy it, because of the history of her family.

Anime: Kyoukai no Kanata
Music: LukHash - THE OTHER SIDE

Project π

Project π

Project π

Project π

Project π

Project π

Project π

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Author: (video created: 28.07.2015)
Submitted by: Nishoku 04.08.2015 at 22:48
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lumincer   User profile
  05.08.2015 16:33
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Очень тяжеловатые переходы на глаза давит . Не решусь оценивать.
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  05.08.2015 01:17
-Kisagi-, Fixed
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  04.08.2015 22:59
No sound?

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