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My insanity

I am very happy to say that this is my 1st MMV. It took about nine days to finish and I confess that I never gave me so much in a video. Inspiration brought were the MMV's the Ostrogrodsky where I realized that the manga has a lot of power to present a beautiful and different look. And besides, I used the Soul Eater, who is one of my favorite works! I hope you like it ^^

Картинка Making Of (~3.27 MB)

Anime: Soul Eater (manga), Soul Eater (anime)
Music: C21 FX - Ancient Evil, Pusher Music- Finish Line
Awards: 2nd place, Best trailer and Best poster on Thales Editions Contest

My insanity

My insanity

My insanity

My insanity

My insanity

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2.62 2.62 (26 votes)
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Author: (video created: 27.11.2014)
Submitted by: Moon-Chan 17.07.2015 at 08:43
2.62 2.62 (26 votes)
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Comments (3)
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Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  17.07.2015 17:46
Including a "Making Of" probably wasn't the best idea since it kind of showcases use of really low quality raws and heavy zooming in on scenes with no additional cleanup D:
Dream of a mad fox   User profile  Video channel
  17.07.2015 11:47
А мне понравилось) 4 )
Mohgog   User profile
  17.07.2015 10:41
Хоть на английском мангу и текст сделал бы, а то вообще не понятно на какую аудиторию расчитано.
В общем скукотень да и только, толку от работы никакого нет, а реализация тоже на низком уровне, 2.

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