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On my way

There are minor spoilers in video

My newest AMV is tribute to Oda Nobuna no Yabou anime, song used by Nine Lashes - Get Back, its been made in 2 days, i didnt use any effects, its clear edit only with cutting, i wanted to make AMV action genre, i hope you will like it and have fun!

Anime: Oda Nobuna no Yabou
Music: Nine Lashes - Get Back

【 AMV 】 - On my way 「 Oda Nobuna no Yabou 」

【 AMV 】 - On my way 「 Oda Nobuna no Yabou 」

【 AMV 】 - On my way 「 Oda Nobuna no Yabou 」

【 AMV 】 - On my way 「 Oda Nobuna no Yabou 」

【 AMV 】 - On my way 「 Oda Nobuna no Yabou 」

【 AMV 】 - On my way 「 Oda Nobuna no Yabou 」

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2.69 2.69 (32 votes)
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Author: (video created: 01.06.2015)
Submitted by: Moonfang 15.06.2015 at 23:33
2.69 2.69 (32 votes)
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Comments (8)
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LovecraftDaniel   User profile
  20.01.2018 16:27
Moonfang wrote:
shut the fuck up i didnt take any clips from him, i ve been inspired thats all, i like both song and anime also, it took a lot of cutting too, so be quiet if you want to blame me for something i never did, idiot.

Aggro child detected
(znech)   User profile
  25.06.2015 16:13
Самый крутой момент был в секунде
Example   User profile
  19.06.2015 15:46

Moonfang wrote:

shut the fuck up i didnt take any clips from him, i ve been inspired thats all, i like both song and anime also, it took a lot of cutting too, so be quiet if you want to blame me for something i never did, idiot.---------stupid trashtalker, made my day.

Be quiet kid, i dont mean that u use scence from that video. Just said that ur video looks like as bad parody.
Moonfang   User profile  Video channel
  18.06.2015 05:03

Example wrote:
Парень взял клип Get Back AMV исковеркал его и доволен.
В том клипе автор хотя бы чувствует музыку.
А тут...сделал амв называтся

shut the fuck up i didnt take any clips from him, i ve been inspired thats all, i like both song and anime also, it took a lot of cutting too, so be quiet if you want to blame me for something i never did, idiot.
stupid trashtalker, made my day.
Example   User profile
  18.06.2015 02:45
Парень взял клип Get Back AMV исковеркал его и доволен.
В том клипе автор хотя бы чувствует музыку.
А тут...сделал амв называтся
Moonfang   User profile  Video channel
  17.06.2015 13:07
Darksss 73 wrote:
Клип, чистый матриархат.

haha xD
Darksss 73   User profile
  17.06.2015 03:11
Клип, чистый матриархат.
Liik   User profile
  16.06.2015 07:26
Клип должен содержать идею, либо заряжать адреналином. В противном случае получается высокотехнологичный высер

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