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Escaping Reality

I guess we all want to escape reality sometimes, don't we? :]

Well, I've been listening to the owl for years now. It's my favorite from, I love you but I've chosen darkness, but I never really attempted to make anything on it mainly because I really like the original video, and just never thought I could make anything that would come close to it. Now with that said, I'm not trying to claim that this is something that's better (ofc not), but I just felt there weren't good sources at the time and just didn't had the inspiration back then I guess.

so yea.. well, I started this few days back, and I really wanted to just finish it really quickly at first and be done with it, but I went a little slow with this and kept working on it each day. I really had a great time working with this song, and I just can never get tired of listening to it. usually, after I work on an amv, I kinda go on a break from the song I use, but I don't think I can ever get enough of the owl.

This is from back 2012, but just decided to upload this on here. I'm planning on getting back into editing soon, so expect something new sometime soon.

Anime: The Animatrix - Detective Story, The Animatrix - Kid's Story
Music: I love You but I've Chosen Darkness - The Owl

Escaping Reality

Escaping Reality

Escaping Reality

Escaping Reality

Escaping Reality

Escaping Reality

Escaping Reality

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Author: (video created: 11.07.2012)
Submitted by: SeNniN 03.11.2014 at 10:57
3.28 3.28 (46 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 4.88 (32 votes)
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Comments (7)
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Lion0608   User profile
  04.02.2023 09:16
очень атмосфрено. Хорошая работа
Эль-тян   User profile
  01.12.2014 22:46
Люблю клипы Сеннина, но этот прошел мимо...
Хотя атмосферно как обычно
ConsuL   User profile
  06.11.2014 03:34
Да, неплохо) 4 ставлю)
wpsfull   User profile
  05.11.2014 17:35
Default Avatar
Gostei do clima passado no AMV, e das cenas escolhidas.
Darksss 73   User profile
  04.11.2014 15:10
Dm1try[A] wrote:
я ждал развязки ( в музыке ).

и Action в конце .
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  03.11.2014 13:31
неплохо, но я ждал развязки ( в музыке ). Не дождался.
Lion0608   User profile
  03.11.2014 12:34
Понравилась атмосфера в начале, и казалось очень многообещающим. Вроде все неплохо, и атмосфера гнетущая, и мв и смотнитровано неплохо.

Но как-то клип быстро сошел на нет. Мужчина набирает текст - ничего не происходит. Либо я не прониклась идеей, но можно было сделать хоть чуть-чуть позрелищней.

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