Начало раздела > Drama
Hikari 05.01.2016

Комментарий авторов: First of all we would like to say Happy New Year everyone! We wish you all the best in whatever you plan to do this year. The world is yours! Secondly we wanna say happy birthday to our main chick EionAMV aka Alexo aka EternalDarkness aka Alexanderthesinger aka some other gay username, even though we SOME TIMES give you a hard time it is all love, boy. So, Happy Birthday! Kyoroichi wrote this heartwarming description, love me.

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: The Mowglis - Through The Dark


Комментарии: 5 |  Рейтинг: 3.703.70
Автор: Elerye, Ryuu-Dono, Kyoroichi (+4)

Give Me A Reason 03.01.2016

Hello, here's my new amv. I really love this song, I got to know it thanks to my friend. In this video I tried to mainly focus on Yato and Hiyori because I think the song matches them very well. I hope you enjoy this amv :)

Аниме: Noragami, Noragami Aragoto
Музыка: ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning

Give Me A Reason

Комментарии: 19 |  Рейтинг: 3.673.67
Автор: Yuka770

Dark Paradise 01.01.2016

HI Hi! This is my entry for Enigmas Time 3rd Edition IC hosted by Eria Team last week, I wanted to edit a character profile focused in one of my favorite characters, Mine Fujiko. Hope you like!

Аниме: Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna, Death Parade, Grisai no kajitsu
Музыка: Lana del Rey - Dark Paradise
Награды: 1st place Eria Team IC: Enigmas Time 3rd edition

Dark Paradise

Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 3.703.70
Автор: Z0rek

D1St0pia 23.12.2015

Комментарий Dn@: Yow, je dépoussière mon compte du fofo pour poster ce MEP qui aurait dût sortir en avril dernier mais pour cause de problème de force majeure une track a été décalée/jamais finie par ce bon vieux creed bléssé au combat qu'on remercie quand même énormément malgré tout il aura éssaié pas mal de versions sans inspi, ce qui fait qu'on a finalement eu cette track cette semaine finie par Hayden.
Bwerf à la base un projet d'une semaine pré-clips JE, mais avec quand même pas mal de boulot dedans la musique pour les plus anciens vous rappellera celle d'un bon vieux mep Fr de 2007, au final on l'a clippé sans scrupules mais n'y voyez rien de provoc' là dedans ou d'envie de remake, c'était plus sur le coup dans une converse skype le son est sorti et on étaient bien inspirés.
Pour finir la description on devrait normalement sortir de notre période d'hibernation post-JE dans le mois à venir mais ne nous brusquez pas vous savez on est vieux et on passe beaucoup de temps sur league of legend

Аниме: Nanatsu no taizai, Umineko no naku koro ni, Nekomonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Persona 4, Noragami, Zetsuen no tempest, Steins;Gate, Paris in motion live, Zankyou no terror, Sakasama no Patema, Sky Crawlers
Музыка: Gabriela Robin - Torukia, Of Porcelain Vs Garbage - Shut Your Signal (REDROSID mashup)


Комментарии: 34 |  Рейтинг: 3.903.90
Автор: AMVLuna, Madao, Hayden (+4)

Abstraction 21.12.2015

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2015

Комментарий авторов: Yop! Here is our video for this Akross. Reach found this music and we both wanted to edit it. Moreover it was clip is parallel for the attack in Paris, so we decided to do a story that much closer to this tragedy. During the realization of this video we were both very invested, there were often Skype calls and this is, I think, in that we learned to work together. It was really a good experience even if it was rather hard to treat the subject and if we can do it again, we will do without hesitation. Hopefully this video please everyone!

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul, K Project, Zankyou no Terror, Attack on Titan, Gantz, Aldnoah.Zero, Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Death Note, Akame ga Kill!, Rainbow, High School of the Dead, Kyoukai no Kanata
Музыка: Zella Day - East of Eden


Комментарии: 19 |  Рейтинг: 3.213.21
Автор: Nono, Reach

Письмо 12.12.2015

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2015

English lyrics (translation) for non-russian speakers.

Аниме: Nerawareta Gakuen, Byousoku 5 Centimeter, Kuuchuu_Buranko, Kiseijuu - Sei no Kakuritsu, Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, The Japan Animator Expo, Otona Joshi no Anime Time, Amazing Nuts, Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho,Sword Art Online, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Mekakucity Actors, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Gankutsuo, Glasslip, Rozen Maiden, Clannad,Samurai Flamenco, SoniAni - SUPER SONICO, Vietnam Noi Bai Kuukou, Fractale, Mouryou no Hako, Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai, Hyouka, Blood - C, Shinsekai Yori, Code Geass, Nagi no Asukara
Музыка: Сплин - Письмо


Комментарии: 28 |  Рейтинг: 3.643.64
Автор: Darksss 73

Mudai 10.12.2015

Клип на песню Mudai (無題) группы Amazarashi. Видеоряд создан студией видеодизайна PH Studio совместно с аниматорами из фриланс-студии Yapiko Animation. Режиссер - Masaki Yokobe.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Amazarashi - 無題


Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 4.404.40
Автор: Masaki Yokobe

Namida 05.12.2015

Комментарий автора: Guys this is actually the first amv I've ever made that is not an IC video in the last 3 years. Tho I only worked in this project for a week I really enjoyed editing this, doing something simple without real ''concept'' and editing a song that I really really like. As I mentioned before, this is also my first time participating in a contest that is not like.. 3daysrushrushrush. It was so fun participating in it, and trying to figure out who edited what video.
I thought nobody would know Namida was my video until the results but the moment they uploaded it on the AMV-France site everyone sent me messages like : omgg you made namida ggwp It was really fun, and can't wait to participate next year too!

Аниме: Kyoukai no Kanata, Gekijouban Kyoukai no Kanata: I'll Be Here - Mirai Hen, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Gintama, Ao no Exorcist, Naruto, Charlotte, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Музыка: Aimer - Hakuchuumu
Награды: 3 place at Online Contest: Rebirth (2015)


Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 4.094.09
Автор: Elerye

Liar 04.12.2015

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2015

Комментарий автора: I am glad i have time to make an amv for akrosscon2015, I'm tried to make this story as clear as possible, hope you enjoy it.

Аниме: Kyoukai no Kanata, Zetsuen no Tempest, Hamatora, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Музыка: Hurts - Mercy


Комментарии: 25 |  Рейтинг: 3.723.72

Strong Willed 03.12.2015

Комментарий авторов: Merci Ruben for poster! Yo! Finally we decide to upload our work for speedproof ic. We didn't upload it before because we have problems with it, but now it's okay. Enjoy ^^

Аниме: Haikyuu, Kuroko no Baske
Музыка: Rayden – aLIEz


Комментарии: 13 |  Рейтинг: 3.683.68
Автор: Agito, Fobos

Last Chance 03.12.2015

About the video: Kou and Futaba being friends since childhood they began to have feelings towards each other.
Futaba seeing Yuuri so close to Kou made her to become extremely jealous of her and when something happens to her she began to be in an emotional state and regrets the things she thought of Yuuri and wanted to remember the happy things they did with each other. As Futaba starts pushing Kou away because of her feelings of regret he then becomes a bit depressed and tries to still be by her side. Soon Futaba realizes that she has to make a choice and it is her last chance to do so.

Personal Comment: I started this in July and had to keep pushing back when I will finish it. Since the anime is so short with only 12 episodes it made it a bit hard for me to think of how I will get my ideas through. In the end I have accomplished what I wanted to do, but I had no other choice but to leave some things out and had to make a decision on how I wanted some parts to play out. I have to thank xGeminii, ZEVS1993, and BeautyxPain102 for helping me throughout the video and especially UnlastingDreams for giving me this song so I can edit to it. In the end I enjoyed the turnout of this and I hope everyone does as well.

Аниме: Ao Haru Ride, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, Grisaia no Meikyuu
Музыка: Britt Nicole - Safe

Last Chance

Комментарии: 7 |  Рейтинг: 3.373.37
Автор: -Kisagi-

Crimson Iris 01.12.2015

Комментарий автора: Heyyy donc voilà mon clip Online Contest, j'ai terminé 5ème! C'était aussi mon IC pour le Aeon Studio où j'ai terminé 1er Horror et 8ème Overall. Je savais pas trop quoi faire pour cet IC et on m'a dit de faire un clip Horror comme je fais jamais ça, j'suis tombé sur cette zik, kiff instantané voilà. C'est un peu la suite spirituelle d'Endless mon clip Haruhi, un clip psyche avec un anime à moitié psyche sur des glitchs! Bref moi j'kiffe bien, j'ai tenté un autre style, si ça avait été un clip sérieux y aurait eu plus de trucs à faire mais c'était un IC et j'aime pas revenir sur mes projets finis bounce
EDIT: Et je voulais rajouter que je me suis un peu inspiré de Corrupted by a Pure Rain de KxS! Enjoy!

Аниме: Noragami
Музыка: Olafur - Til Enda
Награды: Best Psycho/Horror на Aeon Speedproof IC

Crimson Iris

Комментарии: 23 |  Рейтинг: 4.054.05
Автор: MagicDarkLight

Shuryo 24.11.2015

Комментарий автора: I'm really attached to this project. I started it 2 years ago (October 2013) with Okill for a contest but I didn't manage to end it 'cause I found it too difficult for me. I'm glad I didn't finish it at that time because I don't think it could've been as good as now. Special thanks to my uaz friends, Nagi for the epic poster and to MysticBeard whom motivated me until the very end of it. Enjoy it if you can. Thanks ^^

Аниме: Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Музыка: Onlap - Whisper in my head


Комментарии: 24 |  Рейтинг: 3.843.84
Автор: Riku'

Hi no Ishi 19.11.2015

Комментарий автора: Yooo!!! Ça faisait un moment o/ Et donc voilà mon clip pour l'ic speedproof ; J'étais vraiment pas chaud pour le faire étant donné que j'galère déjà assez sur mon clip HxH, mais ayant check les sons j'suis tombé sur MoF, musique que j'écoute en boucle depuis un mois en pensant la clipper sur Naruto.. donc le choix fut assez rapide. Bref pas grand chose à dire, j'me suis vraiment éclaté, toujours aussi cool à clipper ce bon vieil anime. Donc en attendant l'ultime Setsujoku, je vous laisse donc avec Hi no Ishi !

Аниме: Naruto
Музыка: Magic of Life - Yowamushi na Honoo

Hi no Ishi

Комментарии: 20 |  Рейтинг: 4.034.03
Автор: Luciole

Shadows 19.11.2015

Выдержка из комментария автора: I had a lot of fun with colors in this one, to the point I was using multiple instances of magic bullet on one scene. I’m pretty sure I’m in an abusive relationship with Sony Vegas 6. It can’t handle half of the shit I do, but it complies anyway because I’m too lazy (and broke) to upgrade.
Dedicated to my friends Ash and Vicky because apparently they associate themselves with MikaYuu and, according to Ash “rmb when I got ripped to shreds and she had to leave me to die”. I have interesting friends.

Аниме: Owari no Seraph
Музыка: Halsey - Control, Biometrix ft. Charlie Brix - Hush


Комментарии: 10 |  Рейтинг: 3.633.63
Автор: Chiikaboom

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