Index > Big Contest 2014, Action > Titanomachy Print


There are minor spoilers in video

Just watch the video! Not much to explain here.

Yeah it's another Titan video, how original right? The goal with this was to show the battle of Trost, putting an epic vibe into it. Easy as that. It might be a bit spoilerous for someone who didn't watch the series yet, but not as spoilerous as some other videos I saw from the same source xD

Anime: Attack on Titan, Girls und Panzer
Music: E.S. Posthumus - Unstoppable







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3.11 3.11 (131 vote)
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Author: (video created: 09.05.2014)
Submitted by: MatthewRoy 25.05.2014 at 19:37
3.11 3.11 (131 vote)
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Comments (48)
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MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 05:30
TritioAFB wrote:
People say you dont have to use mainstream. They are forgetting something very important though: If the case is, making an original video featuring that source as your main, do it .... unless the video is not far different from the average clip.

As long as your material is anime-oriented, is ok. If you feel you want to make it, go for it, even if we dislike it. At the end, this is just a hobby

I agree with you. I understand when people are sick of a source that has been overused like titan. I'm ok with it and I kinda knew it was going to happen XD

I'm just asking for some feedback on the video itself if people can get over the fact that it has titans in it.. from those that didn't like it in particular. It's a good chance for me to understand what didn't work, if my syncing was good or bad.. I'm learning and any opinion from people that watch a lot of amvs is useful
Not found   User profile
  26.05.2014 05:09
А мне понравилось, не ну правда сделано то добротно, ну а с момента 02:06 в обще мурашки по коже пробежали, хз мб я сильно впечатлительный. Поставлю 5. В общем в лучших традициях ньюза удачи в следующих работах, ога.
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 02:43
People say you dont have to use mainstream. They are forgetting something very important though: If the case is, making an original video featuring that source as your main, do it .... unless the video is not far different from the average clip.

As long as your material is anime-oriented, is ok. If you feel you want to make it, go for it, even if we dislike it. At the end, this is just a hobby
gabberMD   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 02:17
Sagrado   User profile
  26.05.2014 00:08
Please stop mainstream stop stop STOP!!!

At the sight of this anime(Shingeki no Kyojin) here ready to kill
Please do not need to take this anime in the future

Предлагаю сделать рубрику "ФакенФак"
под лозунгом "меня зае**** Shingeki no Kyojin"

maxximm   User profile
  25.05.2014 23:20
Из "+" хочется выделить:
Связная цепочка событий,
Хорошая динамика,
Ну, а за "-" и так все всё знают.
Of "+" I want to highlight: Connected chain of events Good dynamics, Atmosphere. Well, for the "-" and so everyone knows everything.
Quintero   User profile
  25.05.2014 22:56
MatthewRoy wrote:
Any chance that you could write this in english?

Only with translator.

Don't use mainstream source, that's all what you must to know. Impossible to properly assess the clip when seen hundreds of similar.
MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  25.05.2014 22:07
Эль-тян wrote:
Ничего интересного, и эта симфоническая пафосная муза уже в печёнках сидит, нифига под неё не вдохновляется и не воодушевляется уже, советую автору использовать менне пресловутые музыкальные композиции.

Any chance that you could write this in english?
I'd actually enjoy other people opinions even if it's negative ones.. but it's useless if I can't understand you

Sandra_Da_Vinci wrote:
Автор, ты просто оригинален! Ведь до тебя еще никто не пересказывал сюжет титанов под пафосную музыку! Делай есчо!

Well, I get what you are saying from google translating.. but I said it myself in the description that with this source it wasn't going to be the most original video ever.. I fully understand that :)
LIA   User profile  Video channel
  25.05.2014 22:02
Чот для меня все клипы на титанов одинаковые какие-то:с Грустно, исходник то крут:с
Daru   User profile
  25.05.2014 21:55
Хватит титанов, ну пожалуйста!
Sandra_Da_Vinci   User profile
  25.05.2014 21:27
Автор, ты просто оригинален! Ведь до тебя еще никто не пересказывал сюжет титанов под пафосную музыку! Делай есчо!
Gamarjoba   User profile
  25.05.2014 21:24
Снова титаны...
MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  25.05.2014 21:02
ThalesEditions wrote:
Average. Synchronism is out and lost.

Sad to read that :(
Can you point out the sequences where the sync was off? Just so that I can understand what I did wrong
Enigmo   User profile  Video channel
  25.05.2014 20:39
Эль-тян   User profile
  26.05.2014 12:55
Ничего интересного, и эта симфоническая пафосная муза уже в печёнках сидит, нифига под неё не вдохновляется и не воодушевляется уже, советую автору использовать менее пресловутые музыкальные композиции.
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  25.05.2014 20:22
Average. Synchronism is out and lost.
Ree   User profile
  25.05.2014 20:06
Quintero   User profile
  25.05.2014 19:55

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