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Countdown For Titan Extinction

There are minor spoilers in video

Hello Everyone. In this amv I wanted to do something different than any other SK amv I saw ... and concentrate on the general story of the conflict between human and the Titans. I hope u ENJOY IT !
I appreciate Constructive Criticism :) Thank u for watching .

Anime: Shingeki No Kyojin
Music: Pain - Psalms of Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction

Countdown For Titan Extinction


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3.13 3.13 (47 votes)
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Author: (video created: 15.11.2013)
Submitted by: bluefox8806 09.03.2014 at 17:39
3.13 3.13 (47 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 4.91 (47 votes)
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Comments (3)
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TheShadowMV   User profile  Video channel
  10.03.2014 19:34
Скучно как-то, дак и еще и блендинг...Да и просто обыгрышь никакой, 2.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  10.03.2014 02:54
I found it a bit boring, needed more tensity. Not too bad though. From me, no more than 3.
Bjakua   User profile
  09.03.2014 22:58
[21:53:55] Bjakua [Som]: понравилось
[21:54:46] Bjakua [Som]: но технически слабовато
текстурка под конец начала напрягать
ну и начало с масками
а в остальном хорошо обыгарно и кадры годные подобраны
что создало подходящую под трек атмосферу

думаю даже скачаю

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