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Heart's Reason

There are serious spoilers in video!

Summer Drama, Summer Romance, Summer Season.
This is not a serious video, but i did put a lot of effort into portraying, then editing the scenes to make it look a lot more shiny. All this was done just to promote many of the summer animes, as well as a few I've recently finished in the process. Reusing a old song with new animes is always fun!

Anime: Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate, Oda Nobuna no Yabou, Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai, Kono Naka ni Hitori Imouto ga Iru!, R-15, Sengoku Collection, Campione!, Sword Art Online, Accel World, Tari Tari, Kokoro Connect, Dog Days, Medaka Box, Yuru Yuri, Little Busters
Music: Trading Yesterday - Shattered

Heart's Reason

Heart's Reason

Heart's Reason

Heart's Reason

Heart's Reason


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3.40 3.40 (68 votes)
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Author: (video created: 24.09.2012)
Submitted by: Magicflier 16.05.2013 at 07:16
3.40 3.40 (68 votes)
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Torrent downloads: 333 times ratings: 3.728 (147 votes)

Comments (11)
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daschulka_k   User profile
  26.07.2014 02:53
1:44 что за аниме?
MigeL   User profile
  31.05.2013 09:53
3, кадры фиговые подобраны. В целом скучно :(
Xapyka19_11   User profile
  24.05.2013 13:56
классный клип!!! мне очень понравился
Ellfin   User profile
  20.05.2013 22:47
Bjakua, Эль-тян, + 1
solodyxa_92   User profile
  20.05.2013 21:22
поцелуй со свином улыбнул
Эль-тян   User profile
  17.05.2013 15:35
Bjakua +1
Bjakua   User profile
  17.05.2013 14:44
Для оценочной очень даже.
Атмосферно и обыграно на уровне.
но трек заезжен, да.
xDieguitoAMV   User profile  Video channel
  16.05.2013 21:09
Beautiful! , i love the scene selection Maybe the zooms could be better but then it was realy nice.
Well you know that people will complain about the song but you made a realy good job in my opinion.

Disengager   User profile
  16.05.2013 15:49
Скрины заинтересовали, правда вот на пустом месте, клип совершенно скучный и не интересный.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  16.05.2013 08:36
Sorry, but I didn't really like. If you wanted to use this song, you should have just stayed with 1 anime so the concept could be better. Though, if you wanted a mix, it would have been better if you chose different scenes & made everything look like one source. From me 2, but keep trying!
seshka   User profile  Video channel
  16.05.2013 07:55
Взываю к богам, пусть этот трек оставят в покое

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