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Augmented Icarus

There are serious spoilers in video!

Выдержка из комментария автора: I discovered Deus Ex HR last year and have been thinking about doing a video with it ever since. I had everything prepared, footage, music and finally took the time to edit it last week. The best game I played last year. I’m usually not a big fan of FPS but this one actually has some RPG and TPS features that make it really original and addicting to play. What makes the game so immersive is that for each situation, you always get at least three different ways to progress. I completed the game 3 times trying different routes and making different choices. I think the most fun and challenging is to complete the game without being noticed and without killing anybody.

Зеркало 1 - 10-битная версия.

Anime: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Music: Michael McCann – Icarus Main Theme, Kavinsky – RoadGame, Kavinsky – RoadGame (F.O.O.L Remix)

Augmented Icarus

Augmented Icarus

Augmented Icarus

Augmented Icarus

Augmented Icarus

Augmented Icarus

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3.85 3.85 (253 votes)
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Author: (video created: 02.03.2013)
Submitted by: Minstrel 06.03.2013 at 18:06
3.85 3.85 (253 votes)
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Page views: 14150 times
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YouTube ratings: 4.93 (862 votes)
YouTube views: 31522 times

Comments (41)
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seriy   User profile
  06.03.2013 19:41
padre   User profile  Video channel
  06.03.2013 19:28
А на ньюзе клип только из-за Square Enix?
Toriko   User profile
  06.03.2013 19:26
скорей только из-за ностромо
padre   User profile  Video channel
  06.03.2013 19:17
А на ньюзе клип только из-за Square Enix?
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  06.03.2013 19:15
мимо :O
InShaDoW   User profile
  06.03.2013 19:10
Tesc   User profile
  06.03.2013 18:59
Что-то такое весьма новенькое от Ностромо.Видно,что не его жанр...
5c0rp10n   User profile  Video channel
  06.03.2013 18:49
Танкист такие за день ваяет)
RazrFalcon   User profile
  06.03.2013 18:42
Странно, почти полное повторение оригинального трейлера под убогую музыку =/
3, разве что исходник крут
АRXANGEL   User profile
  06.03.2013 18:27
>10-битная версия
без 60фпс не катит.
Эль-тян   User profile
  06.03.2013 18:16
с 01.17 полный провал, ну а дальше... ((

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