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Love Revolution

There are minor spoilers in video

Author's comment: The inspiration of "Love Revolution" is owed to one person, fellow editor and friend Sephiroth. The choice of music came from watching the anime "NANA". At around episode 20 or so the opening theme changed to the song "Wish" by Olivia Lufkin. As soon as I heard it, it became an ear worm and I couldn't get it out of my mind. One afternoon as I was listening to it for the umpteenth time, for whatever reason I started thinking of some of some scenes I saw from Utena and then it hit me : "Why don't I do an AMV using this song and Utena and also do it in the weird art style that I saw for the box-sets?". The idea was too good to pass up and immediately became a priority.

Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV), Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie (Adolescence Of Utena)
Music: OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST) - Wish

Love Revolution

Love Revolution

Love Revolution

Love Revolution

Love Revolution

Love Revolution


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3.68 3.68 (209 votes)
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Author: (video created: 20.10.2012)
Submitted by: Turbo 30.10.2012 at 13:13
3.68 3.68 (209 votes)
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Comments (41)
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Bubusiateenka   User profile
  30.10.2012 16:21
Работы много вложено, а вышла какая-то безвкусица с пресным сюжетом и вообще отсутствием чего-либо интересного, кроме вот этих богомерзких "раскрашиваний".
Bakuman   User profile
  30.10.2012 15:52
"Выглядит не очень". Шутите? Да блестящее исполнение! Эдакий театр теней. Супер!
Lawelas   User profile
  30.10.2012 15:36
Аниме не смотрел, но вырезанные куски видно. (огромная работа)
Но бессмысленная, ибо выглядит мягко говоря не очень.
Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  30.10.2012 15:11
This is one of those videos where even if you don't particularly enjoy it, you HAVE to give the man respect for his insane amount of effort.

As a big Utena fan, this is easily one of my favorite videos this year.

Great job.
altermann   User profile  Video channel
  30.10.2012 15:07
Ого, музыка из Наны.
MIBIHA   User profile
  30.10.2012 14:40
конечно эффорт заслуживает похвал, но получилась топорно-глазовыедающая безвкусица.
а ну и сама начинка с музыкальным сопровождением тоже странные, онемешные какие-то) 4-ку поставлю
eViT's   User profile
  30.10.2012 14:10
Disengager wrote:
Фига тут масок.
Клип крутой.Идея тащит, реализация тащит.
Без сомнений 5.

солидарен на все 100
Squall(c)   User profile
  30.10.2012 14:10
I really, REALLY respect your effort. But unfortunately, I just can't see what was it all made for. The style is also non-consistent, seeing how you skipped on swords, car and certain backgrounds. It doesn't add anything to the story or the feel of the piece. A shame, but it is just 'there', really.
BesrezeN   User profile
  30.10.2012 14:04
Disengager   User profile
  30.10.2012 14:01
Фига тут масок.
Клип крутой.Идея тащит, реализация тащит.
Без сомнений 5.
Tesc   User profile
  30.10.2012 13:23
Аниме не смотрел,поэтому уровень авторской работы не могу оценить

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