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AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

Author's comment: For some time now I've wanted to make a video that embodies the animé used so well that it would come to people's minds immediately whenever they thought of AMVs with that animé. As far as I've seen, in order for an AMV to attain such status, it has to meet three criteria:
1) Be one of the first AMVs created with that animé,
2) Be very well matched to its music, and
3) Be very well executed on.

Well, I'm not so sure about that last one, but I think I've got a valid claim to the first two of those criteria. Squid Girl is becoming a popular enough series (and rightfully so; it's cute and funny and a good time) that I'm sure there will be more, but this time (unlike with, say, Loveless or Code Geass) I got in on the action pretty much as soon as I could.

Anime: Squid Girl
Music: Third Impact - Squid Girl
Awards: Best Dance/Upbeat at Otakon 2011, Best Fun and Judges Best Overall at Animethon 18

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

AMVじゃなイカ? (An Anime Music Squideo!)

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3.39 3.39 (67 votes)
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Author: (video created: 10.06.2011)
Submitted by: Turbo 24.08.2011 at 07:14
3.39 3.39 (67 votes)
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Page views: 4018 times
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Downloaded: 962 times
Torrent downloads: 531 times ratings: 3.935 (322 votes)

Comments (31)
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welivetoday   User profile
  24.08.2011 08:52
Pushok wrote:
Вступительный музыкальный трек взят из MeltyBlood и не указан в исходниках

Это какбэ заставка студии, использованные в ней исходники и не надо указывать.
Клип досмотрел без напряга ( работа на удивление легко смотрится ), может даже разок пересмотрю. Избавиться бы от многочисленных хлопортов и можно было бы даже на главную. 5

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