Index > Big Contest 2011, Drama, Story > Dare to Love Again Print

Dare to Love Again

There are serious spoilers in video!

Author's comment: Perfect match between the anime and the song. But just a simple story-telling would not be enough, it's not my style. The story itself it's good enough, dramatic enough, so I added the element of glory and manage to magnify the effect of the story itself. 

This is re-mastered version of my "Carnival of Rust" amv. Better sync, better lip-sync, greater resolution, totaly re-made the Ushio-part of the video, and the "bing-bang" moment is better (I think...)

I hope you will enjoy it, and re-watch it many times!

Anime: Clannad, Clannad After Story
Music: Poets of the fall - Carnival of rust
Awards: 4 место в общем зачете, Лучший клип в жанре Character Profile, Лучший клип в жанре Drama на конкурсе AMVNews: Big Contest 2011, Выбор зрителей на AMV Show 2011 (Санкт-Петербург).

Dare to Love Again

Dare to Love Again

Dare to Love Again

Dare to Love Again

Dare to Love Again

Dare to Love Again

Dare to Love Again


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4.49 4.49 (904 votes)
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Author: (video created: 16.02.2011)
Submitted by: Perfect-Blue 26.03.2011 at 08:37
4.49 4.49 (904 votes)
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Comments (263)
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Ekanaka   User profile
  06.12.2011 13:42
Потрясающе трогательный клип! Сначала кажется самым обыкновенным середнячком, но когда переваливает за середину цепляет уже по-настоящему.
S.i.N.e.R KRoNo   User profile
  29.11.2011 22:21
Оч понравилось, спасибо автору за работу.
YukiTamp1ier   User profile
  10.11.2011 12:55
Прекрасный клип. Кланнад одно из любимых аниме и увидеть качественый клип по нму, очень приятно)
FunnyMan   User profile
  04.11.2011 13:01
шикарный клип!!! автору большое спасибо!!
ShadowL1fe   User profile
  04.11.2011 01:28
Клип супер)) Оставляет хорошие впечатления))
Автор так держать )) 5+
Unmei   User profile
  09.09.2011 20:27
Велликолепный клип... автор молодец!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spiriti   User profile
  29.08.2011 14:50
Tamina   User profile
  25.08.2011 18:49
клип очень понравился! 5!
Jack Potroshitel   User profile
  22.08.2011 14:55
Отличная работа
Pushok   User profile
  15.08.2011 08:16
Все бы хорошо, но увы..4
narusy   User profile
  12.08.2011 15:18
Default Avatar
Видеоряд может быть и не плохой, но липсинг не понравился
HellPuppy   User profile
  08.08.2011 10:59
Эх, всплакнул
iCarus   User profile
  30.07.2011 19:04
Perfect job ;)
Угнетатель-sama   User profile
  24.07.2011 14:41
Богу ужаса Двача сие творение не столь легко далось. 3
Perfect-Blue   User profile
  07.07.2011 18:30
Drama-Winner at ANIME EXPO 2011! Hell-Yeah!

insite and Vivern Def - where is your GOD now?
evgenamv   User profile
  10.06.2011 09:53
Default Avatar
Душевно вышло. И песня самая подходящая. 5 балов!!
Alik@   User profile
  08.06.2011 18:13
perfect song for this amv=}
хотя липсинг можно былои лучше забацать . 5
Perfect-Blue   User profile
  07.06.2011 16:06
No, its more like the first 3 Indiana Jones movies, or the original StarWars - despite they are more then 20 years old they are waaaaaay better then their followers.
Vivern Def   User profile
  05.06.2011 23:17
Perfect-Blue wrote:
Yeap! It was excellent in 2002/2003/2005, and its still excellent now. Without any "Серьезная альт стори?Сложные эффекты?Кросовер?", right?

...And I want to see more amvs like Damaged Rei - that makes you want to watch it again and again. Its sad that an amv from 2002 is better that many made in 2011.

This is like rare car 1930 year, they cool, they expensive, they uncommon, but nobody makes them

Perfect-Blue wrote:
Anyway, I think I made my point, anyone who has intelligence will get it.

Me too say all that wanted, further to argue senselessly, all the same we remain with the one's own opinion.
Perfect-Blue   User profile
  05.06.2011 22:18
Yeap! It was excellent in 2002/2003/2005, and its still excellent now. Without any "Серьезная альт стори?Сложные эффекты?Кросовер?", right?

...And I want to see more amvs like Damaged Rei - that makes you want to watch it again and again. Its sad that an amv from 2002 is better that many made in 2011.

Anyway, I think I made my point, anyone who has intelligence will get it.
Vivern Def   User profile
  05.06.2011 21:48
Perfect-Blue wrote:
Are u mad for mine amv is 4th place, and your is not even in top 30?

On it Contest personally I the spectator and the critic

Perfect-Blue wrote:
U see, there was a time, when there was AMVs like "Won't Save", "Damaged Rei", "Waking Hour" , "Through Time, Through Space" , " Look At Me Now", "Bleed The Sky" , "Believe" - they dont have all-mighty-FXs, or Серьезная альт стори , or Сложные эффекты or Кросовер, but... somehow.. SOMEHOW they managed to be remembered. That was a golden time of amv-making.

"Damaged Rei" is created 2002 year
"Through Time, Through Space" is created 2003
"Waking Hour" is created 2005
If I am not mistaken
And so what?In 2002 year It was excellent, but behind a window 2011 year!and now It is not enough, Now I would like to see on similarity Jus Talionis or Perverse Desire (It for example, from 2011 year )

Perfect-Blue wrote:
Here, if u like Сложные эффекты check out my Quatro Vector amv (находится на ето сайт, и в топ10 Akross за ЗА ВСЁ ВРЕМЯ) And jump on "Nooo, this is not an amv bus" if u like.

Yes cool video, and so? but for what it is all here?now we are talking about "Dare to Love Again", "Quatro Vector amv" absolutely other genre.
insite   User profile
  05.06.2011 20:19
Perfect-Blue   User profile
  05.06.2011 19:35
Oh c'mon, accept my critisism to your critisism with dignity.

In first place, you dindt make any critisism to my amv - u just sez - "просто нарезка". So, if u know what is wrong in one amv, then its assumed U know how to make one amv in right way. When u are goin to make a critic, be ready to give a proof. Or u are right, and all other great amv-makers are not and didnt understand? U have your opinion, ok, but its more like an insult. The all amvs, and music videos, and movies are нарезки. Its called editing. But the MEANING, the SENSE u put in all this нарезки is making the differences. Like the difference in 4th plane and not to be in the finals at all.

So I asume your criticism is without any base/ground, and I dont take it seriously. If u feel im insulting u, feel free to notify the admins... or like one real amv maker you can stand your ground and prove Im wrong and make better then mine amv for the next contest.

What it will be, Ace?
insite   User profile
  05.06.2011 17:44
I dont rly know who is mad here, all i see is that u r arrogant and inadequately sensitive to critics. Throw ur challanges somewhere else. I didnt ask for any.
Perfect-Blue   User profile
  07.06.2011 18:42
Are u mad for mine amv is 4th place, and your is not even in top 30? If so, the mistery of mine 4th place can be solved easly... U see, there was a time, when there was AMVs like "Won't Save", "Damaged Rei", "Waking Hour" , "Through Time, Through Space" , " Look At Me Now", "Bleed The Sky" , "Believe" - they dont have all-mighty-FXs, or Серьезная альт стори , or Сложные эффекты or Кросовер, but... somehow.. SOMEHOW they managed to be remembered. That was a golden time of amv-making. Im far from the thought mine amv is great like these, but, SOMEHOW, the people like it. And this is the great mistery to you, behind the word "SOMEHOW". Probably becouse an amv does not always need to have Серьезная альт стори, Сложные эффекты, Кросовер , to be ... good.

Here, if u like Сложные эффекты check out my Quatro Vector amv (находится на ето сайт, и в топ10 Akross за ЗА ВСЁ ВРЕМЯ) And jump on "Nooo, this is not an amv bus" if u like.

Be my guest next year, and try to beat me. Challenge accepted?
insite   User profile
  05.06.2011 14:45
Perfect-Blue wrote:

Insite and Vivern Def, if you think you can do better, be my guests - there is another contest next year. Try make something better than mine amv there.

Oh c'mon, accept the critisism with dignity. Do u rly pretend AMV u made is that good? huh? There r tons of such clips all over utube. U picked up the right Anime and the right song and that's 80% of success. For the majority. But the reason i made my post was guys who rated ur clip that high do not belong to the majority.. So why did they put u on a 4th place is a mystery to me. Because technicaly ur work is below avarage. And one could not deny it.
Vivern Def   User profile
  04.06.2011 23:09
Perfect-Blue, I not say that is bad. i say that is feebly for contest like that.
Perfect-Blue wrote:
Vivern Def, if you think you can do better

Meanwhile I can not, hope later I will learn
P.s Excuse for my bad English
Perfect-Blue   User profile
  04.06.2011 22:24
Thanks very much for the nice comments!

Insite and Vivern Def, if you think you can do better, be my guests - there is another contest next year. Try make something better than mine amv there.
Vivern Def   User profile
  04.06.2011 20:08
insite wrote:
Ну мне этого не понять, честно.
Ругаете все ютуб направо и налево, а тут такое...
Я фанат кланнада, мне понравилась песня, но амв...
Драма говорите? Может стоит Perverse Desire пересмотреть? Не вы серьезно? Это ваш топ? Мне вас жаль. Мало того, что на клип потрачено 3 часа отсилы, это же просто нарезка... омг.. за что такие оценки..

Полностью согласен
Серьезная альт стори?Сложные эффекты?Кросовер? Это первое место в драме и четвертый в общем зачете?Jus Talionis и Perverse Desire на порядок эмоционально выше. Пересмотрел несколько раз подряд так и не тронуло не капли.Простенькая нарезка, которых вполне хватает на это исходник.
insite   User profile
  02.06.2011 20:59
Ну мне этого не понять, честно.
Ругаете все ютуб направо и налево, а тут такое...
Я фанат кланнада, мне понравилась песня, но амв...
Драма говорите? Может стоит Perverse Desire пересмотреть? Не вы серьезно? Это ваш топ? Мне вас жаль. Мало того, что на клип потрачено 3 часа отсилы, это же просто нарезка... омг.. за что такие оценки..

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