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Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

Клип финалист конкурса AKROSS Con 2010

Author's comment: This is my entry for AKROSS Con 2010. I wanted to edit a video for this contest, but at the beginning I didn't have any ideas. I like the style of Animatrix - Detective Story, so I decided to edit a clip with this anime. I also try to create a new story and a video that might seem like a thriller. So I decided to use a second anime, cowboy bebop, and after several trials I found a way to make the two anime similar and put them together in one video.

Anime: Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, The Animatrix: A Detective Story, Paprika, Blood The Last Vampire, Batman: Gotham Night
Music: Monty Norman Orchestra - James Bond Theme

Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

Kill Him: A Short Detective Story

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3.87 3.87 (171 vote)
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Author: (video created: 30.11.2010)
Studio: Revived Studio
Submitted by: sasu04 10.01.2011 at 14:09
3.87 3.87 (171 vote)
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Page views: 8320 times
Views on-line: 2324 times
Downloaded: 1310 times
Torrent downloads: 512 times ratings: 3.896 (144 votes)

Comments (34)
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kyle_m   User profile
  10.01.2011 14:30
атлична же
Akika-sama   User profile
  10.01.2011 14:19
не плохо сделано. Атмосферненько получилось. М.в. выбрано удачно и синхра есть. Ток реализовать можно было больше.
B@rs   User profile
  10.01.2011 14:19
Занимательный кроссовер. Мне нравится. 5.
Lawelas   User profile
  10.01.2011 14:14
оо я первый поставил 4 =)

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