Index > Psychedelic
[N]omen [N]escio 01.04.2021

Давно уже руки чесались использовать это корейское аниме, но чёт все не было подходящего трека.
Участникам желаю удачи, а зрители, надеюсь, найдут для себя любимые работы на этом конкурсе.

Аниме: Wonderful Days
Музыка: Nickbee, Deerhill - Ether

[N]omen [N]escio

Comments: 34 |  Rating: 3.853.85
Author: Dm1try[A]

Dead End 29.03.2021

Took over 3 months to make, but pretty happy with how it turned out. Still pretty new to editing, but I liked experimenting various things and see if they work. The idea was to create a distant and false hope feeling throughout the video.
What happens when you can redo your past mistakes yet end up in the same place.

Аниме: The End of Evangelion, Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, Fate/Zero, Steins;Gate, Promised Neverland, Jujutsu Kaisen, Shingeki no Kyojin: Final Season
Музыка: Omri - Redo Undo (Barren Gates Remix)

Dead End

Comments: 29 |  Rating: 4.124.12
Author: Charios

Rapture 16.03.2021

Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity

Победитель в категории Psyche

Комментарий автора: This is my entry for #STIC17​.

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: LSDREAM, Champagne Drip - ETERNAL NOW
Награды: Best Psyche на Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity


Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.723.72
Author: Redrum

Fish Tank 14.03.2021

Hello, I have been an editor for a while but recently starting entering some competitions. I really enjoyed Perfect Blue and the song so I combined them into this. I tried to recreate that feeling when you feel like you are losing part of yourself to someone or something. I hope you enjoy

Аниме: Perfect Blue
Музыка: FKA Twigs - Cellophane

Fish Tank

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.083.08
Author: Triton

Who Are You? 14.03.2021

Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

"Who are you?"
It is a question asked a lot, but scary when pointed at yourself.

It's my first time participating in an STIC IC, and I've had an interesting experience.
I present my entry for the Horror category in Soul's Team IC 17: Audacity.
Hope you like it!

Аниме: Perfect Blue
Музыка: Chewing - Night

Who Are You?

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.383.38
Author: Akarena

Snake 25.02.2021

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2020

Комментарий автора:

a focus on nadeko's long running snake problem
from girl to gorgon

Аниме: Otorimonogatari, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Koimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, Zoku Owarimonogatari, League of Legends
Музыка: Halflives - Snake
Награды: Лучшая психоделика на AKROSS Con 2020


Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: UnluckyArtist

Утонувший (Drowned) 10.02.2021

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2020

Комментарий автора: A metaphorical video about depression.
If you don't speak Russian please watch with English subtitles since it's incredibly important to the concept of the video.

Картинка Making-of

Аниме: 3-Gatsu no Lion, Kaijuu no Kodomo, Coppelion, Nagi no Asukara, Denpa Onna to Seishun, Fate/Zero, Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Музыка: otnose. x elastronauta - DROWNED


Утонувший (Drowned)

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.253.25
Author: Arrow

Descent 06.02.2021

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2020

My entry for AKROSS Con 2020
I've had this combination in mind for a while now, it almost felt like the song was made for this anime, so I'm glad i finally got around to make this! I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Аниме: Shinsekai Yori
Музыка: Cathedrals - In the Dark


Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.733.73
Author: Scara

Esoterra 21.01.2021

It was just a video made to look pretty. Focusing on nature. It was a finalist in AWA PRO 2020.
It is the most complicated video I have ever made. I have spent more time on it than any other video (I have been editing since 2002).

Breakdown of the baby scene (it is pretty buggy, apologies)
"Making of" the whole thing

I know this video is not as complicated as many here on AMVnews, but it was a big deal for me.

Started: october 2019
Finished: 12 August 2020
Started keeping actual track of hours in Jan 2020.
So total project time below is heavily understated.

Time spent:
94hr 3min 10s total. (again- understated. I normally just round up to 100 lol)
72hrs 38min 10sec for Premiere CS6.
18hr 42min for after effects CS6.
2hr 43min VLC (looping betas lmao).

Аниме: Princess Mononoke, Kimetsu no yaiba, Big Fish & Begonia, Origin Spirits of the Past, Karas, Children of the Sea, Btooom!, Castlevania (Netflix), Dorohedoro, Psycho-Pass, Shinmai Maou no Testament, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Dentist, Vision of Escaflowne, Flip Flappers, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Girl That Leapt Through Time, Golden Kamuy, Grave of the Fireflies, Haibanei Renmei, Jyu Oh Sei Planet of Beast King, Made in Abyss, Madoka movies, Monogatari series, Mushishi, Patema Inverted, Princess Kaguya, Steins;Gate, The Perfect Insider, Wolf's Rain, Kimi no na wa, Avatar the last airbender, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Музыка: AURORA - Apple Tree


Comments: 6 |  Rating: 3.573.57
Author: StandardQuip

Not Anymore 04.12.2020

Hi everyone, passing here to show a little old project that i appreciate a lot because was with one of my favorite animes, nothing so serious, i hope you guys are going to like.

made in 4 days for BF IC.

Аниме: Berserk
Музыка: Apparat - Goodbye

Not Anymore

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.443.44
Author: Acid


This AMV is a special for Algeria IC 2: Digital Age, in the categories of Psych/Horror. Ranked 7th in total.

It recounts the story of a girl with trust issues, mystified by a stranger, only to end up cursed by him to die. Through her journey of struggle and desperation, she was saved by the one she doubted the most. In the end, she sits alone perpetually haunted by shadows of pain and death.

Аниме: Kaijuu no kodomo, Kimi no na wa
Музыка: Bring me the Horizon - Fresh Bruises

PERPETUAL SHADOW - [Algeria IC 2 - 7th]

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.593.59
Author: Akarena

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza 08.11.2020

I wanted to make a Halloween amv this year, and Dorohedoro has some great OP/ED's that gave off serious 'Beetlejuice' vibes. I wanted to go for a kind of psychedelic type of video, hence all the mushrooms. I used ONLY the OP and ED's when editing.

Аниме: Dorohedoro
Музыка: Danny Elfman - Beetlejuice Main Titles

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza

Comments: 6 |  Rating: 3.573.57
Author: Synæsthesia

the moon looks esthetic 05.11.2020

Category: OverSync

2020 к концу подходит, а люди до сих пор просто так луну пощупать не могут.

Аниме: Gatari series
Музыка: Besomorph - Monster

the moon looks esthetic

Comments: 32 |  Rating: 3.813.81
Author: David Heli

SIN 30.10.2020

Сategory: OverSync

Война, война никогда не меняется.
Идея клипа возникла 8 лет назад, когда только начинал заниматься мейкингом,но тогда не было не знаний, не навыков, чтобы реализовать задуманной должным образам. То, что вы сейчас посмотрите, является ремейком старой работы.
Интерпретацию клипа оставлю зрителям,а я получил огромное удовольствие снова взяться за старый проект.
Отдельное спасибо SWS'у за бета-тест.

Аниме: The Animatrix
Музыка: Sarah Ravenscroft - What's The World Come To


Comments: 14 |  Rating: 4.104.10
Author: GutZ

Couple of Damned 25.10.2020

Category: OverSync

Я долго искал исходник лучшего качества на Puppet Princess - Movie но хрен там лысого, не нашёл.
Лазил по всем сайтам ( сами знаете каким) - но кроме 700 мегоф там не-дают а на не которых и во все = нет.
Ну что-ж поделаешь - пришлось рендерить в таком формате.
По поводу бледа ( да, да - Risen404 знаю, знаю) я её и кодил и перекодил и вырубал и так и этак.
Предлагал печеньку. Водил в кино.
Но она там по чему то = влитая и паршивка - не исчезает.
Ну ладно, пусть будет хоть в таком виде - на ваше обозрение.
Лучший клип - по выносу мозга автору. Лучший блединг года.

Аниме: Puppet Princess - Movie
Музыка: Tyler Bates - Plastic Heart

Couple of Damned

Comments: 36 |  Rating: 3.973.97
Author: Darksss 73

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