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Light Years 26.06.2024

The speakers blasted an ambient composition laced with ethereal melodies weaving a tapestry of sound that seemed to lift the very air. The audience entranced, drawn into the ebb and flow of tunes that hinted at distant lands and limitless possibilities.

A radiant glow illuminated the stage, casting waves of shimmering light across the audience in hues of purple and blue, witness of a moment unlike any other as the travelers emerged from the gateway. The music resonating with their elemental essences, merging with the electronic beats, a bridge between two worlds light years apart, the harmonious convergence.

They felt the melodies speaking a universal language—one of harmony and wonder, an enduring power transcending boundaries. The enthralling soundscape was for that brief interlude capable of blending realms together.

Has it really been 8 years since the last AMV? That’s crazy. Well I haven’t been totally inactive during this time since I still managed to create some stuff and a lot of other things have happened also. Have I still got my flow? This is probably not what you were expecting, nothing really fancy or ground breaking but this project contains a lot of moving parts and is technically several levels above my previous productions even though most of the required micro adjustments are mostly invisible in the final product. I won’t bore you with the details. I really haven’t been keeping in touch with the new generation of AMV people so it’s hard for me to tell if this is still considered triple A production but in my own world this is a significant achievement. And yes I’m calling it AMV, sue me.

The original plan was to make something quick and easy but I ended up making something a bit more sophisticated and special in celebration of 20 years since my first AMV was released on the 31th of May 2004.

I was beginning to get serious about AI tools and started experimenting with rotoscoping tools and Genshin Impact trailers. The direct output was less than ideal but served as good basic draft to confirm the compositing and timing. It then required lengthy and laborious manual adjustments both in positive and negative masks, at 60 fps of course. It probably was overkill but I wanted to see how far I could push it. I’m really not sure that the AI rotoscoping ended up saving me a lot of time as the character and costume design in Genshin is so intricate with overloaded backgrounds making the AI very confused at times. Some sequences required up to 10 hours of work to get things right, a sort of brain-dead job that I could focus on while listening to podcasts or re-watching old series, a great escape from real life problems actually.

The title “Light Years” is the English translation of Lichtjahre which also reflects my idea of 2 worlds separated by space and time.

The highlight regarding editing was trying to mimic the excellent transitions found in Genshin Impact trailers. Some transitions required 2 or 3 evenings to get perfect but I was pleased to occasionally get this special feeling when I throw something on the timeline and see it magically work. I took every new idea as a challenge of some sort and it ended up working better that expected almost every time.

In the end it took me over a year to complete this project however I wasn’t able to work on it every week. Sure, the quality has increased but It’s interesting that even though I never had this much free time before in my life, it still takes this long to complete a video. See you guys in 2032 for the next Nostromo AMV.

Аниме: Genshin Impact (Game), LIVE VIDEO (Schiller live performance)
Музыка: Schiller & Giorgio Moroder – Lichtjahre

Light Years

Comments: 19 |  Rating: 3.923.92
Author: Nostromo

Stardust 07.05.2024

Мы все из звездной пыли, из миллиардов лет... (с)

Аниме: Honkai: Star Rail
Музыка: Galantis - Gold dust (Illenium remix)


Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.603.60
Author: Death_Kn1ght

Starry Eyed 02.05.2024

I made this video as my own little tribute to the game to celebrate the one year anniversary of the global launch.
I wanted to capture a certain essence and atmosphere I saw from it throughout my time playing it, based on a mix of the flashy and emotional moments throughout the gameplay and story/trailers.
This video was also heavily inspired by Shades Of by Leberate
Special thanks to Alderwick for the poster

Аниме: Honkai: Star Rail
Музыка: Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (SubVibe Bootleg Remix)

Starry Eyed

Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.443.44
Author: Elixir

Cyber Warfare 17.03.2024

Спасибо админам за кнопку удалить публикацию - смог поднять качество и перезалить клип в конечном итоге.
Косяки теперь стало еще лучше видно))
В общем плане практически никаких изменений клип не потерпел...

Всем доброго времени суток и это мой клип на конкурс. Буду рад любым комментариям.
Клип на корейскую игру, где большинство катсцен или мувиков сопровождается нагромождением титр по краям,
либо идут в корейском разрешении с сотношением сторон 21 на 9 - поэтому я пришел к такому выводу,
что именно в таком разрешении буду делать.
Смысловой нагрузки здесь довольно мало, но минимальный концепт присутствует, который без знаний событий и ивентов
игры довольно сложно понять, собственно говоря он и дублирует игру. Играть не советую - очередная средненькая гача.
Приятного просмотра и енджой, если вам такое нравится естественно)) Что не нравится пишите тоже - буду стараться исправлять :D

Аниме: Godess of Vicotry: Nikke
Музыка: Shadow Cliq - Cyber Warfare, The SilverBlack - Prototype

Cyber Warfare

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.603.60
Author: EmptySkyForm

Masters Of The Craft 15.03.2024

Just a celebration of the awesome animation in the videogame DAVE THE DIVER. This won the "Omakase"-Award (Coordinator Choice) at the RICE 2024 online video contest. I had a total of 24 minutes of cutscenes to work with. There just were no clips for proper character introduction and stuff. Just sit back and enjoy the crazy show.

(translated with DeepL):
Просто празднование потрясающей анимации в видеоигре DAVE THE DIVER. У меня было в общей сложности 24 минуты сцен для работы. Просто не было роликов для правильного представления персонажей и прочего. Просто откиньтесь на спинку кресла и наслаждайтесь сумасшедшим шоу.

Музыка: Battle Tapes - Weight of the World
Награды: RICE 2024 - Omakase (Coordinator's Choice)

Masters Of The Craft

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.573.57
Author: Bauzi

My Vision 17.10.2023

Данный клип не участвует в номинации "Лучшее использование ИИ".

Cпасибо друзьям что дали мне свои аккаунты поиграть в эту заме...
в это "сплошное разочарование". Вообще игра классная, всем советую.
В кругу друзей и родных бывает грустно и одиноко, скучаешь по тому кого с нами больше нет и время ни хрена не лечит эту рану, продолжаешь двигаться дальше, улыбаться и веселится, но иногда вспоминаешь её улыбку, её голос.. и...

Аниме: Honkai: Star Rail
Музыка: Hidden Citizens - Immortalized (feat. Keeley Bumford)

My Vision

Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Leberate

Anime Music Video 06.06.2023

Клип не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 18 лет.

Продукт анимесодержащий "AMV Клип" "Anime Music Video" идентичный натуральному полностью соответствует обновлённому регламенту БК по ТУ, БУ, УГ, ЕГ и прочим характеристикам.
Нажимая кнопку "плей" пользователь подтверждает что осознаёт всё что может быть связано с просмотром анимесодержащего продукта даже в том случае если он не читал обязательное к прочтению описание и/или обновлённые правила БК. А так же соглашается с тем что за все риски связанные с просмотром включая, но не ограничиваясь массовой долей жира в процентах автор ответственности не несёт.

Аниме: GTA 5, Various, GTA 5 Mod, Various, Sound! Euphonium (2-й сезон), BanG Dream 2nd Season, Картинки и Гифки из интернета
Музыка: Silicon Dream - Corleone Speaking

Anime Music Video

Comments: 30 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: SWS

KillStreak 17.05.2023

Here we are with a fast video with Assassin's Creed, another project made for fun with my friend Fobos, it's nothing special but I hope you'll enjoy it. Thank you for watching ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ play these games if you didn't especially the 2nd ;D

Аниме: Assassin's Creed
Музыка: Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto Theme「Bleach TYBW Episode 5 OST」Epic Orchestral


Comments: 4 |  Rating: 3.193.19
Author: TakeshiAMV, Fobos

Infinity's End 13.05.2023

My entry for Big Contest 2023.
Initially this was supposed to be my video for ENP IC this year, but at the time i couldn't manage to finish it in time. I got about 1 minute done and i didn't want to drop the video, that's when big contest was a nice lil extra motivation to finish the rest of this.

Special thanks to: mayiium, xKouhai, ZoidAMV.

Made for Big Contest 2023 (

Hope you enjoy it.

Аниме: FF7 Remake, Crisis Core Reunion, Advent Children
Музыка: Caskets-Glass Heart

Infinity's End

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.673.67
Author: KuRo

This Guy Are Back 24.04.2023

First things first, no, that's not a typo. It's a little nod to the famous FF7 mistranslation meme :D

Long time no see, Big Con! It's been 9 years since I last participated :') A lot of things have changed since then, but my love for the Final Fantasy series has remained the same. So, this little comeback is also a return to my FF editing roots in a way.

I started this video in April of 2020, when the Remake came out and my hype was so strong that I needed to express it through something. I instantly thought of this song because back in the day it gave me (and pretty much everyone else) the same feeling of excitement, of being hyped up for a big adventure and the return of beloved characters from a beloved universe. Of course, life intervened and I finished it 3 years later, but I am still happy I did. And I guess it's a nice coincidence that both the FF7 Remake and Naruto (the original) are celebrating anniversaries this year, so you can say the video turned out to be symbolic in all aspects. Thanks to all my friendowos for cheering me up and kicking my butt all this time. Now I can rest in peace and get hyped for the upcoming release of FF16, FF7 Rebirth and other goodness~ Hope you enjoy the video.

As a certain blond spiky-haired individual once put it so poetically: "Alright everyone, let's mosey."


Примечание: "опечатка" в названии - это маленькая отсылка к одному очень известному мему по оригинальной игре :D

Давно не виделись, БК! Последний раз я участвовала 9 лет назад, как летит время :') Многое успело произойти и поменяться, но моя любовь к Final Fantasy осталась прежней, так что это видео - мое возвращение к своим истокам FF-клипов.

Начала работаь над видео в апреле 2020-го, когда вышел римейк седьмой финалки и мне нужно было как-то выразить весь тот хайп, который меня обуревал. Сразу же выбрала эту песню, потому что она в свое время будила во мне (и, я уверена, во многих других) те же восторженные ощущения - когда стоишь на пороге большого приключения и возвращения с любимыми героями в уже знакомую уютную вселенную. В общем, начинала тогда, а закончила только сейчас, ну да ладно. Зато в этом году Римейк и Наруто (первый) отмечают юбилеи, так что можно сказать, что очень даже символично получилось по всем фронтам. Спасибо друзьям и состудийцам за поддержку и пинки под зад. Теперь могу отдохнуть и начать хайповать по FF16, второй части римейка и всему остальному. Приятного просмотра :)

Аниме: Final Fantasy VII Remake
Музыка: Nobodyknows+ - Hero's Come Back!!

This Guy Are Back

Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.513.51
Author: Iren S.S.

APEXX 21.04.2023

После не совсем длительного перерыва потихоньку возвращается желание что-либо делать.
Решил начать с игр и впервые попробовать себя в Big Contest, а для этого нужно было наконец-то зарегистрироваться.
Ни на что не надеюсь и не ожидаю. Поэтому,
Приятного просмотра!

Аниме: Apex Legends
Музыка: Chroma Music- Digital (2022 Dark Action Aggressive Hard-Hitting Battle)


Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.553.55
Author: D0SKA

Loneliness 16.04.2023

I have recently played this game and I loved it even though it's very hard to complete, throughout the game I could feel a sense of loneliness around that dark fantasy setting and particular story, so this is the reason behind the title of the video, thanks for your time.

No mind to think.
No will to break.
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.
You are the Hollow Knight.

Аниме: Hollow Knight
Музыка: Michael Ortega - Last Goodbye (Sad Piano)


Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.343.34
Author: TakeshiAMV

Eorzea 14.04.2023

10 years ago, I made my first AMV to this song. To celebrate that editing milestone, I decided to edit it again, this time with a more fitting source and better editing. It's also my first time editing with game footage (if i don't count cinematics), so I think that's even more fitting c:

Аниме: Final Fantasy XIV
Музыка: Globus - Europa


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.323.32
Author: Scara

Ashen Leaves 12.04.2023

A passion project of mine, which I wanted to make in tribute of my favorite game series and the unique experience it gave me.
All of the footage is filmed by me in game, for non cutscenes special free camera tools were used to capture in game shots.

Аниме: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring
Музыка: Blueneck - Pneumothorax
Награды: 5 место в общем зачете, Лучший GMV на конкурсе AMVNews: Big Contest 2023

Ashen Leaves

Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.683.68
Author: Charios

Supersonic 19.03.2023

My first time editing with video game footage. I absolutely loved Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown and wanted to do it justice in the form of a music video. The game has all these really great-looking cinematics, along with the ability to customize and dramatize playback of in-game mission replays, so there's a lot of great gameplay footage in here as well which was fun to work with. (Side-note: all the footage you see here was taken from the Ace Combat 7 Movie cut on YouTube.)

This was entered in the BentoVid Discord server RICE contest, and won Coordinator's Choice! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it!

Аниме: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Музыка: Skrillex - "Supersonic (My Existence) [feat. Noisia, josh pan, and Dylan Brady]"
Награды: RICE 2023 - Coordinator's Choice


Comments: 1 |  Rating: 3.173.17
Author: CrackTheSky

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