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Hana 10.12.2016

Клип обыкновенный. Породы гладкошерстной. Не линяет. Не сбрасывает шерсть.
Питается исключительно шоколадной продукцией. В меру успитанный. Не требует ухода и выгуливания. При обнаружении врага громко и шумно убегает. Сьедобен. Созревает в период цветения гладиолусов.

Картинка Making of (~4.2 Мб)

Аниме: Www.Working!
Музыка: New Politics – Girl Crush


Comments: 14 |  Rating: 2.972.97
Author: Pushok

Not Alone 10.12.2016

Привет, Ньюз. Я в АМВ-мейкинге еще относительно новичок, но для повышения навыков отдаю свой клип на растерзание профессионалам. Активно приветствуется любая критика.
Концовка выглядит оторванной, да. Но силы воли переделать в себе не нашел, надеюсь это не сильно повлияет на общее впечатление.

Аниме: Sword Art Online
Музыка: Ashes Remain - On My Own

Not Alone

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 2.922.92
Author: Montik

Madoka - United 09.12.2016

Just a Madoka AMV , made by a friend for my request, still unpolished.Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki are regular middle school girls with regular lives, but all that changes when they encounter Kyuubey, a cat-like magical familiar, and Homura Akemi, the new transfer student.Kyuubey offers them a proposition: he will grant one of their wishes and in exchange, they will each become a magical girl, gaining enough power to fulfill their dreams. However Homura, a magical girl herself, urges them not to accept the offer since everything is not what it seems.A story of hope, despair, and friendship, Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica deals with the difficulties of being a magical girl and the price one has to pay to make a dream come true.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Музыка: Our Stolen Theory - United (L.A.O.S Remix)

Madoka - United

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 2.142.14
Author: HibiChika

Revenge 08.12.2016

Yo minna! Today I'm here to show you my SNK solo made in 3 days! I wanted to make it for Enigma's IC but since next week I won't have time, I decided to make it this week-end. So I hope you will enjoy it

Аниме: Shingeki No Kyojin
Музыка: Downplay - The One Who Laughs Last


Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.453.45
Author: Riku'

True Hero 07.12.2016

АМВ моего товарища, который в данный момент не мог его выложит, но очень хотел. Это его первая серьезная работа, так что, конечно же, есть огрехи, но, надеюсь, вам все же сможет хоть капельку понравиться.

Аниме: One Punch Man
Музыка: Pegboard Nerds - Hero ft. Elizaveta (Noireox remix)

True Hero

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.253.25
Author: Veevate

Prime 05.12.2016

Комментарий автора: So. I'm really into this show. The storytelling, pacing and emotional development are just fantastic. (Also I am a big nerd for any sports that are played on ice). We're only at episode 7, so I wanted to make an AMV that captured the arc that we've had so far. From here I'm just hoping it doesn't break my heart!!
I made this in a sudden flurry of inspiration - this series is so good (so far), with really fantastic emotional development and characters & not to mention being super gorgeously animated. I can’t remember being quite so excited for a show, and also desperately crossing my fingers hoping that it continues to not let me down.

Аниме: Yuri!! On Ice
Музыка: Allie X - Prime


Comments: 22 |  Rating: 3.223.22
Author: Allegoriest

Game Over 04.12.2016

Well, after a month of trying, finally finished this AMV, and niggard, after: Lack of Time, Vestibular, 17 hours of rendering, until you repost it, it is ready. I dedicate this AMV to Thales who loves this anime (and me too) that would be his "birthday gift".
Bem, depois de um mês tentando, finalmente terminado esse AMV, e caraca, depois de: Falta de Tempo, Vestibular, 17 horas de render, até que o repostá-lo, ele está pronto. Dedico esse AMV ao Thales que adora esse anime (e eu também) que seria seu "presente de aniversário".

Аниме: D-Frag
Музыка: Undertale - Megalovania (Lyrical Metal Version)

[AMV] - Game Over

Comments: 4 |  Rating: 3.103.10
Author: CMProductionsBR

青春无限!属于你我的音乐时光 04.12.2016

关于青梅的两个女孩组乐队的故事,一个从小学习乐器,一个长大后才开始学,最后都在自己的圈子内开了演唱会的故事。看sbr的时候就产生的脑洞,轻音和sbr很搭配的呀~还用了AB里面的乐队画面!感谢30天带你乐器入门的Finger App提供练习画面!!BGM:good time 提前祝大家中秋快乐~

Аниме: K-ON, Angel Beats
Музыка: Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good time


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.213.21
Author: 呜喵王

BioHazard Butterfly 03.12.2016

I started working on this AMV about a year ago but never gotten around to finishing it. Its based on a tough subject, one I never thought about editing to but after watching Ef and Mardock Scramble and finding this song by Princess Nokia I felt like I needed to. TW if needed, for sexual assault. The AMV shows what 4 different girls went through. I am working on a follow up AMV that won't be so depressing that will show a story of resilience. Also please give my feedback, critiques, etc I need them!

Аниме: Ef a Tale of Melodies, Ef a Tale of Memories, Mardock Scramble, Lupin the Third Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna, Sankarea, Coppelion
Музыка: Princess Nokia - Biohazard Butterfly

BioHazard Butterfly [TW]

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.542.54

Jusqu'au Bout 03.12.2016

Комментарий автора: Petit nouveau clip. Tout commence lors de la sortie du dernier film Rocky sur le fiston à Creed. J'ai clairement kiffé la BO du film et moi qui ait toujours voulu clipper Ippo j'étais obligé de relever ce challenge. Beaucoup savent que j'aime bien le rap et depuis l'époque de dailymotion j'avais envie d'un jour clipper un son rap donc voilà c'est fait. Ça va faire un bon moment que j'ai mis ce projet de côté pour pas mal de raisons et j'ai décidé de le finir récemment. Vraiment rien de bien ouf, c'est juste un kiffe personnel avant d'être un projet ambitieux.
J'ai essayé de vraiment suivre les paroles le plus possible et pour une première écoute ce sera compliqué de tout comprendre alors je laisse les paroles au cas où pour les intéressés.

Аниме: Hajime No Ippo
Музыка: S-Crew - Jusqu'au Bout

Jusqu'au Bout

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.413.41
Author: Akuzo

Sugar Lips 02.12.2016

It's a warm afternoon I remembered,I cut some videos, drink some coffee, and listen to some music.
I think if I can pass some happy to you,life will be more perfect.
So I make this AMV.
It's simple and not very long,but I put some sweet love and happiness into it, you could feel them when you see it.
That's all,maybe someone makes a complex AMV,and you have to consider what the author really wants to express in it.
I don't wanna do it,at least in this time,I just want you to feel relaxing and love from your heart.

Аниме: Love Executive Committee
Музыка: Sugar Lips - Lyric Everly

Sugar Lips

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 2.852.85
Author: SF-AMV

Immortal 01.12.2016

A drama/action Fate/Zero AMV focusing in part on Saber. Really enjoy this song and instantly thought of this show when I heard it. Kinda up to your interpretation, but the overall theme is the dark side to immortality for the Fate characters and how Saber is kept in her cycle through the Fate series.

Аниме: Fate/Zero
Музыка: J2 & Chroma Music - Immortal


Comments: 4 |  Rating: 2.562.56

Psychosis 30.11.2016

Комментарий автора: gaiz!!! I made a thing!! :D haha I started this, probably, 2 years ago now & it was about half finished when I decided to drop it at that time. But a week or so ago I decided to finish it up. I know it's kind of an odd pairing, but for some reason I wasn't able to edit the song with any of the other sources I attempted it with x__x I rushed a couple parts, cause I was tired and wanted this DONE, but I think it's fairly decent overall. So well, I hope u like this crazeh shizz XDD

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Музыка: Anberlin - Reclusion


Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.683.68
Author: BeautyxPain102

坚守你的信念 29.11.2016

感觉我自己要学的东西还有很多,我也坚信自己能做好MAD~嗯!(以下为凑字数的~)还以为是200字的上限呢!原来最少是200字。水水水~还有65个字~加油!加油~加油~ 像我这么水会不会不给我过审呢!审核大大你可真帅呀!(咳咳~ 差不多就要水完了。最后就用这13各字来结尾吧!

Аниме: One Punch Man


Comments: 4 |  Rating: 2.562.56
Author: BeanJelly

Limit Break 28.11.2016

My amv for EU tournament and yaa i won xD Well just want to post it here ~ ...

Аниме: Sword Art Online , Sword Art Online ii , Shingeki no Kyojin
Музыка: Girugamesh - Limit Break
Награды: EquinoxUnit - Tourney - 1st Place

Limit Break

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.333.33
Author: Squardz

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